Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 33

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    BVD Update, Cattle Restraint
(Continued from Pago A 32)
But there might be cattle
affected because of recent sales.
Sammons said about a month ago,
there was a sale in eastern Lancas
ter County that sold 700 head of
dairy cattle. The cattle went from
Maine to Florida. The next day,
two cows in the herd associated
with that bam broke and 14 hours
later were dead from Type 2 BVD.
Those with closed herds, with a
good vaccination programs and
good biosecurity, shouldn’t have
to worry about contracting BVD.
“A closed herd is till a very good
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way to go." said Sammons. Those
who purchase animals from out-
side have to take extra animal
health precautions.
What concerns veterinarians
throughout the state, in addition to
BVD, are other problems that pro
ducers shouldn’t neglect in their
herds. Shipping fever remains a
problem, as does IBR and lepto.
“If I were a farmer in this area,
I’d certainly have my cows vacci
nated," he said.
Cattle Treatment
Sammons detailed some of the
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recent research conducted at Penn
Slate and other universities on
restraint and treatment facilities
for dairy animals.
For many producers, it is often
difficult to try to round up and
steady animals for treatment. Self
locking headptes in all the heifer
pens is the current recommenda
tion, based on studies that showed
how difficult it often is to chase
animals around pens td get them in
a position to administer to their
health care needs.
“These gates work real well if
the animal catches itself,” said
Sammons. “They don’t work very
good if you’re chasing an animal in
to them, unfortunately.”
Some other findings:
• Animals on pasture
also require headgate
facilities. A comer of
the pasture should be
used to catch the animal
for treatment. Also,
reserving an area of the
pasture to locate a head
gate goes a long way in
saving time and energy.
• A self-locking
headgate system in the
holding area of the
freestall bam is one way
to check each animal
being added to the herd.
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This helps keep the cows healthy
and clean when the veterinarian is
ready to work on them. “If we can
do prevention, that is by far the
biggest way to go,” he said.
• For calving pens, instead of
individual group pens, which take
a lot qf time and work to maneuver
animals into and out of, research
has indicated that group pens can
be used to monitor three or four
pregnant cows at a time, working
with those that need the most
• A new device called a “float
ing downed cow" system literally
floats a cow that has, for instance, a
broken leg, in a tank of water to
make it easier to treat her.
Afterward, Sammons provided
a demonstrations of some of the
currently available modem cattle
handling and restraint systems.
Milking System
Dairy producers face certain
challenges when trying to clean
out a milking pipeline.
Often, it doesn’t get cleaned
properly. That can be blamed on
circulation failure in one form or
another, according to Dr. Doug
Reinemann, assistant professor of
ag engineering. University of Wis
Reinemann said that for pipe
lines. a variety of factors can influ
ence good cleanout. They include
air bleeds, improper vacuum,
improper injection time, and
others that prevent the inner pipe
from getting clean.
The key is to get a good-sized
cleaning “slug” of water through
the system, and testing the entire
system for proper slug form and
Many times, too much vacuum
pressure can destroy the slug, and
areas of the pipe don’t get clean.
Or, if pressure is not timed proper
ly or inadequate, often parts of the
slug “wave out,” not allowing
upper portions of the interior pipe
from becoming clean.
“It’s not the air, but the water
that cleans,” Reinemann said.
“The moral of the story is that you
can have too much air. In a three
inch modern system, almost
always, there is too much air. You
need to control air velocity.”
There are ways, such as using
vacuum measurement devices, to
actually “look” at the slug. At the
start of cleaning, the slug can be
monitored to see how it is from
start all the way to the receiver end.
A common problem
for cleaning systems is
often too short of a
cycling time. Also, the
capacity of the milk
pump is often the con
trolling factor on the
formation and consis
tency of the slug.
System design also
has to be carefully
looked at. A way of
cleaning a simple
straight line milkline
system will differ from
double Y or milking
parlor lines. For proper
cleaning, minimize the
use of elbows and other
parts of the line and pro
vide a more perfect
According to Reine
mann, for those who
design piplines, the key
factors include increas
ing slope near receiver,
work with slope to
minimize length of run,
and minimize fittings
and obstructions.
Reinemann provided
a demonstration in prop
erly “tuning” a milk
cleaning system check
at the expo.
Other demonstrations
included information on
baited fly traps by Dr.
Charles Pitts, Penn
State, and a demonstra
tion of a cattle electric
walk-through fly trap
for the control of face,
stable, and hom flies by
Bob Bassler, manager,
Clarksville facility,
University of Maryland.
The walk-through facil
ity brushes off flies,
which are then termi
nated on sideline electri
cal arc wires.
Other speakers
included Dr. Howard
Person, Michigan State
University, on building
design for rodent and
bird control, and tools
for financial planning,
provided by Dr. David
Kohl, Virginia Tech and
Gary Snider, Farm Cre
dit of W. New York.
Tours to Hershey
Brothers Dairy and Far
mer Boy Ag were also