Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 29
How Dpes Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) These data are calculated using information pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-week summary representing approximately one fourth of the herds on test, as they arc tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from about one-fourth of the herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 6/26/94 and 7/3/94 Number of Herds Processed Number of Cows Processed Number of Cows Per Herd Milk Per Cow (Lbs) %-Fat Fat Per Cow (Lbs) %-Protein Protein Per Cow (Lbs) Average Days in Milk Per Cow ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) VENTILATION & COOLING HEADQUARTERS Serving The Industry Over 30 Years SUSPENSION MOUNT CIRCULATORS f High -volume circulators with totally enclosed motors. I (2 Speed Also Available) Reg. $189.99 Under (4) • $149.99 SUPPER SALE PRICE $139.99 ea. (4) w yCANARM AGRICULTURAL FANS Belt Drive Fan with energy - saver motor, galvanized housing SPECIAL - 36" Fan - $219.99 ALSO: Dayton Fans - 36" 229.99»48" 369.99 Buy Now And Save! “ y All Sizes Listed Can Be Sold UPS GALVANIZED SIZE SINGLE SPEED VARIABLE SPEED 12" 720130 $93.99 79044 ! >109.99 16“ 790131 ... $134.99 790136 11l 69.99 20" 790132... $154.99 790137 11189.99 24“ 790133... $229.99 790138 $259.99 Cooling Systems For Your Livestock Needs Available with or without Automatic Controller NORWESCO POLY STORAGE TANKS • A Quality Product at a Fair Price ____ • 3 Year Warranty • Vertical Tanks - Sizes From 65 Gal. - 5000 Gal. ■Ukin * • Horizontal Tanks - Sizes From 20 Gal. - 1000 Gal. 475 5199.00 1500 Gal $429.00 550 Gal $259.00 2100 Gal $729.00 ★Full Lin# P#rt# Dapt.* Rt. 272 South - - ★Sail, Strvic# & Install* 14 Herrvilie Road mSmi iM^ • - Willow Street, PA 17584 hSXSZ Ph. 717-464-3321 or AA ' Toll Free 800-732-0053 ~~"~ r Shipping Point Store Hours: Mon.-Sat 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM mmM 7-16 • • KEEP YOUR ANIIV UCSO4B Droplet Emitter UCSOSSQ ,^Mister UCS23 UCS64' 360* Sprinkler /h / ' 180* Sprinkler :.v t 04S 59.060 62.4 18,651 3.68 687 3.19 596 318 13.27 Heavy Duty 1/3 HP Motor or more imummii.iiiiii iiiiiiiii;i>iiiii ItMMHllltimiUlllllMlM.'ril iM.iMimi miiMiimiiiMii niniimimn MMimmiiiimnniMMiiimiii iimimniiiniMiHHmiimir iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'"'iiiiiiniitl mmmiiMini": iiin.'iimni 1 iiMiiiiiii""‘i.-i.miiiMi: ,| in iMimirnminH, ninmiiiii' MiiiMMiimn.i i>;mnmm irnimniM mill iiimimii n hi. iimm.m iu'k* ii niiinii'i ii iniriMmiiimfiiniiHii'Miii mini <imiimiiiiiiiip:mmi mmiiii.: , >nimiii , :.nmnin ’ C00L... •Value for CWT Grain(s) ♦Value for CWT Hay(s) •Value for CWT Silagc(s) •Value for Pasture Per Day(s) ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) •Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Year(Lbs) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Day Pasture •Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D; Pasture •Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) •Income Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) 1,553 •Grain to Milk Ratio 1:2 5 •Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) 4.94 Avg Level For 908 SCC Herds 404,639 ‘MMBfer'ttMnittf fltum • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY 1 Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL'S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 32 Years Experience INSURED CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADII Barn Spraying 1$ Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 8.02 4.27 1.52 .27 2,475 7,299 2.113 15,086 54 586 90 230 15 922 BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE H COMPRESSED AIR iave your bun cleaned with air it will off dust, cob webi & loti of the old ime. This will keep your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer. DISPATCHED TRUCKS Lancaster Firming, Saturday, July 16, 1994-A29 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s this week's average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Com, No. 2y - 2.96 bu. 5.30 cwL Wheat, No. 2 - 3.08 'bu. 5.14 cwL Barley, No. 3-1.77 bu. 3.78 cwL Oats, No. 2 -1.58 bu. 4.93 cwt Soybeans, No. 1 -6.40 bu. 10.68 cwt Ear Com 79.95 ton 4.00 cwL Alfalfa Hay - 90.50 ton 4.5 cwu Mixed Hay - 92.50 ton 4.6 cwu Timothy Hay - 91.25 ton 4.56 cwu Pasture Session Set JWffE C BLOOMSBURG (Columbia Co.) Penn State’s multi county extension unit in the central Susquehan na Valley area has sche duled the next set of pasture discussion group meetings for dairy and livestock pro ducers. The pasture discus sion group meetings are for people interested in improving or intensify ing their grazing man agement. The meetings are held on area farms utilizing intensive graz ing programs. Discus sion centers on grazing management strategies, successes, and prob lems. The next dairy pas ture session will be on Friday, July 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at the farm of Mark Mapes near New Berlin in Union County. The Mapes’ use a combination of grazing and conven tional feeding technolo gy. Cows graze per manent pasture and re growth on hay fields. Cows are also fed a TMR. The farm is just west of New Berlin on Rt. 304. The next livestock pasture session will be on Wednesday, August 3 from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. at the DeHart farm near Milton. This is a beef and sheep operation with 100 head of cattle and 600 ewes. The pas ture program consists of intensively managed permanent pasture and annua! crops such as turnips, peas, and triti cale grown for pasture and storage forage. From Rt. 147 take Rt. 642 east a short distance and turn left onto Mexi co Road and follow for 'A mile. The farm has a black fence and a stone entrance. For more informa tion, call Dave Hartman at the Columbia County Extension Office, (717) 784-6660.