Farm Bureau President To National Committee ALBANY, N.Y. American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Dean Kleckner has appointed New York Farm Bureau President Charles Wille to a Farm Program Task Force that will guide Farm Bureau through its policy development process tow ard Congressional enactment of 1995 farm program legislation. The task force consists of nine members of the AFBF board of directors. They will be assisted by state Farm Bureau staff and AFBF public policy and governmental relations staff. When asked about the appoint ment, NYFB President Wille said, “I am very honored to have been a Mi nu 3/ nSSS O °*w*° .<9 on Over 7,000 Pennsylvania FFA members will benefit from your participation in the Fore FFA golf tournament. Because of last years overwhelming support for this event, golfing slots will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please complete the form below and return it with your check made payable to The Pennsylvania FFA Foundation to: The Pennsylvania FFA Foundation, Inc. P.O Box 10493 Calder Square, State College, PA 16805. If you have any questions please contact, Kerry M. Hoffman, (814-353-9230). Cut here and return Sponsorship levels available: Please check the appropriate box(s): 3 Grand Champion % a $ 400 • Two greens fees, dinners, and carl • Signs at all par three holes in the contest Hole Sponsors $ 150 • One Reception/Dinncr All sponsors will also receive a sponsor banner which will be displayed the day of the tournament. Name Address Phone My foursome includes appointed to this important task force by President Kleckner. The work we need to do is very impor tant for the future of agriculture in this country. My involvement with this task force assures New York farmers that their voices will be heard as Farm Bureau members develop their national lobbying policy for the 1995 Farm Bill.” AFBF President Kleckner charged the new task force with pulling together all the ideas that have emerged in Farm Bureaus across the country with the objec tive of enhancing the policy deve lopment process this fall. He remarked, “We need to consider all the options available. The next • Hole sponsor • Eight greens fees, dinners, and cart Reserve Grand Champion $l,OOO • Hole sponsor • Four greens fees, dinners, and cart Heavy Weight Champion $ 750 • Three greens fees, dinners, and cart Middle Weight Champion $ 500 • Two greens fees, dinners, and cart Show Champion $ 250 • Greens fees, dinners, and cart Hole-In-One Contest • Four greens fees, dinners, and cart Lunch Sponsor • Four greens fees, dinners, and cart • Name on refreshment cart Refreshment Cart Sponsor • Two greens fees, dinners, and cart • Name on refreshment cart Par Three Contest • Name at sponsored hole farm bill will have to comply with budget, environmental and trade agreement pressures. Agriculture is a favorite target of budget cutters, but their aim is misdi rected in light of the size of farm spending compared to total gov ernment outlays.” The policy development pro cess would establish Farm Bureau policy at the AFBF annual meet ing in January 1995. If the five year Farm Bill legislation follows previous patterns, legislative activity will accelerate in early 1995 and new farm program legis lation would be signed in December. JOIN US TO SUPPORT THE FFA Monday, August 29,1994 Foxchase Golf Club Yes, we will also donate product for "Pride of Pennsylvania" baskets to be given to all participants. $2,000 $l,OOO $l,OOO $ 500 □ In-Kind Contributions Tournament Prizes and Auction Items Recognition will be given at sponsor level equivalent to value of the contribution. Amount Enclosed $ Bill My Master Card/Visa Card No. Exp. Date: Dairies Of Distinction (Continued from Pag* At) tive 18 x 24-inch signs which are placed on the roadside. In addi tion, Lancaster Farming gives each winner an 11 x 14 photo graph of the farm. Winning entries are judged an nually to insure that they continue to meet the standards of excel lence set by the program. For further information on the Dairy of Distinction program, contact the American Dairy Asso ciation and Dairy Council Inc. at (717) 283-2204. The list of winners is as fol lows: District 11 Charles Farley, McKean; Richard C. Payne, CRAFT-BILT CONSTRUCTION INC. BUILDING & REMODELING FOR— DAIRY RESIDENTIAL SWINE POLE BUILDINGS BEEF STORAGE Uncwtef Farming, Saturday. July 16,19M-A2l Springboro. District 12 Denton Powell, Criders Comers. District 13 James and Pam Berry Jr., Brookville; Richard & Judy Trinca, Rebersburg. District 14 Carl C. and Carol Barnett, Todd; Mark E. and Ray mond R. Yoder, Imler; Nevin and Dolores Mitchell, Berlin; Paul D. and Karen Turner, New Enter prise; Ralph A. Chamberlain Family, Clearville; Randy and Karen Huntsman, Martinsburg; Samuel E. Yoder, Mapleton De pot; Terry Hawn, Huntingdon; Tim R. and Marlene Peachey, Pe tersburg; Willard Yoder Jr., Hunt ingdon. District 15 Glenn and Bernice Myers, Newburg. District 16 Harold B. and Janet M. Shearer, East Waterford; Lester E. and Hazel Fleisher, Newport; Ronald and Desi Mum mah, Port Royal; R. Dale Groff, Dalmatia; Lee and Sandra Shaffer, Selinsgrove. District 17 Henry and Dorothy Abma, Troy. District 18 Louis and Natalie Hawley, Montrose; James A. Rogers Family, Spring ville; Arthur H. and Kelly Wolfe, Spring ville. District 19 David R. Wenger, Man heim; J. Ray and Reba Ranck, Paradise; Phil ip G. Crouse, Stevens; Samuel F. and Marian B. Long, Peach Bottom; Dave and Joe Gar ber, Lancaster. District 20—George and Mary Troutman, Myerstown; Joseph Greggo, Pen Argyl; Nor man and Audrey Koehler, Bangor. It does a body good. * KEN CLUGSTON (717) 665-6775 FARM-HOME BUILDING 1242 Breneman Road MANHEIM, PA 17545 PH: (717) 665-4372