Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 11
Thanks & CongratuVattss'as. T \.Si University of KING CONSTRUCTION CO. 601 Overly Grove Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 <«» . 17-3 SSjjfg} Phil Van Lieu Home: 717-259-9077 See Us At m ANIMAL HOUSING EXPO ~ July 12-13,1993 pfnnstate Lebanon Fairaround m w m L I W i a si™ tor North** livestock. ® V* Ji feltoJ |g§J P dekyend poultry producers LebdnOn, Pa. FREESTALLS & GATES BY TRUSSES BY KIPE STEEL Iggggit amp inc. 3 ...X 7Ol East Linden St. W'M Richland, PA 17087 3791 Church Road manufactuers of: Chambersburg, PA 17201 SSSSS2S 717-264-1185 Gl “‘B«t l^.. Po ‘ t> 800-432-4797 Pl oor Trusses i FAX 717-267-1580 T&G and V-Grogve Decking k Three New 40’x140’ Milking Facility 50’x192’ Freestall Barn 54’x116’Tie-Stall Bam GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4-4740 ROOFING & SIDING BY 325 McGhee Road Winchester, VA 22603 800-950-6535 Maryland on their Dairy Buildings Authorized Dealer For Keystone Wajfle Slat agri systems Wortl Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 569-2702 ■ 1-800-673-2580 Custom Design And Construction Of. Dairy Barns, Heifer Facilitie: Horse Barns Equipment Sheds, Et CURTAINS BY NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9. 1!