Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 37
YORK (York Co.) Motorists observed wearing seat belts were rewarded with free evergreen tree seedlings at nine interstate wel come centers along interstate highways in Pennsylvania recent ly- The unique seat belt incentive program, which ran from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., was jointly sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Pennsylvania Depart ment of Transportation (Penn- DOT), and the Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Associa tion. State Police officers positioned themselves at PennDOT Welcome Center entrance ramps and ob served motorists who were wear ing seat belts. Vouchers were pre sented to motorists who were wearing seat belts. The vouchers were then redeemable for a Christ mas tree seedling inside the wel come center. The Christmas Tree Growers Association donated approximate ly 8,000 seedlings for the pro gram. “The evidence is clear and irre futable,” said Deputy State Police Commissioner Robert C. Hickes at a news conference at a welcome center near York. “Seat belts save lives. Federal studies have con cluded that seat belt use reduces the possibility of highway death and injury by half.” State Agriculture Secretary Boyd E. Wolff said the incentive program not only helped reinforce the important message on seat belt use, but also showcased Pennsyl vania’s Christmas tree growing in dustry. “Pennsylvania is a home to 42 million Christmas pees growing on 44,000 acres,” Wolff said. “The state’s tree industry provides 10,000 jobs and brings in about flffflSjffft RTltfCl Aim ATTriFQQ '4t >jr /, Take ’em Down! We Will Assemble & Deliver Bins To Your Farm agn systems Northeast Tree Seedlings For Seat Belt Use $25 million annually in revenue. Pennsylvania is the fifth largest producer of Christmas trees in the nation.” William R. Moyer, state deputy secretary for Highway Adminis tration, said PennDOT was “pleased to use the welcome cen ters as an opportunity to highlight the importance of seat belt use and to encourage motorists to drive safely in Pennsylvania.” Others attending the news con ference here were Peter Abrac zinskas. President of the Christ mas Tree Growers Association, and Queen Evergreen Lori Irvin of Homer City, Indiana County. Evergreen tree seedlings were handed out at the following wel come centers: 1-70 in Fulton County, 1-76 in Fulton County (Sideling Hill), 1-78 in Northamp ton County, 1-79 in Crawford County, 1-80 in Mercer County, 1-81 in Franklin County, 1-81 in Susquehanna County, 1-83 in York County, and 1-95 in Dela ware County. Seat belt use in Pennsylvania is currently estimated at 68 percent. Limousin Enthusiasts Ready For Junior Show ENGLEWOOD, Colo. The 1994 National Junior Limousin Show and Congress is rapidly ap proaching as Limousin juniors and breed enthusiasts prepare for acti vities July 18-23 in Jackson, Miss. A host of activities is planned for everyone during the week, be ginning with the ever successful and always educational North American Limousin Junior Asso ciation Leadership Conference. The theme of “Creative Problem Solving” will challenge and teach We Stock Truckloads Of Chore-Time Bins & Miles Of Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Utltz, PA 17543 Ph; (717) 569-2702 Bins... Large Or Small Ht»d| '*** Store hours Mon.-Ftl. 7.30 to 4’30 Sat 8 00 to Noon 24 Hr 7 Day Repair Service 1-800-673-2580 * State Agriculture Secretary Boyd E. Wolff participated In a recent promotion at state welcome centers that rewarded motorists wearing their seat belts with a free Christmas tree seedling. Pictured, left to right, Fred Strathmeyer, Jr., Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Growers Association Board Member; Secretary Wolff; Queen Ever green Lori Irvin; Peter Abraczlnskas, president of the Christmas Tree Growers Asso ciation; Deputy State Police Commissioner Robert Hlckes; and William Moyer, de puty secretary for highway administration at the Pennsylvania Department of Trans portation. participants of all ages. What’s more, history will be made as show judges are provided with EPD information for the first time ever in addition to the stand ard performance data. Comple menting the national heifer show will be the bred-and-owned show, with prizes sponsored by the Breeder’s Cup committee, and a steer show. Cattle are not required tocom pete at the show and congress. Juniors can choose events ranging Custom Applications ■ from public speaking and extem poraneous speaking to sales talks and quiz bowls. Points for each contest are added together for the top honors in the Limousin Sweepstakes. Activities for the whole family, in addition to the competitions, will include tours of the Missis- Put ’em Up! «c ' V( M NOW OPEN FEDERALSBURQ, MD. 306 UNIVERBITYAVE. (Forroarly Long Lumbar) 410-754-9434 STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M.- 4P.M. Monday - Friday ijnenur Parmirtg, Slturdly, Ml CUSTOM MADE FEED BINS FOR FARMS FEED MILLS • Made of 13 gauge Steel • All welded seams • Gravity Flow or Auger Free Estimates Also - Steel Roof Trusses for Buildings - Portable Hog Buildings • Bucket Elevators - Grain Augers Distributors - Flow Pipes & Accessories We Sell, Service & Install Ph: 717-345-3724 Fax: 717-345-2294 STOLTZFUS WELDING SHOP Owner - Samuel P. Stoltzfus RD 3. Box 331 Pine Grove, PA 17963 sippi Ag Museum, balloon rides, a “Welcome to Mississippi” dinner with Mary Ann Mobley Collins, and a Limousin beef cook-off sponsored by the Limouselles. For more information on the show and congress or the Limou sin breed, contact the North American Limousin Foundation at (303) 220-1693. Y