Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 97
—■ Q77 u , r -ek loader EMGLO compressor, shp ® at ? 7 e hift oood under- Honda pasilode nailer power s gc«d under Hobaft Ro(J Runnef Ford 5500 backhoe w/ carnage w/broKen cnan 200 amp gas welder gener- extend-a-hoe. rebuilt en 'll'-JUon o-wr ator auto-idle $4OO. 9'ne, asking $10,900. (717)388-2336. 717/896-8839. 717-345-4882. Roto Rooter w/200’ cable $1,200 Bobcat 731 w/solid tires.., Financing Or Lease Purchase Available ♦ ♦ Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarry villa, PA 17566 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls Ka SILOS AND ■mjNLOADERS hloa mm 1 It's important that you know your silo needs maintenance. Your silo will not fall when it's empty. Please check your silo for damage or check your insurance policy Shotcrete is your best, with fiber and retarder for interior work on silo walls NH 311 Baler 35 Bushel, Like New 0 r „ Qt ’ w/Elect. Start Jr. New Motor, Silage Cart Field Ready I $325 See Us For Your Shotcrete or Concrete Pumpl Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299-3721 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-770-3721 JD 544 B, Nice w/Fair We Buy & Sell AA Equipment troweled smooth Rubber $19,500 54,900 ♦ ♦ I Badger 300 Hydroscopic, (Gradall) Truck Mounted w/QM Diesel UP ft Down, Remote Control, Very Gd. Cond., ready for work. Priced for quick sale at only $11,000.00. 1978 Cat 941 C Wr., very low hrs. on engine, good undercarriage, cleaned and painted, ready for work. Priced at only $10,500.00. 1976 Ford F7OO S/A Dump Trk. w/12' Body, very gd. tires, 68,000 miles, exc. truck for small contractor. Priced to sell at only $3,050.00. Drag Box for 3 pt. hitch tractor, $lOO.OO. Post Hole Digger for 3 pt. tractor, $lOO.OO. 1983 Dodge 2 Dr. Compact car, runs Gd., $250.00. 1974 F 350 Ford F/B 12' Body 4' Metal Racks, Starts ft Runs, Gd. Tires, Priced @ $450.00. 1981 Int. 22755/A Rd. Tractor, 10Sp„ RR, Silver 92 V 6 eng., Ready to Roll, $5,500.00 1974 Duma. sth wheel tilt top trailer IT 1 deck, con tractors special @ $4,200.00 For More Info. 301-371-9346 Forklift Wholesalers 2000 to 92000 Lb Lifts Avail able. 70 in Stock Sale- Rental-Finance w / Warranty. Chalk Equip ment. (410)686-6800 Front loader for JD 2010, excellent shape, asking $l,OOO. (717)225-3826, (717)225-4591. Grove Stevdore Crane, Sandblasted and Painted. $10,500 (609)894-2849 Sunday's Okay. HDS Allis Chalmer Front End Loader for Parts (201)334-0217 After 6PM. Hyster forklift, model H2OE, 4850 hrs., max lift 2500 lbs., gasoline, $2500. 610-756-4344. Ingersoll Air Compressor, 40hp w/motor, $3500. 717/354-3105. JD 450 track loader, $8990, new paint, runs great. This loader has many years of life left. 610/488-0282. New tires for loaders, (12) 15.5X25 12 ply tires w/or without rims for IHC 510 and 515 loaders. Call for super prices. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070 1-800-322-8030 mm SILOS AND UNLOADERS I*SCHA£Fm VT itont/Mton £Wpm*nt QUALITY SMCEItSI Ji ROVENDALE AG & BARN EQUIP. [JLI .| 1 ' 1 I , ISM V ~ 717-5:58-95(51 or 717-712-122(> n,..„ m,.„ i,, ,m„ . s i < L STfIRIINE j BCM SILOS AND H mUNLOADERS BARN KOOLER FANS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, JulyT - Sawmill, Xurner Pony Blades Included $3BOO (703)777-9563 Skid loader rental by !4 day, day. week. Deliveries available. Evenings. Terre Hill 717-445-9864 Taylor Forklift, 12.0001 b., flas, pneumatic tires, 6’’ fork, $9500 717/354-3105 SILOS AND H MJNLOADERS Strengthen Your Si Fill Pipe Vinyl end Steel New. Used And 1 Recon ditioned Silos Available Vinyl Repair Sleeve vtibahloim I Fberglaes orSIMI Spreader or X AA Self Propelled Mr Spreader (to be fj used with silo bags) 2 Arm Pipe Support Brackett Manufacturers and Builders of New Silos S & S Silo Repair (610) 273-3993 CALL TOLL FREE: 800-860-3993 VOUJMfIXX GIVES YOU A CHOICE OF DISTRIBUTE HI-LIFT ‘ LEGS The new advance design distributor Or, choose the Volumaxx unloader gives Jamesway Powermaxx™ you the best of both worlds broad pan silage distributor your choice of distribution With proper distribution, New HI-UFT legs let you raise you’ll have better quality the unloader an extra feed, and you’ll 15" into the silo roof, I increase your silo's so you can use a I capacity up to 35% conventional side I j I And we can prove it! Volumaxx™ unloader. Expect the best from the leader. 20” & 24” In Stock TL2OAC rubber tire loader, 4WD, IV. yd. bucket, $4OOO. 717/352-7371. WANTED HERO. UNL. 17’ for HMC (610)367-6160 Before BAM. WANT TO BUY all makes and models of construction equipment (301)694-6148 (301)371-9299 fax With Shotcrete n Telescoping Section Kwlk Pipe gs/* 1 Arm Pipe Support Bracket Swivel Transition 1030 MuHl Flo Sprsader