Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 18, 1994, Image 2
A2-LancMterFirming, Saturday, June 18, 1994 Lancaster County Livestock Market Auctions Lancaster Livestock Auction Lancaster, Pa. Monday, June 13, 1994 Cattle Calves Hots Sheep Goals Monday’i Auction 57 341 1463 505 978 Lait Monday 983 45 329 780 160 Last Year 1003 91 151 589 502 CATTLE: Slaughter tteen iteady SO higher, initancei 1.00 higher on High Choice and Prime; daughter heifen iteady to 1.00 lower; cowi iteady, although breaking Utility and Commercial not fully tested; bullocks 1.00-1.50 lower, bulls 50-1.00 lower. Supply included 64% slaughter steers, 16% slaughter heifen, 8% cows, with the balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-3 few 4 1100-1450 lb 62.50-65.10; high Choice and Prime 2-4 1250-1435 lb 64.50- couple 67.10; couple lots Choice 3-4 1200 1425 lb 60.75-62.00; Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-1425 lb 59.50- HOLSTEINS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1235-1620 lb 58.25-59.75; Choice 2-3 1190-1700 lb S6.SO-59.00; load Large Frame #2 1050-1150 lb returned to feed at 54.35-55.10. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1350 lb 57.50-62.00; few Choice 2 1025- 1350 lb 63.00-64.25; Choice 2-3 875-950 lb 55.50-58.75; Select 1-3 950-1150 lb 54.25-57.00. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility A Commercial 2-3 Few 45.50-47.75. Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 43.50-47.25. Canner & low Cutter 36.00-40.00 40.00-43.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1050-1350 lb 62.00-66.00, couple 66.25-68.25; Select 1- 3 1050-1300 lb 56.00-61.50. BULLS; Yield grade 1 1300-2400 lb 59 00-65.00, eight head 66.00-69.00, with four head 1410-1715 lb 70.00-72.75; Yield grade 2 1000-1550 lb 54.75-59.00. few low dressing 51.75-54.75. CALVES: Vealen and slaughter calves steady. Demand good for Holstein bulls to return to farm. VEALERS: Couple Choice 180-290 lb 90 00-95.00; high Good and low Choice 140- 300 lb 70.00-90.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Few Good and Choice 400-525 lb 60.00-80.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Few 85-120 lb Holstein bulls 130.00-160.00. HOGS' Birrowi and gilts 1.00 higher, sous not fully teited BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 225-250 lb 44.00-44.50. US 1-3 220-255 lb 43 00-44 00, 265-275 lb 41.75-41.85. SOWS: US 1-3 few 300-575 lb 30 50-32 00. BOARS- Few 450-700 lb 26.75-27.50, Couple 285-380 lb 28.00-29.75. SHEEP. Slaughter lambi 5.00-10.00 lower, slaughter ewei weak to 5.00 lower. Supply included 75% slaughter lambi with the balance slaughter ewei. SLAUGHTER LAMBS; Choice 1-3 B&R CAITLE CO. J RD 1, Marietta, PA • 17547 J Office Phone: £ • (7X7) 653-8164 • • Specializing In • ! Stockers & • Feeders • JOHN BOWMAN e Ph. (717) 653-5728 : RON RANCK • Ph. (717) 6SS-9849 J * HAY, STRAW & CORN A - SALE - Please Note New Sale Time! Sale Starts 10 AM Every Friday At 10 AM c GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RD No. 4 Ephrta, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyere-Caah or Certified Cheek Only Vintage Livestock Auction Paradise, Pa. Tuesday, June 14, 1994 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 924 784 14 2 Last Tuesday 749 720 10 0 Last Year 693 730 CATTLE..USDA.. Supply included 60% sL steen and 35% cows ..Compared with Tuesday’s market: d. steen uneven. Select to average Choice iteady to weak, average Choice to Prime steady, instances .50 higher, si: heifers scarce, cow SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1100/1450 lbs. 62.75-65.50, High Choice and Prime 2-4 1160/1450 lbs. 65.25-67.00, Choice and Prime 2-3 1175/1425 lbs. 66.50- 68.50, eight head 69.00-71.00, Choice 2-3 1050/1100 lbs. 62.25-63.25, few Choice and Prime mostly 3 1480/1650 lbs. 61.35-62.60, Select and Low Choice 2-3 1050/ 1450 lbs. 59.50-63.00. HOLS TEINS: Choice 2-3 1120/1550 lbs. 55.75-57.75, couple 1680/1720 lbs. 53.50- 54.85, IS head Medium and Large Frame No. 2 595 lbs. returned to feed at 64.75. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 bulk 43.75-45.50, high dressing 45.50- 47.00, Cutter and Bon. Utility 1-3 low dressing 41.50-43.00, bulk 43.00-45.50, high dressing 45.50-46.25, Canner and Low Cutter low dressing 35.00-39.50, bulk 39.50- BULLOCKS: couple Choice 2-3 1200/1300 lbs. 58.75-60.00, Select 1-3 1050/1350 lbs. 53.00-57.75. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1-2 ISOO/20S0 lbs. 52.00-56.50. CALVES...VeaIers steady, with a total 80 sold for slaughter. Supply included 658 in graded sale. VEALERS: few High Good and Low Choice 200/415 lbs. 60.00-86.00, 70/105 lbs. 60.00-80.00. RETURNED TO FARM; 25 head 120/125 lbs. Holstein bulls 154.00-155.00,140 head 100/115 lbs. 164.00- 40 head 100/105 lbs. 172.00- 85 head 90/95 lbs. 150.00- and 30 head 80/85 lbs. 120.00- IS head smaU frame 110/115 lbs. 110.00; 50 head 100/105 lbs. 133.00- 70 head 90/95 lbs. 125.00- and 55 head 70/85 lbs. 70.00- 55 head 80/115 lbs. Holstein heifers 205.00,20 head small frame 80/105 60-110 lb 65.00-75.00, few 40-60 lb 90.00-120.00. SLAUGHTER EWES; Utility and Good 2-3 25.00-42.00, few 42.00-45.00; Choice 2- 3 35.00-50.00. GOATS: All goats sold by the head. Billies; Bulk 75.00-100.00, few 105.00- few Thin 50.00-75.00. Nannies; Bulk 50.00-60.00, few Thin 40.00- Yearling; Choice 40.00- few Good 35.00-40.00. Kids: Good 20.00-30.00, few Choice 30.00- LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK : MARKET, INC. ; 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Rt. 22 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Flea Market Auction every Tueaday at 12:30, Toola, Egga, Produce, etc. Buyers <■ Sellera Welcome If you need lights call Northeast Agri Systems Replace your bulbs and save electricity with screw in Fluorescent Lights n- Save Energy-Replaces up lo 75 watt Incandescent • Easy Installation • Economical-Lasts 10 times longer than standard bulb • Fewer Lamp Changes • Lower Maintenance Cost • Durable Polycarbonate Housing • 45,000+ Hour Ballast • 10,000+ Hour Lamp Life • Air Cooled • Water Resistant Ballast • 120 Volt • Made in USA • Halcheted Brass Socket • Medium Base • Starting Temperature 0* 5-7-9 watts 13 watts *5.49«. *5.79., Lancaster Livestock Auction Wednesday’s market report has been discbnllnucd unlit further notice because of Insubstantial receipts. Leesport Livestock Market Laespost, Pa. Wednesday, June IS, 1994 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 204.. PDA .. Supply included 61 il. iteen A heifen, 37 feeder cattle. >l. iteen iteady to .75 lower, al. cowt .75 to 1.50 lower. STEERS: Choice 1190/1450 Ibi. 60.00-64.00, Select 1130/1505 Iba. SS.SO-60.75, Standard SO.OO-54.25. HOLSTEINS: Choice 1100/1570 Iba. 55.00- Select 55.00-SS.2S. HEIF ERS; few Choice 1070/1260 Ibi. 58.00- Select 48.75-55.25. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 43.75-46.50, Cutter and Bon. Utility 42.00- Canner and Low Cutter 38.00- Sheila down to 34.00. BUL LOCKS: Select 970/13401ba. 52.75-56.75. BULLS; Yield Grade No. 1 1365/2430 Iba. 53.00- No. 2 1220/2655 Iba. 48.00- 53.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steera: Large Frame No. 1 & 2 475/850 Iba. S4.SO-65.00; Heifera: Medium Frame No. 1 & 2 340/595 Iba. SS.OO-72.00, Large Frame No. 2 665/1076 Iba. 49.00-50.25; Bulla; Medium and Large Frame No. 2 428/737 Iba. 45.00- CALVES IS9..VEALERS; few Choice 175/190 Iba. 97.50-105.00, few Standard and Good 80/95 Iba. 60.00-80.00, Utility 65/120 Iba. 42.50-60.00. RETURNED TO FARM; No. 1 Holatein bulla 90/120 Iba. 150.00- 80/90 Iba. 125.00-140.00, No. 2 80/120 Iba. 82.50-150.00 moatly 100.00- No. 1 Holatein heifera 80/110 Iba. 160.00-191.00, few No. 2 80/90 Iba. 125.00-140.00. Few Beef croaa bulla and heifera 80/105 Iba. 110.00- HOGS 142..8an0wi and gill* iteady to 1.00 lower, towi uneven. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/256 Iba. 41.85-43.10, US 1-3 200/275 Ibi. 41.00- 41.35, US 2-3 217/236 Iba. 38.35-39.00. SOWS: US 1-3 360/605 Iba. 30.50-34.25, few Medium 300/390 Iba. 25.00-28.50. BOARS; few 175/570 Iba. 28.00-28.75. FEEDER PIGS 177... US 1-3 20/60 Iba. 72.00-100.00,60/97 Iba. 46.00-49.00, Util ity 30/50 Iba. 35.00-65.00. - per cwt SHEEP 15.. Spring il. lamba; Choice 50/100 Iba. 68.00-82.50. Slaughter aheep; few 20.00-36.00. GOATS 15... Large 40.00-62.50, few Medium 47.50-SO.OO, Kids 15.00-45.00.- per head. lbs. 170.00-180.00 and 10 head 65/70 lbs. 122.00. SHEEP...INSUFFICIENT VOLUME TO FULLY TEST MARKET! GOATS...NO MARKET TEST! New Holland Livestock Auction Lancaatcr, Pa. Thuraday, June 16, 1994 Cattle Cal vac Sheep Goate Today 1271 462 347 267 Laat Thursday 1187 404 156 174 Last Year 1229 536 231 116 CATTLE: Slaughter ateera 50 to moatly 1.00 lower, alaughter heifera ateady; cow a ateady, inatancea 50 lower on Breaking Utility and Commercial; bullocka not teated; few bulla ateady to weak. Supply included 60% alaughter ateera and 18% oowa. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-3 few 4 1050-1450 lb 62.50-64.00; mixed Choice and Prime 2-3 few 4 1175-1450 lb 63.50- couple Choice 2 1100-1325 lb 6450-67.00; Select and low Choice 2-3 1050-1450 lb 58.75-63.00. HOLSTEINS; Choice 2-3 1200-1600 lb 53.75-57.25; Select 1-3 1150-1550 lb 53.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 1140-1210 lb 59.00-61.35, couple lota 885-940 lb 54.25-56.75; few Select 2-3 1000-1290 lb SS.7S-S6.SO; few Select and Choice 1-3 1110-1350 b Holateina 49.50- COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility A Commercial 2-3 43.25-46.00 46.00-48.25. Cutter A Boning Utility 1-3 42.00-43.00 43.00- 46.00-46.75. Canner A low Cutter 35.00-39.50 39.50-42.25 42.25-42.75. BULLS; Yield grade 2 1200-1700 lb 51.00-55.00; couple Yield grade 1 1200- 1700 lb 60.00-65.50. CALVES: Vealera ateady, although bulk of aupply aold to return to farm. VEALERS: Few Choice 175-305 lb 92.00- high Good and low Choice ISO- 380 lb 65.00-90.00, 80-110 lb 70.00- Standard and low Good 60-80 lb 60.00-70.00. RETURNED TO FARM; Bulk 90-125 lb Holatein bulla 150.00-180.00, few 180.00- 185.00; amall frame 85-115 lb 100.00- bulk 85-120 lb Holatein Heifera 165.00-185.00, couple 190.00- amall frame 80-110 lb 95.00- SHEEP: Slaughter lamba and alaughter ewea aleady. Supply included 75% alaugh ter lamba with the balance alaughter ewea. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 1-2 70-95 lb 66.00-75.00, few 75.00-78.00; 40-60 lb 80.00- KXJ.OO; few Good to low Choice 2-3 80-100 lb SS.OO-65.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 2-3 18.00-30.00; few Choice 2-3 30.00-42.00. GOATS; All Goats sold by the Head Billies: Bulk 65.00-90.00, few 90.00- with five head 115.00- Nannies: Bulk 40.00- few 55.00-65.00. Yearlings: Good and Choice 32.00-48.00. Kids: Good and Choice 20.00-30.00, few 10.00-20.00. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Thursday June 16, 1994 CATTLE: STEERS: 148 COWS 1.00-3.50 LOWER. STEERS: ONE STANDARD 52.00. HEIFERS: ONE VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, * GET CALVES IN EARLY COWS, FEEDER CATTLE OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: L. ROBERT FRAME, SR„ PRESIDENT Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, Pa. Friday, June 17,1994 Cattle CalT« Thi( Week Lett Week Lest Year CATTLE: Slaughter steers closed most ly steady, after being SO to mostly higher eailier in weak; slaughter heifers 50-1.00 lower, cows 1.00-2.00 lower, bullocks 1.00-1.50 lower; bulls 1.00-2.00 lower. Supply included 59% slaughter steers, 6% slaughter heifeis, 19% cows, 6% bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1050-14501 b 6155-65.00, with sales early part of week up to 65.00; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1150-1450 lb 63.50- 67.00; Choice and Prime 2-3 1100-1400 lb 64.50- few Choice 3-4 1200-1500 lb 60.75- Select and low Choice 2-3 1050-1425 lb 58.75-63.00. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1190-1620 lb 53.75- few early 57.00-59.00; High Choice and Prime 2-3 1235-1620 lb 56.50- Select 1-3 1150-1550 lb 53.00- 55.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1350 lb 57.50-62.00, few Choice 2 1025-1350 lb 63.00-64.25; Choice 2-3 875-950 lb 54.25-57.50; Select 1-3 950-1290 lb 54.25-57.00. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 43.25-45.50 45.50-47.50. Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 41.50-43.00 43.00- 46.00-46.75. Canner & low Cutter 35.00-39.50 39.50-42.75. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1050-1350 lb 6100-66.00, couple 66.25-68.25; Select 1- 3 1050-1300 lb 53.00-61.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300-2400 lb 59.00-65.00, few 66.00-69.00, with four head 1410-171 S lb 70.00-72.75; Yield grade 21050-1700 lb 52.00-59.00, few low dressing SO.OO-52.00. CALVES: Vealers steady, although very few going to slaughter, slaughter calves steady. VEALERS; Couple Choice 17S-30S lb 92.00- high Good and low Choice 140-300 lb 65.00-90.00, 70-110 lb 65.00- Standard and low Good 60-8 S lb 60.00-70.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Few Good and Choice 400-525 lb 60.00-80.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb Holstein bulls ISO.OO-180.00, few 180.00- 18S.00; small frame BS-11S lb 100.00- Bulk BS-120 lb Holstein heifers 165.00-205.00; small frame 80-110 lb 95.00-ISS.OO, with 20 head 170.00- 180.00. SELECT HOL. 50.00. COWS: BREAK ING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 42.00-45.75, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 42.00-45.00. CANNER & LOW CUTTER 38.00-42.75. SHELLS DOWN TO 33.00. BULL: FEW YIELD GRADE 1 1530-1665 LBS. 51.00-52.00. FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS FEW M-2 400-450 LBS. 75.00. CALVES: 295. STANDARD & GOOD 70-100 LBS. 70.00-85.00, UTILITY 60-85 LBS. 50.00-65.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 15.00 HIGHER. NO. 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-165 LBS. 140.00- NO. 2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80-120 LBS. 85.00-140.00, NO. 1 HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 85-125 LBS. 180.00- FEW NO. 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 70-90 LBS. 110.00-160.00, BEEF CROSS BULLS & HEIFERS 75-110 LBS. 85.00-160.00. HOGS: 12. SOWS: FEW 1-3 430-540 LBS. 26.50-31.00. FEEDER PIGS 10 3300 1310 3025 1184 2988 1357