Alo*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25, 1994 OPINION Water Use Concerns Many (Get To A Hearing) On Wednesday, Richard Cairo, secretary and general counsel for The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), said he was being swamped with telephone calls, mainly from represen tatives of agricultural organizations. They were not happy, he said. Cario didn’t sound very happy either. . Several days earlier. Bill Troxel, with the Pennsylvania Veget able Growers Association had distributed an article that is to be published in the association’s newsletter. It is a comprehensive outline, though necessarily lengthy, of the proposal, with empha sis on some parts to which objections will most probably be made. The SRBC proposal to revamp its regulations and add some new regulations include a plan that would make certain-sized agricultural operations pay for the registration, monitoring and use of relatively large quantities of water. From groundwater to surface water, on-farm wells to public water sources, the proposal for SRBC regulations is careful not to ignore any major users of water in the basin. The vegetable growers’ association’s position is that it wants more time for members to get an opportunity to study and review the proposals because it could significantly affect the cost of doing business. More recently, some members of the DER Agricultural Advis ory Board, and some members of the SRBC Agricultural Advis ory Board, among others with an interest in farming, telephoned Lancaster Farming to say they were very concerned with what they were told recently by Cairo about the SRBC proposals. The point is, no one knows for sure what the affect would be to Pennsylvania agriculture. The proposal would certainly be an additional cost to very large livestock and crop operations. The bottom line is that all in agriculture who have reviewed the regulations or were briefed on its content are asking that others in agriculture also pay attention. In so many words, Cairo said that the reasoning behind the proposal isn’t to kill agricultural operations in the state. He also said the agency isn’t attempting to rush this proposal through. The agency is seeking comment and review, he said. The bottom line is, there is a limit to the amount of water avail able to everyone in the basin and there is an ever-increasing demand for that water and some individual entities are using gre ater and greater amounts. The SRBC was formed in 1971 to start dealing with the prob lem of managing the basin flows. They have power companies, community water supplies, industry and commercial interests, including agriculture, all relying on the water in the basin. The proposal for the regulatory package is attempt to bring together years of piecemeal regulation-making and create a com prehensive sensible package to ensure that individuals profiting from the use of water, don’t destroy it for others to use. Cairo said that farmers especially must remember that this is just a proposal. He said he urges them to attend the public hearings and listen to the proposal, and make comment. He said the members of the commission chaired by U.S. Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, and seated by the respec tive heads of the environmental agencies in each of the three states will take very seriously the concerns, complaints and suggestions from the agricultural sector. And while we agree that there is plenty of material being prop osed which should be of concern to farmers, concern is not enough. What is needed from the agricultural community is action in the form of getting involved by reading, learning, listening and attending at least one of the SRBC’s scheduled public hear ings. Learn, get involved and then speak out. And. it is hoped, the result will be some well thought-out, con structive suggestions or objections to the SRBC proposal by August 1 An additional note to this is that Cairo has asked if people from the southern part of Lancaster and other southern counties who plan to attend a meeting could possibly refrain from attending the 7 p.m. Tuesday meeting set to be held at the SRBC’s Harrisburg headquarters building. The Front Street facility can not hold a very large audience, whereas the July 6 hearings are to be held in the Perryville High School Auditorium, in Perryville, Maryland, and can easily handle a large agricultural contingent so that everyone can hear and be heard. Also, traveling distance may be less for many. 0 NUUK. IT DOES ABODY GOOD. had MIDDLE ATLANTIC MILK MARKETING ASSOCIATION, INC. To Be On Alert For BVD A new strain of Bovine Virus Diarrhea (BVD) has shown up in Pennsylvania. Several dairy fanners in the state, including Lancaster County, have experienced death and illness in both young and adult cattle. The virus is found in nasal dis charges, saliva, urine, and feces of clinically infected cattle. Carrier animals that appear fairly normal may also shed the virus. There are four ways to help keep BVD off your farm. They are: 1. Maintain a closed herd; 2. Vacci- Farm Calendar Pa. Junior Holstein Association Convention. Pittsburgh, thru June 28. Beaver-Lawrence Dairy Princess Pageant and Ice Cream Social, Westfield Grange, 7:30 p.m. 14th annual Hickory Ridge Anti que Farm Show, Horace Potter Residence, Milford, Del., thru June 26. Benefit Auction, Solanco Fair grounds, 9 a.m.-S p.m. *A Celebration of Quilts,’ York College of Pa., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., thru June 26. Historic Schaeffers town Cherry Fair, Schaefferstown, 10a.m.-5 p.m. Pasture Field Day, Dave Smith Sheep and Beef Farm, Avella, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Pa. Junior Judging School, Butler and Franklin counties, thru June 30. On-Farm Composting Field Day, Robot and Lois Keller Farm. ing Interagency Conference and Tour, Penn State Harris burg, Middletown, thru June 29. Pesticide recycling program, Oyl er’s Orchard, Gettysburg, also July 26, Aug. 23. Nov. g. SRBC Public Hearings on Water Use, Pa. Game Commission Headquarters, Harrisburg, 10 a.m. and at the SRBC Head quarters Building, Harrisburg, 7 p.m. EAYFA monthly meeting, Clark Junior Judging School, Franklin County, thru June 30. PCC/PSU Summer Institute Awards Luncheon, Shippens burg University, 12:30 p.m. Alfalfa Field Day, Hughy Salfner Farm, Warwick, Md., 10 a.m.-noon. (Turn to Pago A 27) nate the herd (consult your veter inarian for specific advice and proper procedures); 3. If transport ing, showing, or purchasing cattle, isolate them from the rest of the herd for 21 to 30 days (It is also helpful to know the health status of the herds these animals come from or come in contact at shows.): and 4. Control farm traffic, because equipment, trucks, animals and visitors may also spread the virus. Crop sprayers should be cleaned between uses and between diffe rent crops, according to Robert Anderson, extension agronomy agent Small amounts of some pesti cides may be active enough to cause problems when going from one crop to another. To avoid crop injury, a thorough cleaning of spray equipment between uses is recommended. Household ammonia is a com mon material that may be used to clean spraying equipment. Mix one gallon of ammonia with 100 gallons of water. Ammonia works well in cleaning Banvel, 2,4-D, and Basagran residues from equipment The label of Pinnacle and Class ic also recommend the use of ammonia to remove residue from equipment Another commonly used product is household bleach. Never mix ammonia and bleach. BY IAWRENCt W AIIHOUSE "“ffiBIMUR THE 90-DAY MATURITY June 26,1994 Background Scripture: Exodus 13:17 - 14:31 Devotional Reading: Exodus 15:22-27 Last year my wife and I visited the Sinai Peninsula, the site of the Exodus. It did’t matter to us that Biblical scholars dispute as to the exact route the Israelites took and on which mountain Moses receiv ed the ten commandments. As we drove across that desert, we vivid ly remembered the Exodus as if we had participated in it ourselves. And, as a matter of spiritual fact we do participate in the Exodus. God calls each of us out of the bondage of Egypt and like the people of Israel, it takes faith to heed that call and persevere in it In our lives, too, between God’s call and our own Promised Land there is usually a Sinai where we exist solely by the grace of God. The exodus, like life itself, is a venture of faith. Like us, the people of Israel sometimes wavered in their faith. When the Pharaoh and his army caught up with them they com plained sarcastically to both God and Moses: “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in this wilder ness? What have you done to us, in bringing us out of Egypt?” (14:11). WE TOLD YOU SO Might we not have said much the same? God’s promises are hard to believe when our lives are threatened. To Moses they pro tested: “Is this not what we said to you in Egypt, ‘Let us alone and let us serve the Egyptians?’ For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in To Clean Crop Sprayers They will react to form a gas that can damage the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs of anyone breathing it. Remember to dispose of rinse material properly. To Be On Lookout For Scams Each year we read about people falling victims to scams. Scams come in all sizes and types, but the most common are those involving improvements or repairs around the home or property. It could involve driveway pav ing, roof sealing or repairs, house painting, home improvements or landscaping, or tree pruning, according to McGruff of the National Crime Prevention Coalition. Unfortunately, a number of peo ple are tricked into believing what they hear, but instead they pay for diluted materials which may cost more in the long run to have the junk removed and the job done right So take McGruffs advice: “If something is being offered to you which sounds too good to be true, it most likely is too good to be true and notify the police immediately.” Always deal with established businesses in the area. These are the people you know and will stand behind their work and items sold. Remember, help McGruff take a bite out of crime by not falling vic tim to scams. Feather Prof s Footnote: "Talk to inform, not to impress." the wilderness.” AH of us feel that way sometimes. But Moses replies: “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today.” And we know what happened then; the Israelites es caped and Pharaoh’s army was destroyed. It was a salvation the people of Israel would never for get at least in the long run. (In the short run they frequently for got, just as we do.) Let’s say that I have an appoint ment with my boss tomorrow morning and I’m afraid he’s going to let me go. I know the company has got to cut the payroll and so I pray fervently for God to save my job. And if the next morning my boss still gives me the pink slip, does it mean God is unfaithful with his promises? THE NICK OF TIME The answer is no. Sometimes God delivers us from peril just as He delivered the Israelites in the Sinai. But sometimes, just as later He failed to deliver Israel from the Assyrians, we are not saved either. We flunk out. we lose our job, our marriage ends up in divorce, the loved one we prayed for dies and peace does not come in Bosnia and Serbia. The deliverance we pray for comes, although perhaps not in the form we expected. In stead of being saved from some danger, we may be safe in it, given the strength and grace to see it through. Now I confess to you that, giv en my choice, I would prefer to be delivered as the people of Israel were. I would rather not have to wait for the Promised Land. Yet I admit that God has never been more real in my life than in those times when I was not delivered in the nick of time. So Moses’ ad monition is as relevant to us as it was to the Israelites: “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord.” Adoniram J. Gordon once said, “The promises of God are certain, but they do not all mature in 90 days.” Some do; some do not. If we “fear not” and “stand firm" we will see all of the promises kept in God’s own time.