Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 144
Dl6-Lanc«gtef Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 1982 ih 1460 combine ’ w/820 15' flex, 2600 hours. New and Used JD tractor beater reverser, recondi parts Used plow parts. Will tioned, $31,500. ship 1-800-730-4020. (717)627-7381. (2) 20 Bx3B Armstrong tractor tires, 85-90% tread 717/222-4432. (2) Rainbow self-propelled' irrigation travelers, $5,500 080 (609)299-3540 9N Ford, Good Condition $lBOO 080 Call Between 9AM and 11AM (717)469-0782. ! * New Holland Baler Wa gons: 1030, 70 bales, $2,400; 1034, 105 bales, nice. $5,800. 1033, 105 bales. $4,900 51049 self propelled, 160 bales $14,900 1048 self propelled, been widened to haul 160 bales, $9,800 Roeder Impl Seneca, KS (913)336-6103. jSufibtt-. 1990 JCB 505-19 load-all w/shooting boom, excel lent condition. (610)932-2767 5400 Deere Chopper, low hrs , 4x4, most any heads, small knives. Larry Stalter “The Chopper Man" 1-800-248-2151 643 Bobcat Skidloader, 1600 Hours, $B5OO, 2 Vicon Computer Feeders w/Flex Auger, 2 Years Old, $2OOO (609)769-3608 6600 diesel, good, shed ded, rotary screen, only $8,950. Call Stephen 717-249-2317 6’ Brillion 3pt. mower, $4OO, 5' gang mower, $3OO, lawn vacuum system on tilt trailer, $4OO, 4' Ha ban sickle bar mower, $250, 67? 'xlO' tilt trailer, $750; 160 cc Suzuki 4-wheeler, $l9OO. 717/442-4279 708 Uni, 4WD, good condi tion, A/C monitor. JD/NI, 3RN head, excellent. (717)786-1458 7720 diesel, heavy axle, dial-a-matic, chopper, very good, field ready, $25,500. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 8030 AC w/Loader, AC, PS. Good Rubber, Good Shape $28,500 (410)239-3048 Air compressor, portable, Ingersoll Rand model 175 w/sand blaster, jack ham-, mer, tamper, rock drill, I used on farm only 2701 hours, like new. 412-423-2791 Aluminum 4' irrigiation pipe, Race & Race; Si mons turnip washer; 4R ridging & marker, 3pt; floor box stapler 609/561-5279 M-F. 5-BPM BACKHOE FORD 4500, diesel, ready to work, $5,900. 410-833-9091 BACKHOE JD 300, gas. $5,900. 410-833-9091 BATWING MOWER JD 1508 w/sohd tires, nice, $3,500. 410-833-9091 BATWING MOWER BUSH HOG 2615, solid tires, very good condition, $3,500. 410-833-9091 BELTING; We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts Franklin Co 717-263-0573 NO Sunday calls Big Windmill for farm, $l6OO 080, 88 Ford Ran ger w/box, 17,000 miles, excellent condition, $4lOO 717/838-4017 after 5 or anytime weekends Harvester Knives 1-800-WEAVER D AC black A-630 t/L-2 or 92 0 Gill Chuck Wagon, 3 M-2, $5,500. beater, roof, field ready, (717)249-2317. $1,800.(717)738-1327. DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA 610/273-3131 W 610-273-3737 NH 311 Baler w/70 Thrower NIIR Corn Picker Ford 532 Baler NI 205 Ground Drive Spreader NH 310 Baler NH 770 Harvciter NH 30 Forace Blower NH 275 Baler w/Throwcr NH 770 Pick-Up Head Mohawk I* Rotary Mower New Demco 500 Gallon Sprayer I 45’ Hyd. Fold Boom, Cyn. Pump, Elec. Controls I 57,120 WE REBUILD -« 469 WOBBLE BOXES | ■ DEALER FOR ifl FI I Roskanp sf W htm HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & S 10 miles S. of Lancaster along IH 1486, 79 modal, rad 1979 IH 1086, 2433 hra., radiate, 1 owner, very nice IH 1086 Factory cab, air, 1979 model (2) IH 986 factory cab, air, 38” radiate IH 886 4 post, 2900 original hrs. IH 786 fender tractor, 1 owner, 2600 hre. IH 684 w/2250 loader IH 84 hydro, 2800 hre. IH 1466 fender tractor IH 1066 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 966 fender tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hrs. on engine, clutch & T/A, very nice IH 966 w/cab & air IH 966 fender ESSSt. WF, 3 pt. ‘B3 Case 2090 cab, air, Power ehlft, 2063 hre., very nice Case 2090 Power ehlft, cab, air, very nice Case 1070, power ehlft, 4 post MF 245 gas, 687 hifasWßMF 236 qulck-attach Stocking New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders ,dr ' Henda FcrMortJCAlHFarmTractorMOHPTo Mp „„ 6RN “*,,444^ IH 720 6x18” auto reset 8F 1143 4RN MF 43, 4RN, nice h 790 Rvi r” !uto MF 1859 . 16 ’ 8 Bat Ull Reel IH 720 6x16 auto reset MF . I_, 1 _, IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount ™so Trlilt’ IH 720 4xlB auto reset Jc h „ H IH 710 auto reset, 7 bottom 16" on-land 4RN vlrv nice IH 710 sxlB auto reset, on-land hitch „ H IH 710 4X16 auto reset " 5S arm Rhino l2’ disc j! JS 4 3 f .° d GteTo #^SL*r X ’ ,H 81 ° ,rld 8 ld hMd - " lc » condltten ns™ mi z":i jg«j T|n - v “» JD 12T chisel jn oTr #..i hi*#* r«i | H«.»Chopp., #6O JO ill bttck'Al Factory JD WF to lit 560 thru 730 |S 2! vljtoVrall «‘PS’ciL V^?2l?2!., f ,U JO tr OUTHgU head Ml 324 bad* verv nice JD ada pter for ear corn head to chopper m SA m '* Y Combines 3 R ° w cl,opp " 1983 JD 6620, level land, 1900 hre., sharp JD 4400 D, air, 1974 modal 1982 JD 6620, level land, 2257 hrs., dlal-a- MF 850, hydro, 2100 hrs. matlc, reverse feeder, very nice MF 550 dieeel hydro, 1 owner w/1069 1980 JD 6620, good 1 owner machine original hre., very nice 1976 JD 4400 diesel, nice MF 410 dieeel, hydro, cab, late model JD 4640 SGB, quad w/front wheel aeslst JD 4440 Q, SGB, duals JD 4240 SGB, quad 1976 JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4230 SGB, quad, vary nice JD 830 D 2 eyl. JD 316 hydro lawn mower JD 318 hydro lawn mower, nice JD 322 hydro, lawn mower, like new, 118 hrs. 1991 Case IH 7120, 18.4-42 tires, 3 hyd., radar, 1500 hrs. w/factory warranty IH 3088, Fender Tractor, 1 Owner, 1012 Hrs. 1979 IH 1486, Cab, Air, 2460 Original Hrs., Vary Nice Implements & Misc. AC, HD IS dozer w/671 Detroit dleeel Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.S. Used Parts Dual wheels - 34’s and 38’s Tractor Weights JD & IH IH 544 diesel, hydro Farmall IH 504 utility IH 856 diesel IH 706 diesel IH 1256 Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 fax 717-786-4773 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED i AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DEUVERY AVAILABLE Tractors IH 70 hydro IK 806 diasal & gas In 560 D IH 706 gas tractor IH dual PTO units IH 626 dlsssl IH 1026 hydro TRACTORS New and Used Equipment (2)1987 Ford TW2S Series 114X4, Cab, Air, Clean, Low Hours $25,500 and $26,500 1984 Ford TW2S 2WD, Cab, Air, Low Hours, New Radials $22,500. Ford 5000 Platform Tractor $6BOO Ford 6600 Dual Rower, Low Hours, New Radials $12,200 Ford 7600, Nice Tractor $8950 Case 2294 4WD, Cab, Air, Power Shift, 4 New Tires, Low Hours $23,500 (2) New Woods 15’ Batwing Mower, Set-Up $6875 Can’t Beat this Price (2)New NH 492 Haybines, Hydraulic Swing $9875 Below Dealer Cost (1) Badger Forage Wagon on JD Tandem Gear, 1 Year Old $6BOO (2) New Miller Pro 5100 Forage Boxes on Tandem Gears, Call for Good Price New Killbros Gravity Boxes and Gears. We can get new equipment through distributor dealers. If you are shopping for something new give us a call. Clip our ad and pin it on the wall, will try and save you some money Andrews Farm Conneautville, PA (814)587-2450 No Sunday Calls. Farmall 400 & 450 D & gas Farmall H & M Ml 713 & 715 grain hsads Ml 702 D & 701 6 & 702 G Nl 717 comblns JD 4020 dsl., powershift JD 3020 G ce