Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 62
818-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1994 Science, Technology Drive GEORGETOWN, Del. The structure of America’s broiler chicken industry, in which poultry companies control breeding, hatching, growing the chickens, health programs, processing, feed production, and paying attention to consumer perceptions or misconceptions are major fac tors in helping chicken to maintain its reputation as a healthy, good for-you meat that is reasonably prices and convenient to prepare. That was the message conveyed at a food editors’ breakfast on June 18 in Pover, Del. In attend ance were about 40 representa tives of regional and natonal news media covering the 46th annual Delmarva Chicken Festival and Dclmarva Chicken Cooking Con test. During the breakfast, they heard presentations by representa- Laura Fitch Reigns heard the ads. ‘The 1994 cam paign, which is already under way, continues the theme, stress ing the message that milk makes you feel and look good,” she said. During the holiday season, Hauck said a character, “Aunt Emma,” will be used to promote real dairy products, with recipes provided. Other promotional events tak ing place throughout the state include cow milking contests, par QUALITY TOP TO BOTTOM Whether they're designed foi „.ae ga _*gt commercial farms, Kubota diesel tractors vary in size but not in quality. Each Kubota tractor is designed to run a long time with minimal maintenance. From the smallest 10 HP models to turbocharged specialty tractors which deliver 91 HP at PTO, Kubota tractors are dependable. Sturdy. Fuel-efficient. Comfortab Stop In ft See The New Grand “L" Series Kubota Tractors Wl? SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY LEBANON W. *7, Son 409. L<MMn. M 17Mt m. «1» i mil* ww «l a«iwlk>«wn 717-949-2000 lives of Delmarva Poultry Indus try, Inc. (DPI), the trade associa tion for the area’s nearly $1.3 bil lion-a-year poultry industry and sponsor of the chicken cooking contest. Keith E. Rinehart, a former DPI president, spoke to the group on “Food Safety Issues." Rinehart is vice president for technical ser vices witih Perdue Farms, Inc., at Salisbury, Md. He predicted that it may take another generation for U.S. consumers to accept irradiat ed chicken, even though the Food and Drug Administration declared a few years ago that irradiation could be used in poultry process ing. In the meantime, chicken pro cessing plants are instituting pro cedures that continue to reduce bacterial spread. These procedures include science-based inspection, (Continued from Page B 17) licipating in the Prom Promise by supplying milk beverages at proms, and taste-tests comparing hot chocolate made with milk as opposed to hot chocolate made with water. Judges for the Dairy Princess Pageant were WHGL-FM radio personality Kenny Lane of Troy, Lycoming County Dairy Promo tion Program director Becky Steppe, and Jenny Teeter, a farm wife from Milan. Kuboki. j TRACTORS« EQUIPMENT | Storing Ctnlrtl PA Sine* 1(21 STORE HOURS MONOAY-FRIOAY 7:30-5:00 SATURDAY 7:30-12:00 2 Locations CAM. FOR DETAILS ON LEASINO UNCASTER imo n«wtt wh#, immt, m itmi MRw»3OAAWM»mt 717-589-2500 chlorinated water for rinsing chicken carcasses, and developing systems to identify critioal control points in plants and to take correc tive actions to prevent bacterial spread. Tissue sampling from birds be fore they leave the farm for the processing plant is one way com panies can continue to prevent drug residues from being in chick en products. Rinehart noted that most chicken processors, in the Delmarva area at least, have voluntarily complied with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutritional labeling and safe-handling label requirements. He pointed out, however, that some USDA data bases for food nutrients are out-of-date, so this could cause confusion for con sumers. Bill Satterfield, DPI executive director, spoke to the food editors on ‘Technological Advances.” He declared that “the poultry industry is one of the most technologically advanced segments of American agriculture.” Satterfield cited statistics for Delmarva that compared the years 1941 and 1993. The statistics YOUR POST FRAME OUHJNNG HEADQUARTERS Wickes Lumber is the place to turn for ail your packaged building needs. We offer a wide selection of sizes and styles of buildings, perfect for a variety of needs. We also carry a complete assort ment of steel for siding and roofing, quality lumber, treated posts, heavy-duty hardware and all the extras. Add delivery and credit plus attentive, knowledgeable Match) Available F' Pi ft Wi *!!f n J? wn 'P* Eptoxte. PA Mon, PA Fradorlck, MO Groonsburg, PA 681 State Road 82 Garden Spot Rd. 145 S. Whitford Rd. 5219 Urbana Pike Route 136 (215)967-3181 (717)733-6521 (215)363-9550 (301)662-4107 (412)527-3531 HirrisburaPA Phillipoburg. NJ Hooding, PA Succosunno, NJ Swodotboro, NJ 451 Amp-Wick Dr. 199 Stiykers Rd. 2591 Centre Ave. 39 Route 10 Rt. 322 (717)564-4453 (908)859-3600 (215)921-0606 (201)584-6630 (609)467-0846 Industry Growth show that, in 52 years, the the number of broilers produced has increased more than tenfold. Young chickens are marketed at much heavier weights in half the time previously required, and with considerably less feed. This amazing increase, driven by innovative application of sci ence and technology, has been ac companied by an even more amazing increase in U.S. per capi ta consumption. In 1941, the per capita consumption was just 2.8 pounds. Last year it ws 68.3 pounds, and it is forecast to be 73.4 pounds next year. Genetics and feed formulation are key factors in producing su perior chickens. The emphasis in science and technology, as al ways, is on finding answers to cur- Emmms vouu nan W Wickes Lumber rent challenges. Nipple drinkers in chicken houses, tunnel ventilation chicken houses, vector vaccines, DNA probe-testing, and in-ovo vaccination are recent innovations that are producing or are expected to produce healthier chickens. An enzyme called phylase holds promise of allowing chick ens to better utilize the phosphor us in their feed. This could mean less phosphorus in soils where chicken manure is applied. Satterfield noted that his or ganization has provided more than $600,000 to university researchers in the last 30 years. DPI also spon sors educational meetings each year, including the internationally recognized National Meeting on Poultry Health and Processing, to share new scientific and technolo gical research. salespeople and you’ve got it all! Computer Aided Customizing! Any of our package designs can be tailored to suit your needs with our Computer Aided Design capabilities. Ask a Wickes Lumber associate for details! ivy-Duty mg Door icks& irdware