Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 18, 1994, Image 58

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    BiB-Lancasler Farming, Saturday, June 18, 1994
(Continued from Pago B 16)
14 cinnamon crackers
8 ounces cream cheese
V* cup sugar
3 eggs yolks
I teaspoon vanilla
1 cup cream, whipped
3 egg whiles, beaten
Crush crackers and pul in
10-inch pic plate. Save a few
crumbs for lop. Beat cream cheese,
sugar, egg yolks, and vanilla until
smooth. Then mix cream cheese
mixture, whipped cream, and
beaten egg Miles together. Pour
mixture on lop of crumbs and lop
with crumbs. Frcc/c 2 hours or up
to two weeks. Partially thaw and
serve with with thickened fruit.
My husband and I are 65 years
old, hut he still grows crops and
raises heifers for the two sons who
are full-time dairy farmers. I pul in
a big vegetable gardens for us and
Allen's father and tend 'A dozen
apple trees, one cherry, and one
pear tree
I mow our big lawn and a neigh
bor widow's lawn with our riding
mower Allen does his father’s
lawn I like to share garden things
with the family
Allen is pastor of a mountain
mission church and we try to visit
several older folks regularly.
Anna May Strite
Clearspring, Md.
I Lirtic package lemon Jcll-0
I cup boiling water
I large package (.ream cheese
1 sup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 van evaporated milk
Dissolve Jcll-O in boding water
anti lei tool Combine solienctl
(.ream cheese, sugar, anti vanilla
Blend with cooled Jell-O Whip
milk until still Fold into cheese
10 graham crackers
2 tablespoons confectioners
1 cup butter
Melt buiiei and mix with
c rumbled c uekers anti sugar Line
an Bxl2 inch pan Place cheese
Idling in pan and chill
Greetings front Sm>ar I tiller a
swea plate to live Our farm is
lot tiled onls two mile s new of the
ler\e\ Shore t sit of Interstate SO
Ms husband loe, farms about
7s at res After milking tows jot
mart than 10 \ ears we now do on Is
i rop farnunp has and t orn
Our three t htldren base been
aw as tor quite some tune Our old
est son Dana lives in Indiana
f‘a our set ond son lives in tin
tirea of Afion and our
daughter I mine lives near Roi ky
/ ord C olorado
HV are thankful that nr i an see
Dana anil his fatntly every month
or so hut ustts to our western kids
are less frequent We usually head
UVw about twit e a year Pven so
our lour 1\ (stern xranih hddren
i hump so ninth front one visit to
the nt xt I hey w try in axes from X
months to 15 years Dana's son
Danny is S years old and we entity
having him < lose by lie thinks it s
\>reat to i >o fishing with Pappy
1 1 n/o\ tlu many rci tpes in Pan
i aster I armtnff ecu h week loe
likes to spend a quiet Sunday after
noon reading th? whole issue
ii <' ir sttbstribed to your paper
for many years
Doris lleggenstaller
Dairy Recipe Extravaganza
1 pound crushed chocolate van
illa creme sandwich cookies
'/j cup butter, melted
'A gallon vanilla ice cream
1 large jar fudge sauce or choco
late syrup
9 ounces whipped cream
Save 2 A cup crushed cookies for
lopping. Place remaining in bowl
and add melted butter. Mix
together. Press in bottom of a
13-inch by 9-inch pan. Freeze 10
minutes. Spread soft ice cream
over crumbs and freeze 15
minutes. Spread fudge on next.
Freeze 15 minutes. Spread
whipped lopping on lop and
sprinkle rest of crumbs on top of
whipped lopping. Keep in freezer
until ready to serve.
My name is Patricia Potter. I
have a husband and two boys, ages
6 and JO. We worked on dairy
farms for 10 years and for a year
now, we’ve been living and work
ing on a big Christmas tree farm
here in Middlehurg. We enjoyed
dairy farming, and are finding out
that Christmas tree farming is just
as challenging as cows'
I his recipe is a summer favorite
with my family, especially after a
hot day in the trees.
Patricia Potter
'A cup butter, melted
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chopped walnuts
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
12 ounces fro/.cn whipped
cream, thawed
2 packages (3.9 ounces each)
instant chocolate pudding
3 cups cold milk
Combine first three ingredients
and press into the bottom of a
13-mch by9-mchpan. Bake at 350
degrees for 10 minutes. Cool.
Meanwhile, beat cream cheese and
sugar until creamy. Fold in 1 cup
whipped cream. Spread over crust.
Chill. Prepare pudding mixes with
milk. Spread over cream cheese
layer and spread remaining
whipped cream on top. Refrigerate
for three hours.
Allen and Anna Mary Strife and family.
Pat-m-lhc-pan crust:
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 A cups confectioner’s sugar
A cup finely chopped almonds
A cup butter, softened
2 8-ounce packages cream
cheese, softened
'A cup sugar
2 eggs
% cup unsweetened pineapple
Pineapple topping:
'A cup all-purpose flour
'A cup sugar
20-ounce can crushed pineap
ple, Juice drained and reserved
X A cup whipping cream
Fresh strawberries, optional
Combine crust ingredients and
pal into the bottom of a
12x8x2-inch baking dish. Bake at
350 degrees for 20 minutes. Beat
cream cheese in a mixing bowl
until fluffy; beat in sugar and eggs.
Stir in juice. Pour filling over hot
crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 20
minutes or until center is sin. Cool.
For lopping, combine flour and
sugar in a saucepan. Stir in 1 cup
reserved pineapple juice. Bring to
a boil, stirring constantly. Boil and
sur one minute. Remove from
heat; fold in pineapple. Cool. Whip
cream until stiff peaks form; fold
into topping. Spread carefully over
dessert. Refrigerate six hours or
overnight. Garnish with strawber
ries if desired. Yield: 12 to 16
My husband and I and our two
girls. Emmy Lou, 2’A , and Regina
Mae, 16 months, live on a farm. I
enjoy trying new recipes and
always check Ijancaster Farming
for more.
2 pounds (ro/cn hash brown
I'A cups sharp Cheddar cheese,
2 teaspoons salt
'/«teaspoon pepper
m ounces can cream of chick
en soup
I'A cups sour cream
2 cups com flakes, crushed
J /< cup melted butler
Mix all ingredients together,
except com flakes and butter. Pour
into a 9-inch by 14-inch greased
casserole. Crush com flakes. Mix
with butter. Spread on top of cas
serole mixture. Bake for l'/> hours
at 300 degrees. Can be prepared
ahead of time and frozen.
Sara Lapp
Mary Lou Ranter
Marian Klinger
1 package yellow cake mix
20 ounces crushed pineapples
8 ounces cream cheese
2 cups milk
3 ounces instant vanilla pudding
Whipped cream
Bake cake in oven according to
directions on package. Punch
holes in top of cake with a knife or
fork. Cool 15 minutes. Spoon
pineapples and juice over top of
cake, allowing to penetrate. Beat
together cream cheese, pudding
mix, and milk. Pour thickened
mixture over pineapples. Top with
whipped cream to serve.
This is a very moist cake and
tastes even belter if stored in
refrigerator for several days.
We live on a farm. My dad raises
heifers and does sandblasting and
painting. We have seven puppies.
Anita Weaver
12 lo 15 cooked and cubed
1 cup chopped celery
1 medium onion, chopped
3 hard boiled eggs
A teaspoon salt
Mix all together in a large bowl,
set aside.
2 beaten eggs
1 tablespoon flour
A teaspoon salt
X cup sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar
'/2 cup milk
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon butter
Make the dressing by melting
the butter in a heavy skillet, and
then adding all the dressing ingre
dients, except the mayonnaise.
Boil until thickened. Cool slightly
and then fold in mayonnaise. Pour
dressing over potatoes and gently
It wilt be 45 years this fall that
my husband and I have been dairy
farmers. We have seven sons.
Three are farming with us.
Altogether, we are farming close
to 1,000 acres 175 acres are
potatoes, the rest grain, corn, and
hay. We want to thank the Lord for
our good health and II
Mrs. David M. King
VA cups all-purpose flour
VA teaspoon baking powder
'/> teaspoon salt
'/> teaspoon nutmeg
'A teaspoon cinnamon
'/> cup vegetable oil
V* cup granulated sugar
1 egg
3 A cup milk
'/i cup melted butter
V* cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
In a bowl, combine flour, baking
powder, salt, nutmeg, and cinna
mon. In another bowl, thoroughly
combine vegetable oil, sugar, egg,
and milk. Add liquid ingredients to
dry ingredients and stir only to
Shake muffins out of pans
immediately and while hot. Dip in
melted butter then sugar and
For a delicious variation:- fill tins
half full of batter, pul in 1 teas
poonful jam, and spoon remaining
batter on top.
Either use cupcake pan liners or
grease muffin tins.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25
This is an old recipe. I don’t
really know where it came from ,
but my mother use lard and oleo or
homemade butter instead of oil
and butter.
We were farmers. I'm the
youngest of 5 (lost a brother and
sister). / am 68 years old (me and
my good watch dog still live in the
old farmhouse). After I graduated
from high school I stayed home alt
my life on the farm.
1 married an automobile
mechanic. Lost him-, it will be five
years this Christmas. He was dis
abled 20 years from heart prob
lems and died from cancer. We had
two boys, one is a lumberjack and
the other a math teacher.
Gladys Stephens
Several slices bread
2 cups milk
4 eggs
Sail and pepper io tasic
214 cups cooked asparagus
1 small chopped onion
Beal eggs, add milk, onions, sail
and pepper. Lay bread in bullcrcd
9x9-mch casserole. Pour on milk
mixture. Bake 25 minutes or until
set m 150 degree oven Pour
cooked asparagus on Top wiih
cheese Return to oven until cheese
is melted
Sylvia Lanl/
1 tablespoon dry yeast
2 cups lukewarm milk
4 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
'A sup melted butter
2/i cups (lour, silled
Dissolve yeast m warm milk
Beal egg yolks, add vanilla and
sail. Mix imo the yeast mixture
Stir in melted butler, add flour and
sugar. Combine Ihoroughly. Beal
egg whiles until slifl, carefully
fold into batter. Let mixture stand
about4s minutes or until it doubles
in bulk. Bake, then sprinkle with
conlcctioncrs’ sugar.
7 his ra ipc is a favorite with rns
f ninth 11 xocs h ell with hat on ami
for breakfast or with ac
cream sandwiched between two
waffle squresfora delicious snat k
Barbara King
(Turn to Pago B 20)