Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 25
National Holstein Assn. Changes Name EVERETT NEWSW ANGER Managing Editor SEATTLE, Wa.—The 109th national Holstein convention held in the Wes tin Hotel last week ran quite smoothly this year, according to James Yanizyn, manager of public relations. All those running for office on the board and those running for re-election ran unop posed. And delegates voted to change the name of the national association from Holstein Friesian Association of America to Hols tein U.S.A., Inc. John Selz of Wisconsin was re elected president, and John Cope from Pennsylvania was re-elected vice president. Ron Wood from Pennsylvania was seated on the board, replacing Tom Kelly, who finished an eight-year term. The national Holstein sale had an average of $9,115 that included a $50,000 fop price for the first choice Jed male from McHart Kismct-ET, a 2E-91 Bova with PTA plus 117 P. Universal Gene tics. Alberta, Canada, purchased the consignment from Clover Mist Farms. Inc., Manitowoc, WI. The second high price came on a VG Southwind consigned by Lylehaven, East Montpelier, VT. Harley Man, New Brunswick, Canada, purchased her for $47,000. Prior to the sale, I.SOO people enjoyed a 4th of July salmon bar becue picnic on the beautifully landscaped Carnation grounds and gardens. Tours of Carnation Milk Farms were also on the agenda. Both the senior and the junior dairy bowl teams from Pennsylva nia placed second to New England teams in a contest that was described as one of the strongest in years. The senior division had IS, and the junior division had 16 KEYSTONE NATIONAL RIB COOKOFF & MUSIC FEST teams. The first place senior team from New England included: Dan Bar nes, Jeremy Michand, Jen Belter and Betsy Briggs. Their junior team members are: Sarah Belter, Kail Hartshorn and Kate and Viv ian Briggs. The Pennsylvania senior team from Lebanon County are Steve Bollinger, Karen Lentz. Jeff Hos tetler, and Jen Beshore. The junior team from Berks County are: Melissa Wenley, Erica Davis and Michael and Jennifer Neiman. Six national distinguished junior members were honored at the awards luncheon during the national junior convention. They are: Chris Booth, Cuba City, Wis consin; Betsy Briggs, Turner, Maine; Renee Nugent, Lowell, Michigan; Jason Pullis, Richfield Springs. New York; Thad Stur geon, Fombell, Pensylvania and Matt Syme, South Windsor, Connecticut. Steve Kerr, executive secretary, recounted the accomplishments of the association for the year. Kerr said they continue to focus on the basic mission to provide products and services to those in die dairy industry who need management information for better breeding and marketing of Holstein cattle. TTiesc core services include identifica tion, type evaluation, management information and genetics marketing. “We have begun to diversify how we package and deliver those products and services to ensure that they meet your particular needs,” Kerr said. “As our recent market ing slogan for the new classifica tion participation options noted, ‘one size doesn’t fit all.’” “We continue our strategy to reduce our costs in order to remain KEYSTONE NATIONAL RIB COOKOFF & MUSIC FEST RIBS • MUSIC • FUN This ad sponsored by LEIDY’S PACKING CO. Th« member* of the Lancaster County Holstein Association hear how John Bom gardner placed the classes at the field day Thursday. (Continued from Pago At ) Ken Raney, Pennsylvania Hols ation’s name was changed to Holstein Assn., said they have an order tein U.S.A, Inc., and membership for short bred heifers to be ready to fees were raised from $lO to $25. ship overseas this fall. The require- He said if members register only ments are within reach of most four calves, they will make up the dairy farmers, andif you haveheif difference. And this way the asso- ers for sale, you should contact the ciation can continue to keep state office, registration fees low. “We are in the cattle moving business,” Raney said. “We also have orders from local breeders, or if you have heifers to sell, call us.” competitive, and we continue to re engineer our processes and techno logies to deliver more timely, customer-friendly products.” Next year, the national Holstein convention will be held in Pitts- Iwrgh, and plans are already being formed by members of the Pen nsylvania Holstein Association. If you have questions, you may call Bill Nichol or Ken Raney at the state office. Phone: (814) 234-0364. JULY 28, 29, 30 & 31 11:00 - 10:00 DAILY $4 ADMISSION PER DAY Thursday, July 28 The Charlie Daniels Band Friday, July 29 Three Dog Night Saturday, July 30 Jefferson Starship Sunday, July 31 Ronnie McDowell & Shucks Enjoy Musical Entertainment All Day Long! Craft Show, Children’s Area, Jackpot Show & More! FREE Parking Lancaster Holstein Field Day Held This Event Sponsored by The PA Livestock Association For more info, call 610-767-5026 uncmir Firming, Saturday, July 16, 1 Fresh Summertime Dairy Savings! Rane Betts from Profiles said the national convention that will be held in Pittsburgh next year is an opportunity for Pennsylvania breeders to meet people from many other parts of the nation. And it’s an opportunity to promote your herd to these people. She recom mended that dairy farmers get involved in this opportunity and plan to attend at least part of the convention. NO bottles, cans, coolers or pets