Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 159

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    knotty Farming, Saturday, July ft, IW4-D3l
MASSEY FERGUSON Leola, PA 17540 Phone: (717) 656-2321 “Tcififisk
i ni) rnmhinnp I Located: 4 miles Wsst of Nsw Holland on Rt. 23, IV4 mils* Northeast of Leola on the ™ E HARVESTING SPECIALIST I
No Qroffdale Rd., 1 mile on the right, opposite Qroffdale Mennonlte Church.
1989 MF 8460 With Hillside Cleaning System,
15 Ft. Floating Head And 6 Row 30” Com
Head, 2028 Hrs $76,000
1985 MF 860 With 15 Ft Floating Head Arid
MF 6 Row 30” Com Head Reconditioned
Ready To Go, 1838 Hrs ....$48,000
1982 MF 850 With 15 Ft. Floating Head ...$23,000
1982 MF 860 With IS Ft. Floating Head ...$22,000
1981 MF 860 With 15 Ft Floating Head ...$22,000
1978 MF 540 With 13 Ft. Floating Head... 511,500
NI 710 With 713 13 Ft Grain Head $BOO
NI 843 N 3 Row 30” Quick-Tach
Com Head
Gleaner Model F Combine w/12’ Grain Head,
4 Row 38” Com Head
MF 2805, 190 HP
MF 3525, 108 HP
MF 30E With Loader, 668 Hrs
Cat 9SIB Crawler/Loader
Ford 2000 Tractor, Gas, w/Plow & Disc
Model 7650 Field Queen
Self-Propelled Harvester
With Hay Pickup Head
NH 495 Haybine ,
Demo Vicon 151 IE 5x6 Round Baler
Used Vicon 1211 E 4x5 Round Baler
Demo Vicon KM32I Disc Mower
Conditioner $12,800
Vicon KM24O Discbine, Parts $9OO
Vicon RS74O Tedder 24 Ft $4,800
Vicon KM2BI Mower Conditioner $6,800
Vicon KM32I Mower Conditioner .$7,800
MF 128 Baler $2,200
Gehl 1470 Round Brier (5x6)
Gehl 1460 Round Brier (5x6)
Teagle Brie Shredder
ID 2500 Spring Reset Plow
M&W 5 Tooth V-Ripper
Vicon 18 Ft. Field Cultivator
Yetter 3 Pt Rotary Hoe
Pequea 6 Row Cultivator
IS Ft Field Cultivator
Hinicker Brady 12 Ft 1000 RPM,Boo
7 Ft 3 Pt Scraper Blade
Brady 7 Ft Flail Chopper
Danuser 3 Pt Post Hole Digger
Shaver 3 Pt. Hydraulic Post Drive
giv esi Stem ' opZ Slrtl PJeo u
Massey Ferguson products are distributed throughout North America exclusively by AGCO Corporation Duluth GA
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