Dr. Terry M. Schettlnl, right, and associate core team member Jonda L. Crosby, RISA project associate at the Berks County Cooperative Extension, are helping to guide a $2 million, 3% -year, 23-member project to Its ambitious goal—that of setting up contacts with farmers and community leaders to ensure that agriculture remains a viable, powerful economic force In the 10-county southeastern Pennsylvania region. fe -M tot *—.**»*«* PENNto_^ Jljm" I p" T Ui*3tock, dairy and SS3 |||i>i»*i fcijyr /*•**»*• ' • ▼ + s vx>; ' "'.34 Dairy, livestock, and poultry products are a significant part of Pennsylvania agriculture. While several farm shows are held throughout the Commonwealth, few concentrate on the needs and issues of animal housing. The demonstrations, speakers, and exhibits at the Animal Housing Expo will focus on proven, state-of the-art ventilation, feeding, watering, manure handling, and housing systems. Dairy, livestock and poultry producers may spend as little as a few hundred dollars for renovations or up to several hundreds thousand dollars for new facilities to provide adequate housing for their animals. At the Animal Housing Expo, these producers will have an opportunity to investigate available options, talk with industry experts, and select the system and services that best meet their needs. COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS Builders Contractors Suppliers Mach & equip Painters Roofers Lenders Consultants DISPLAYS BY Agencies Universities SPECIAL TEWWBTOi * Keystone Concrete Products * Lester Building Systems * Northesst Agrl Systems Inc. ‘Agri-Business Insurance Agency ' Cedsr Crest Equipment & Automstic Perm Systems * Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. ' Agrl, Inc. * Farmaster * Fisher & Thompson, Inc. * Triple H Conatruetlon * Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. * J B. Zimmerman and Sons •Farmer Boy Ag, Inc. 1ULY12,1994 9:00 a.m. to Visit exhibits and 3:00 p.m. see demonstrations. SPEAKERS 10:00 a.m Michigan State University 10:45 a.m. Milking System Management Dr. Doug Reinemann, University of Wisconsin 11:30 a.m. Functional Cattle Treatment Dr. Lynn Sammons, Valley Creek Animal Hospital 12:45 p.m. Door Prize - Gas Grill (Must be present to win) 1:15 p.m. Tools for Financial Planning Dr. David Kohl, Virginia Tech 2:00 p.m. Fly Control in Confinement Housing Dr. Charles Pitts, Penn State University FARM TOUR AND COOKOUT Reservations required Call Dan McFarland 717-757-9657 (includes tour and cook-out) 3:45 p.m. Tour Hershey Brothers Dairy (new freestall-parior unit) tour A Modern Swine Facilities & Equip. Cookoul • at Fair Grounds 7:00 p.m. GAS GRILL DOOR PRIZES Daily Drawings DISPLAYS AND DEMONSTRATE NS Dead animal compost Fly control Stall designs Animal handling Animal restraints Water quality Ventilation Summer comfort FOOD AVAILABLE At concession stands FARM TOUR ANDCOOKOUT Reservations Required • Meridian Bank • Tri-County Confinement • King Conetructlon Company • Star Silos • “Surge” Babaon Bros. • Lapp Barn Equipment • Klpe Steel, Inc. • Timber Tech Engineering, Inc. • Aerotech, Inc. • Rlgldply Rafters, Inc. • Erdman, Anthony Associates, Inc. • 3M Animal Care Products • Trenwyth Industries, Inc. • Ryder Supply Company Building Design for Rodent & Bird Control Dr. Howard Person, Facilities Cost is $15.00 y ***&' JULY 13.1994 9:00 a.m.to Visit exhibits and 3:00 p.m. see demonstrations. SPEAKERS 10:00 a.m Fly Control in Confinement Housing Dr. Charles Pitts, Penn State University 10:45 a.m. Tools for Financial Planning Mr. Gary Snider Farm Credit of W. New York 11:30 a.m. Building Design for Rodent & Bird Control Dr. Howard Person, Michigan State University 12:45 p.m. Door Prize - Gas Grill (Must be present to win) 1:15 p.m. Milking System Management Dr. Doug Reinemann, University of Wisconsin Functional Cattle Treatment Facilities Dr. Lynn Sammons, Valley Creek Animal Hospital 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations Schedule JULYI2.IS94 JULY 13. ISM 11:30 a.m. Milking System 10:45 a.m. Baited Fly Trap— Check, Cleaning Milking Dr. Charles Pitts, Penn Systems—Dr. Doug State University Rememann, University of 2:00 p.m. Milking System Wisconsin Check, Cleaning Milking 12:15 p.m. Cattle Handling Systems—Dr Doug and Restraint—Dr Lynn Rememann, University of Sammons, Willow Creek Wisconsin Animal Hospital 2:45 p.m. Cattle Handling 2:45 p.m. Baited Fly Trap— and Restraint—Dr Lynn Dr Charles Pills, Penn Sammons, Willow Creek Slate University Animal Hospital DIRECTIONS From the Lancaster-Lebanon exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, take Route 72 north toward Lebanon for about 6 miles and turn right onto Rocherty Road. Proceed about half a mile to the fairgrounds. From Lebanon, take Route 72 south. About 1 mile south of the light at Cedar Square Plaza, turn left onto Rocherty Road. Proceed about half a mile to the Lebanon County Fairgrounds. * >' v'K.. s / / 'S' , • Farm Credit In Pennsylvania • Frey Bros Manufacturing • Telmark, Inc. • Endless Mta. Equipment Co. • Manada Construction • Martin Water Conditioning • Bou-Matlc • Hoech-Roussel Agri Vet, Inc. • Polydome • Rufus Brubaker Refrigeration • L.T. Hampel Corporation • Gro-Mor Plant Food • Acme Engineering • Northbrook Farms EISA Unites Farmers, Regulators, To Ensure Ag’s Future ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff LEESPORT (Berks Co.) Regulations on water use. Regula tions on nutrient use. Regulations on spraying. Regulations on crop ping. Regulations on where to fanri, how to farm, or whether to farm at all. Isn’t it any wonder that farmers could desperately use some help to free their hands brought by the increasing regulations that keep them from doing their job? One program recently estab lished by a consortium of educa tors and industry is taking steps to ensure that agriculture is not lost to regulation, development, and other pressures. The program, called the Region- BUILDING & REMODELING FOR— DAIRY RESIDENTIAL SWINE POLE BUILDINGS BEEF STORAGE QUALITY MIXER AT A QUANTITY PRICE ——l Reel Auggie BUY A 2000 s “ es REAL ... h/v/ght Mixer Blender/Feeders Specializing In TMR Mixer Set-Ups. Call Us Today! Just what makes the “Reel Auggie” better? You can finally mix and feed all of your ration ingredients including long stem dry hay and other tough roughages that previously coul not be included in youf mixed ration Used Knight 2250 Mixer Feeder Excellent Cond., 1 Yr. Old SPECIAL $ I 1.900 • Rissler 190 Cu. Ft. Mixer - Part or Stationary • 5-600 Bale Processor - Demo $1,950 • Weightronlc Scales, Model 700 E, Fits Any. Brand Mixer, 5 Yr. Warranty » VD 3000 Gal. Manure Tank, For Sale Or Rent We Will Service All Brands Of Electronit? Scales & Most Brands Of Mixers MILLCREEK farmPsystems 2285 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 396-8987 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1994-A2l Consumers al Infrastructure for Sustaining Agriculture fIUSA), has been established with a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to Penn State University and the Pennsyl vania Association For Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) to bring peo ple together from the community to educate leaders, farmers, and consumers about the importance of keeping agriculture viable in the southeastern region of the state. Penn State and Rodale, for the purposes of the RISA project, work through an umbrella organi zation called the Penn State/ Rodale Center For Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources in Urbanizing Environments, or SANRUE. The grant was awarded in spring 1993. When all is said and done, RISA will help promote, docu ment, and disseminate information gathered from groups representing agriculture, industry, and com munities as a whole. Eventually, the information could be used to work out a plan to ensure the future of farming. “People being willing to some times just talk to each other is a barrier.” said Dr. Terry M. Schet tini, associate director of research in horticulture at Rodale and RISA core team member. “Someone may have information, and if the other person doesn’t want to listen, who suffers? Agriculture suffers. ’ ’ KEN CLUGSTON (717) 665-6775 CRAFT-BILT CONSTRUCTION INC. FARM-HOME BUILDING 1242 Breneman Road MANHEIM, PA 17545 PH: (717) 665-4372 (Turn to Pegs A 27)
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