KELLY POWER MARK L/S RADIAL II Radial performance at a significantly lower price. $0 Jt 15.5R38* VI No Trade Needed New cavity shape for low carcass stress and long, narrow footprint. • Belt package gives excellent bruise and puncture resistance. FARM UTILITY WAGON TIRES SIZE PLY PRICE 95L14 ' 8 PIyTT *47°° 7.60x15 6 PIyTT *44*° 95L15 8 PIyTT *4B 00 11L15 8 PIyTT *49" 125L15 8 PIyTT <6s°° -Unique Bill board van! appearance -Higher cranking than conventional battariea •Dependable performance "***•■ to w mo * t in ail weather eondltiona «nd Import cara and light trueka . QUALITY om*h of Pennsylvania Farm Bureau * DEPENDABILITY •SERVICE • ECONOMY CALL 1-800-PFB-TIRE For Dealer Nearest You Long Bar/Short Bar Lug Design for Improved Drawbar Pull, Smoother Ride 11.2-28 12.4- 13.6-28 15.5- 18.4- 18.4- *47. 00 5-24 650 CA BAFEMARK KELLY FRONT TRACTOR TIRES SEE BX price 95L-15 8 Ply/TT s 7&°° 11L-15 8 Ply/TT *93°° 7.50x16 6 Ply/TT *69°° 10.00x16 8 Ply/TT *91 00 11.00x16 8 Ply/TT *lO5 00 SAFEMMRK MULTI-ANGLE LB/SB • Multi-Angle Lugs for Excellent Traction • Full Size for Dual Mating with O.C. Tires • Heavy Duty Rim Shield PLY 4 Ply 4 Ply 4 Ply 6 Ply 6 Ply 8 Ply FC-30H 665 CA *66.°° 4-RIB PRICE <ls7°° *ls9°° *l78 00 *2B4 00 *3s9°° *46o°° -Rugged high Impact ease and cover for vibration raalatanca -Increased starting power -Built to last sssson after season •Made In USA I A4awa 1 Mar-Bar Tlra Sarvlea Hanovar, M 17331 (717) 3334412 Blglarvllla Tin ft Auto Blglarvllla, PA 17307 (717) 077-S3M i ■* 1 Aka’aHobDaSatviea Wllllamaburg.PAlMU (•14) •32-3251 RhodM Farm Supply Wllllamaburg, PA 10003 (■l4) *32-24t1 I BracHord\BuHivan | Hlatand's Farm ft HomaSarvtca RomaPAIU37 j Bradtord | laaae’aTlnSalaa Canton, PA 17724 (717) (734121 I Camn I Dudda ft Qrlab Cantra Hall, PA IM2S (•14) 304-1421 I ChaaiarAldawan I Enflald Equlpmant Inc Oxford, FA ItNO (•10)S32<WM JftLTlra Sarvtca Chatham,PA i*3i« (010) 0004450 8.0. Lmrii 8 Son* WMQww,MIHH (810) 0884214 SloHzhia Farm Service CoehranviHa, PA18390 (810)8884407/2400 I Clinton j Oottarar Equipment, Inc. Mill Hall, PA17781 (717) 7284471 | Columbia ~| Stava Shannon Tlia Co., Inc. Bloomaburg, PA 17815 (800) 343-TIRE lira Co., Inc. Rta. 487, Banton, PA 17814 (717)8254821 I Cumberland ~l Barrlcfc Ufa Salaa Nawvllla, PA 17241 (717)7784702 I Dauphin 1 Farr Family lira Middletown, PA 17057 (717)844-4001 I Wo I Mlka’a Auto Repair North Eaat, PA 1*420 (•14)72540*1 | Franklin | Forrester Farm Equip., LTD Chambaraburg.PA 17201 (717)203-0705 Stonaham'a Waynaaooro, FA 17200 (717) 702-3014 Brueaß. Gambia A Bona Concord, PA 17217 (717)340-2070 I Fulton 1 Clugaton Farm Equipment Naadmora, FA 17230 (717) 573-2215 • i *' I Oraana 1 Waynaaburg,PA 15370 (411) 027-0203 I Lancaatar j Lada Tin Sarvloa Lada, PA 17«40 EHzabathtown, PA 17022 Rhoadatar* Ratraadlng Quarryvllla, PA 17SM (717)7M-217« | Lebanon | AmtlnCorp. Palmyra, PA 1 TOTS (717)535-S4SI (717) 744-2371 Farr Family Tin Palmyra, PA 1707 S (717) «3S-0151 Lebanon Vallay Implamant Co., Inc. Richland, PA 17057 CZSEZ□ Karmlt K. KlaUar Lynnport, PA ISOU (•10) 200-2011 Joa'a Battary ft Tin Allanloiwn, PA 1(103 (810) 437-4881 MKIIIn Mlllar-Laka, Inc. BdlavlHa. PA 17004 (717)8364335 nil 'i iliYii'jifc'itJ Northampton farm Bureau Tatamy, PA 18085 (810) 7884284 RovaMMa Supply Wataontown, PA 17777 (717)5304521 (717) 742-7521 | Schuyklll | Charlea Snyder, Inc. Tamaqua, PA 18252 (717)3884845 Stava Shannon I Somaraat Mapla City Hra Mayaradala, PA ISSS2 (814)634-0545 I Union 1 Allan Hoovar Repair Mlffleburg, PA 17844 (717)8884821 Mlfflinburg Farm Supply, Inc. Mmunburg, PA 17844 (717)8864114/3115 | Washington Canonaburg Supply Equipment Co., Inc. Canonaburg, PA 15317 (412) 740-2500 Plaaaant Ml lira Supply Plaaaant Mi, PA (717)440-2064 J. Roberta 5 Son Tire Co. Maahoppan, PA 10530 (717)033-5502 Corn Hill Farm, Inc. Ettara, PA 17310 (717) 030-2012 I NEW JERSEY I Farmar’a Brokerage A Supply, Inc. Allentown, NJ 00501 (000)250-7324 .jtS *«'• BumaTlra Sarviea (717) US-2574 Maaalch Farm Equip., Inc. (717) 357-1310 (717) MO-7BIS
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