Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 115
WHOLE COTTON SEED jig ==== ====== New crop contracts lA3 FERTILIZER plant* available October thru December. Call HI TS now to lock in your seed prices. ' _ HERSHEY FARMS "iMTDUTT ~ " &^=^=;^========= = == ======= 4t Elizabethtown, PA 17022 I i raa 7^ 284 1 WJSsC* HARDY ’/'7T\m.h. martin co. '! FALL MUMS fH k>) «S^?, c 2 u ??io Frame* & Renderings (or sale 40 Yoder Varieties V W / (717) 738-1312 1 Feed or Composting { A« Now: rooted cutting. WHITE PINE SHAVmro OftO aoo 9790 25« each; 31/2-pots-50e each. WHITE PINE SHAVINGS OUU-099-2722 For later summer and fall delivery Picked Up At Barn $3.80 Per Bale - - J» ck : u P °r delivery J 6"pots-sl.ooor9" pots-s2.ooeach. 30 baits sl2o°° ( FREE delivery with minimum order Delivered oo bales .s22B°° 717-633-7002 (4cu.«.) 120 baiM s4so°° 1 “Competitive Prices” ]! 717-637-7586 after dark (,:?♦ Ag Limestone . I%# rAI ; I Bagged Dry Shavings For Dairy Ir • Rock Phosphate H V ] I ■ Picked up @ Barn - $2.50/Bag P. Calcium Sulfates p ■ 1 MAG i RSI B a as(4cu.ft.) : r Sales & Spreading \ ' ■■■ nursery ° | SE=Bas it stfl listing Available ; WL= I < f AN T.TIWR • Bark mulch and mushroom Saw Dust and Shavings for Horses ; [ & FERTILIZER ; smaiieMoads 'a^a^h Picked Up @ Barn - $2.25/bag f Mim hqo ] ' able Carman's Coal and I Baas(4cu.ft) '7 1717)733-7674 i ' Mulch Products, I Delivered 130 tor $9O~ ; L “Prompt Delivery” j . (7i7)653-9SBo j J 60 for $150“ ' ■ 1 Have you tried toasted grains? Consider these advantages over traditional roasting methods’ ♦ Consistent by-pass proteins and low moisture levels. ♦ Improved energy density of your rations. ♦ Excellent quality control. ♦ Exchange programs with feed mills. ♦ Economical storage, rolling and gnndmg available. ♦ We also buy corn and soybeans For more information call (717) 355-BEAN BUYING in ~ I SHELLED fertilizer CORN WBL== Pick-Up On Your Farm TURKEY V Call MANURE 717-653-8783 FOR SALE or 1-800-544-4574 $6.00 il Per Ton ———— Loaded HRS On Truck ■S3 fertilizer 717-582-2352 ~~ HEN HOUSE FERTILIZER Oellvared Dry Ueyet Spread Custom Spreading p cr Ton N P K Spreader Rental Available so 60 30 717-6*4-3480 Stainless Steel Double g Conical fertilizer tank, 2688 i gallon ui/Sparge tube, sight | gauge on both ends, quick j open hatch, and 4 inch g suction fitting in sump S $5,908 080 } (410) 928-3009 i r-r-T-T-W»T-it»T»WI-I-I-T»T» Ufl PLANTS Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cabbage Plants for Sale, Large Quantity. Henry Better, 133 S. Maple Ave, Leola, PA 17540. Penn Crisp celery plants, $5.00/hundred. $4O/thousand-wholesale. White sails cauliflower plants. (717)354-9370. 966-2451^1 Mifflinburg, Pa f Specializing in Vegetable Plug Plants \ ( ORDER NOW ) Cauliflower-Broccoli-Cabbage-Kale ! $35.00 Per Thousand Shipping Available Kreiders Mum Farm sMetbiMk 900 Krelder Rd ■WillSSralßlt Lititz, Pa. 17543 (717) 626-6805 GROWERS & BREEDERS OF HARDY MUMS SEVERAL NEW VARIETIES AVAILABLE THIS TEAR We still have a good selection of hardy mgm plants. Ready to plant In your fields or pots. 5 Doz. mixed flats $2O each 12 or more flats $l5 each Solid colors $24 per flat 12 or more flats $lB each While Supplies Last CAL?. FOR MORE INFORMATION Penncnsp Celery Plants, $5O/tOOO Pulled. $4O/1000 if you Pull. Hodecker Cel ery Farm (717)569-9961 PLANTS FOR SALE Cau liflower, Broccoli, green and red Cabbage Paul Breneman (717)859-1662 Lititz Plants for Sate: Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower. (717)656-6935. Lancaster County. CHRISTMAS TREES 25,000 Douglas Rr, 6' to 12’, $3 00-$5 00/each. Klingerstown area 717-758-9177 Eartin CO. R COUNTY, PA 738-1312 FLCH-Dellvered 1 1.00 1300 bu. $210.00 | H Delivered * ).00 is yd.. $330.00 { (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, IW4-C27 EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS 4 TRANSPUNTS Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees 4 nursery stock Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P O Box 339, Columbus, NJ 08022 or call 609-298-0477 W| NURSERY iHtE PLANTERS: 3 mod els, plant trees from 3* see dlings to 10' shade trees Rentals also available Also Available; Tree Boss for B&B-a 1-MAN tree loading and unloading sys tem. TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. LAWNS GARDEN 1989 Lesco Model 5000 Diesel, 96' Cut $10,500 Cost $23,000 New: 1988 Lesco 500 Gas, 96* Cut Both Reel Type Mowers (609)894-2849 Sunday's Okay. Gravely lOhp power unit, Kohler engine, 40" mower, sulky rototiller plow, $lBOO 717/896-8839 Pallet Forks for 3Pt Hitch $250, York Rake 8' $3OO, Olseal Box 6' $250 Call (610)872-1165 After 6PM Red decorative patio blocks for sale, 12x16x2 $1 75/ea Many available 215-754-6298 Snapper Hi-Vac Rider, Elec Start, w/Catcher, $375 (717)865-0839 Evenings Troy Bill tiller, Bhp Kohler electric start, $625, also lawn mowers for sale Lan caster Co 717/354-4209 HI SERVICES OFFERED Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 | PROFESSIONAL t HOOF TRIMMING: £ Over 20 years experience. 2 Fast and accurate work. 2 70-100 cows per day ■> Increases milk production. 7 Easy and gentle on the ? cows and farmer. No 2 farmer’s help needed. 2 SATISFACTION 7 GUARANTEED j 717-755-0770 { 410-404-6191 REUSTMtUONO ESIATSSITIINQ Take that vacation- leave the worries behind! ; 25 years milking herd health farm ! related experience i 4 years landscaping & 1 lawn maintenance 1 ' Excellent References ! Scott Latham RD 1, Box 130 C Ulysses, PA 16948 814-435-2556 ; DAIRY CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING Foot Problems Treated Father & Son Team No Help Necessary NELSON NOLT (717) 866-6045