Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 43
Dr. William Henning, Penn State University meats specialist talks to about 200 beef feeders during the first-ever, Pa. Beef Council Inc. organized, but non-producer funded meeting between beef cattle feeders, meat specialists and actual beef pack ers. Sitting at the panel table, from the left is Dr. H. Louis Moore, PSU Extension lives tock economist, Tom Taylor, vice president of Taylor Packing Co., Mike Silverberg, vice president at Moyer Packing Co., and Logan McClelland, a Nebraska cattle feeder. A NEW BROILER HOUSE IS NOW BEING BUILT FOR BRIAN ANP DOTTIE GRIMM OF WILLOW STREET, PA. THIS WILL BE ANOTHER HOUSE WITH THE BIG DUTCHMAN PAN FEEDER WHICH IS FAST BECOMING THE MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED BROILER FEEDER IN THE AREA. HERSHEY AND BIG DUTCHMAN QUALITY. DON’T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS! IF ITS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT, TRUST IT TO HERSHEY TT€RSH€V ■■ ■■■ EQUIPMENT CO. Beef Industry Holds First Ever Forum COMING SOON! BROILERS Isuj Dutchman® SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5607 Henning said as much, saying that producers may want to consid er treating beef production as a full-time operation. Also discussions were held about the possibility of more con tract farming to take place. Silverberg said that his com pany does do some contract pro duction, but he said that it is done on a case-by-case basis. However, he said that the company works with enough risk and isn’t in a pos ition to eliminate all producer risk. Silverberg said there is a grow ing market for Holstein steers, but # - CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FOR LAYERS, PULLETS AND BREEDERS. CALL FOR DETAILSI (Continued from Page A 42) have none, there is a growing world demand for beef. ‘There are hundreds of thou sands of millions of people who eat meat around the world, or who will eat beef,” said Silverberg, saying he could use more Pennsylvania beef, but he needs it spread out through the year. BALTIMORE, MD 21227 SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1994 BEGINNING AT 10:00 AM Grill-Matic Mod. 5062-3 Elec. Griddle Cooker w/Chain Drive Transport w/Oval Cooking Sur face; Lasagna Line (Food Equipment MFG) incl: 35* KVP Lugged Belt Conveyor (USDA Approved Conveyor System) and Universal Screw Denester; 70 Gal. Groen Kettle; Bridge Meat Ball Former; Cleveland Range 40 Gal. Gas Braising Pan; Thirode Comb. Mod. 635 Oven & Steam Generator; Eureka Mod. 3100 Laminar Flow Cryogenic Batch Freezer; Vulcan-Hart Charbroiler Mod. M 7806-12; Gra ham Cracker Pie Base Forming Machine; S/S Custom Made Tray Chariots; Air Operated Pis ton Type Filler; Multivac A 352 Floor Mtd. Single Pouch Vacuum Sealing Machine; Oliver Bread Slicer Mod. 797-48; Roll/Bread Rounder; Erika Divider & Rounder; (3) Berkel Bread Slicers; Gouet Dough Divider; Hobart Meat Cutting Saw Mod. 5212; (NEW) Pitco Packaged Food Re-Thermalizer; Sun Hill Multi-Freeze Mod. MTF-104; (3) Blodgett Model RE-44 Roll-In Convection Ovens; Globe Fravity Feed Meat Slicer Mod. 400; S/S Exhaust Hoods, Trays, Sinks, Work Tables; (4) Manitowoc 600# & 800# Ice Machines; Delfield Freezers, (5) Rofrigs; (2) Chicken Rotissaies; Vulcan Fry Cat, 2 & 4 Burner Stoves; (3) Henny Penny Chicken Displays, (2) Fryers, (2) Pressure Fryers, Chicken Marinators; Super System Proof & Bake, (2) Under Counter refrigs; Hobart Auto. Meat Slicer, 20 qt Mixer; Adams matic 4 Deck Bakers Oven; Alto Sham Cook & Hold Ovens, Walk-In Box; Garland Convection Ovens; Market Fordge Count. Top Steamers; Shelving; Tables & Chairs; Time Lock Safe; 1989 19’ Sunbird Cuddy Boat; AND MUCH MORE. TERMS: CASH, Cartlfied or Cashiers Check, Company Check with Bank Letter Of Guar antee. Complete settlement day of sale. All Items sold "As Is, Where Is” with no warran ties. 10% Buyers Premium charged on ALL items. $lOO refundable cash deposit required to register to bid. Any announce ments at sale take precedent. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1994-A43 not for export. He said that because of the boxed beef industry and further refinement of certain cuts, the identity of the original animal breed is not as important for the domestic market. The other speaker was Logan McClelland, a cattle feeder from Nebraska and president of the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Associa tion, it is very important to know the production costs in order to determine profitability. “As cattle feeders we tend to focus on the price that we’re receiving from packers as the determinant of whether we’re going to make money,” McClel land said. “As businessmen, it is imperative that we focus on our production costs those factors which we can control to deter mine cattle feeding profits.” There are to be more such for ums in the future, though no spe cifics are yet determined. MILK. IT DOES A BODY GOOD. MIDDLE ATLANTIC MILK MARKETING ASSOCIA r CN C COMMERCIAL FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT, COMMERCIAL BAKERY & KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, SURPLUS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Moved for convenience of sale to 1300 BUSH ST EQUMdAOCTIOIIIS. INC. 20 PARK AVE • SUITE 100 BALTIMORE. M 0 21201 • 410-752-5300