I People talk about recycling things and taking care of the en vironment. I Teel as though that has been part of my life always. My parents saved many things that I thought should have been thrown away. But, now I, 100, save cord siring and have a small ball in a kitchen drawer. In the same drawer is a bag of all-sued rubber bands. My stove drawer holds brown paper $ SAVE FEED jS SAVE TIME Produce The Mix That Produces Profit by adding a Rissler Mixer to your feeding system. Also Available: Stationary Mixers & Mobile TMR Feed Carts BADGERS AGRI SERVICE MERILL BADMEN Dillsburg, PA Owasco, NY 717432-8377 315-784-5520 219 DAIRY SUPPLY Berlin, PA 814445-6842 JOHN JONES Mechanicsburg, PA 717-766-8582 McDowell farm equip. mendenhall dairy supply donalo mssley Grove City, PA MENDENHWL DAIRY SUPPLY pA 814 - 7 “-«S» ' 807-735-8656 7,7-786-7654 graham dairy supply Greensboro, PA 412-834-3182 I.H. RISSLER MFG 2 h lt% d Am4O-9422 21 5-484-0551 Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser bags which I reuse as necessary. The top shelf of a cupboard has boxes and paper that can be reused to wrap gifts. Thc'olhcr day when 1 was peel ing the lough asparagus stems, I asked my husband how many other women, he thought, did the same thing rather than throw the lough parts away. My mother peeled them because we did not have much asparagus and so we RISSLER -) —TMR MIXERS R.L. BAUGHMAN 8 SONS BARN EQ. Town wilt, PA 814-9674115 ART DETWEILER Oanboro, PA 215-348-3117 M&M BARN SALES Wastlleld, PA 814-334-5452 WILLIAM ROMBERQER Pittman, PA 717-148-2081 used every bit. Now 1 do the same thing. This reminds me of the story of the daughter who asked her mo ther shy she had to always cut a ham in half before she baked it. The mother said, “Wcll v I’ll ask Grandma as she always did this too.” When Grandma was asked her reply was, ”1 cut the ham in half because 1 did not have a big enough pan for the whole ham.” Our family has always had, shoes repaired that needed new' heels. Why buy another pair? Stockings with runs can be worn under slacks and no one will no tice. Plastic bags can be laundered and we need not buy new ones. I wouldn’t think of throwing away chicken necks or backs as that is the part of the bird that ends up on my plate. Why I even keep some clothes that no longer fit just because they bring back pleasant memories. § SAVE MONEY J$ SAVE ASXIETV COST (JNIM.