Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1994, Image 108
C2O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 9, 1994 KILN DRIED WHITE PINE i WOOD SHAVINGS | I bagged - dust free 1 / 2 or full trailer loads Call Bob or Rob I (800) 433-7431 Mid-West Wood Shavings , Box 513 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 Faadart Available Also 10* Bunk Fuadun • Round Bala Faadars • Gravity Faadars with Running Gaar minimum Ordar Total SO plans • Frtlghl S Tax Extra Whara Appllcabla Call Dave or Linda Brewer 61 0-759-3340 For Print ami Information Edgewood Valley Farms 271 -B Knuss Rd, Nazareth, Pa 18064 Specializing in All Types Of High Tensile Fence Stream Bank Fencing - Supplies And installation All Types Of High Tensile Supplies Sold C.C.A. Pressure Treated (30 year) Pressure Treated Board Fence Available 5”x6’6” $4.60 sto 6”x7’ $6.25 s”xB’ $6.25 6to 6”xB’ $7.75 6”x6’6” $6.25 6to 7”x6’6” $7.00 Good Supply In Stock For All Sizes 4 to 4 to 5 to We Ship U.P.S or Deliver Croats, thos* Round Pans, Aranas, Catch Pans or Work Chut*«i Out of Easy to Assombl* Original Z- •Complata Llnaof Corral Panals, Z-Braca Salat, Haad Gataa, Sguaaza Chulas, Work Chutas and Walk-Thm's • All IK Inch haavy duly pba • Raialarcod Z-Bar araldad caMliaallaa • Strang Sato aad lasy ta AiaaaMa • Ihraa waigMs la ehooso (ran • Naawroaa tanytha • S' high lor addad aacarily aad salaty High Tensile Wire Certified Tensile Range 200,000 RSI Class 111 Galv. 4,000 Ft. Rolls In Line Strainers, Spring Loaded In Line Strainers, w/o Spring Strainer Handle (Zink Plated) 4" Tube Insulators (200 pk) 20” Wrap Around Insulators (10 pk) C2L Double Crimp Sleeves (100 pk) 50 lb. IV< ” Class 111 Galv. Barbed Staples 50 lb. 2” Hot Dipped Galv. Staples 10-47-6-11 Woven Wire Fence (330 Ft.) Fence Posts Heavy Duty Post Drivers For Sale By LB Fencing • 3 Pt. Hook-up • Skid Loader Mounts • In Stock Ready For Delivery Call For Price 717-445-4764 Semen Tank, MBE SX34, Excellent Condition $275 Negotiable. (717) 359-9355 SAWDUST SHAVINGS HOG WOOD ED VOGT & SON Millington, MD 21651 410-928-3276 Brace Panels Prices F. 0.8. SPLIT RAIL, FENCING Looking For Heavy Duty Spilt Rail Fencing? * Pressure Treated Post and Ralls * Long Lasting Warranty * 2, 3 and 4 Rail Fence Available * Low Prices * Wholesale and Retail * Manufacturers of Outdoor Wood * Fencing * Installation Available -Before You Buy Call New Holland Fence 717/656-9596 iyMMWMMMiMW. \Mm O&G INDUSTRIES 242 Buchanan Drive i \ I Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-9396 Country Estate™ (Vinyl) Horse Rail and Yard Fencing - Warehouse: 469 N. Reading Road (Rt. 272 North), Ephrata, PA ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER TYPES OF FENCE! ■■■■■■■■■l ESCH’S FENCING 215-857-1676 QUALITY FENCING FOR HORSES; CATTLE; DOGS; CHILDREN AND PRIVACY. Ail Types Fencing Including P.V.C. Fencing Gates & Fencing Supplies In Stock For Do-It-Yourselfers Large Supply of Posts In Stock For Do-It-Yourselfers • Hl-Tenslle • Picket • Split Rail • Woven Wire • Chain Link • PVC • Board • Pool Enclosures • Waterers and fencing supplies for rotational grazing MILLCREEK FENCE AND FARM SYSTEMS 2285 Old Phlla. Pike Lane., PA 17602 717-396-8987 ■„ • Square Bale Feeder • Automatic Headgate, Gates & Fencing • Loop & Freedom Stalls • Water Bowl & Suspended Comfort Stalls • Slant Bar Feed-Throw ENERGY FREE UNITS m ai Model CT 1 Model CT 2 Model CT 4 V CLEAN UNTESTED PIPES "to 0" .25/lh. DRY HILL FARM SHOP RR #l, Box 426 (UDSI Lykana, PA 17048-9744 VC7 Call For Oataila (717) 365-3109 8:00-8:30 a.m. Gates R.D. 1 BOX 227 Gap, PA 17527 CATTLE 100 Head of 700 Lb Crossbred Heifers, for Breeding or Feeding, Buy 1 or All (717)673-8827 Days, Night and Weekends (717)673-3588 18 bred Angus cows due April '95, $650 each. Re gistered Angus bull, 2yr old, proven, $1,500. (610)274-0122. 2 Reg Fresh Heifers; 1 Leadman, 1 Eveready 610/944-0593 32 Holstein Heifers Due Aug.-Sept. Take Some or All (814)334-5279 Potter Co 40 Holstein dairy heifers mostly vaccinated, due Sept, Oct, Nov Also dairy cows w/Fall freshening (717)758-1744 50 Head of Jersey Cows All Cows are Al Sired and Bred to the Top Al Bulls of the Breed Possible Fi nancing. (717)865-3488 5 Feeder Steers 3 Hols tein, 2 Black Angus, 600-700 lb , $ 80/lb Cum berland Co 717/423-6719 (s)Good Grade Holstein Heifers, Due July and Au gust Abner Stoltzfus, 1319 Tanning Yard Hollow Rd , Peach Bottom, PA 17563. 6 Holstein springing heifers due July, August, Septem ber Berks County, (610)683-7993. 7/8/91 Registered Charo lais Bull, Gentle Sire Royal Constructor Expectation Dam Silvercreek Elevation Price Negotiable, Good Home Only (717)352-2433 80 Holsteins, take your pick, must take 10 814/847-2238 9 Registered Yearling Jersey Heifers, Ready to Bred. $3500 (717)423-6758 Angus Bulls, Cows & heif ers for sale Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County Angus bulls and females for sale, 20 bulls to choose from, 2 year olds and year lings, calving ease and growth bulls, nerd empha sis muscling 717-667-9817 home. 717-949-3701 farm. Angus Cows with Calves, Angus Heifers and Angus Calves. (410) 668-6408 or (410) 592-2742 Harford County. Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice & trucking Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5785 Beefalo Herd. 1 Herd Bull 4 Years Old, 12 Bred Cows, 1 Open Heifer, 10 Yearling Calves “7 Bulls and 3 Heif ers" (814)367-5607 Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Expanding operation wants to buy dairy cows and heifers of all ages. Toll free 1-800-852-2697. FOR SALE. Crossbred cows w/calves. See display ad Call (717)865-6206. FOR SALE OR LEASE; Reg. Holstein Bulls sired by Blackstar, Leadman, Aerostar, Wister and others Dams w/records to over 30,000 m Many to choose from. Also 1 red & white and 1 red carrier Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 215/488-1965. For Sale: Holstein sprin gers, cows & heifers. 717/687-7475. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds For further info, (410)679-7485 Group Holstein Dairy Cows, all stages of lacta tion, 20,000# average Take your pick and make an offer. 814-941-8906 leave message Heifer Boarding Available, Quality Care Guaranteed, Complete Feeding Prog ram w/Pasture Year Round Facilities. Any Number Considered $l/Head per Day. Snyder County (717)539-8621. HIGHLAND: Registered breeding stock, heifers, calves, carefully selected bulls, excellent bloodlines, reasonably priced (717)937-4497 HOLSTEIN YOUNG SIRES Any age at farmer prices We self from many herds all over East coast Many bulls have 30,000+ on the Dams and Gr Dams ARLEN KEENER 717-285-7426 Can ar range delivery If you want the best, call US! Holstein heifers due July and August, Al sired, $l,OOO each (717)345-2656 Holstein Heifers Due July and August, Round Bales New Hay, Grass and Mixed (717)263-7737 Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times 703-869-2622 or 703-869-4276 LIMOUSIN/ FULL BLOODS. 2 yearling bulls, Seven-Forty-Seven blood lines, 1 open heifer West minster, MD (410)857-0176 Limousin Two Bulls, One Red, One Black Polled, Two by Old Cows with Calves, Also Several Heif ers (304)229-2292 Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif ers Highest cash price paid Call Reuben Green berg, Inc, Columbus, NJ (609)298-1021 Performance bred polled hereford bulls Good temp erament, halter broken Pr iced to sell Transportation available Lease arrange ment also available 610-756-6011 Polled Hereford Herd Re duction Two Cows with Calves One Yearling Heifer Very Tame Deliv ery Possible (717)345-6278. No Sun day Calls. Purebred Angus Bulls, Yearlings and 2 Year Olds, Sires Include TC Stock man, Leachman, Prompter and TC Divadend, Guaran teed Breeders, Diamond DL Cattle. (610)756-6001 Reg' Holstein bulls, service age, records on dams, po pular sires, certified accre dited herd 717-532-7905 Registered Holstein bulls, any age Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered black Angus bull, 1 yr, Leachman Prompter bloodline Rea sonably priced (717)682-8304 Registered Holstein Bulls Ready for Service, Sired by Prelude, Tesk, and Ambi tion Dams VG w/32.000 Milk (610)593-2274 Reg open yearling Sim mental heifer, DS Pollfleek daughter, ready to be bred 717/266-2649. Reg. Purebred Simmental Bull 4 years old; Reg. Sim mental cow 4 years old; Simmental Heifer calf 3/94, Purebred Simmental Heifer 2/93 Must sell, mov ing to Colorado Very friendly animals. Blue Rock Farm, Chester Co . 610/692-9297 or 610/692-5077. SIMMENTALS' Cow/calf pairs, polled purebreds. outstanding individuals (301)972-4437