Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 11, 1994, Image 23
lactation cows when compared to |x«j. n __ the state and regional average. The UHI-FrOVO DeVeIODS m formilk forihesircsof the ' - cows appears to be satisfactory. The service sires that are being (Continued from Pago A 22) conception is higher than the state selected appear to be below the The feeding program for the milk- and regional average. state and regional average, ing herd may have to be revised. Also, the last calving interval Since there is reasonably priced The udder health portion of the was 12.9 months for all cows in the semen from high quality bulls for report indicates that there is no scr- herd and the next calving interval production and phsical type traits, ious problem with the somatic cell for all pregnant cows in the herd is this average could easily be raised, count level in the herd. Thepercent projected to be 13.6 months. The Personal Herd Profile can of cows in the low somatic cell Therefore, it appears that a breed- be a valuable management tool for count group is higher than the state ing problem has occured in the all dairy farmers. This personal or regional average. herd and some changes may be i/.ed /epon, customized and In evaluating the reproductive necessary to correct the situation, designed by the dairy producer, performance, it appears the cows The genetic information for the can be used to set realistic goals; to are being bred early, however, the herd shows that the Predicted evaluate the herd; and to identify percent first service pregnancy Transmitting Ability (PTA) for the problems that need to be solved reate is low and the service per pounds of milk is low in the first by the management team. I dhi-provo — I HSTI E 3 r cof CAST HOLSTfIN HMD HMD or STD DEV PRODUCTION GROUPS RER PCRCRIPTION COUNTT STATE RERIOR COALS OATS PCTL VAR DEV PCTI GROUP 1 GROUP 1 GROUP S GROUP A HUNGER OP HERDS I*l SSI ISU " SSS SS7 ST RsyroSuctlsn: 111 DIN St Ist OrssNlnf SR SR SI ;* 15 25 17 * 07 SI 02 S 7 *lO Dsyt Opsn INI ini IN2 125, ST SI OS 27 150 ING INS 152 *ll ( Prso. Itt Strvict SOI Nil SOI OS SIX| 20 N7I HI HI S«1 •It Ssrvlcst/Csne |Prs|| 201 2OS 1.00 * 2.22 75 OS I.NO TN 2.00 1.05 IOS 107 J2O Ctl* Ifltsrvtl (Ltlt) 15. N 15 0 15.7 12.0' 10 15 2.0 20 15.0 15.0 IS 0 IS 0 521 Ctl. Intsrvtl (Ns.t) 15.0 15.0 NS.O IP IsToI N 2 10 2.N NS IS.I 15.0 IN.O IN 1 122 Otyt Dry 02 OS 02 01. 5N 57 25 NS 01 01 05 ON 0211 A.R Ass St Csl.lno 27.5 27.0 27.5 ,10.1 SI 11 2.0 N 7 20.0 27.0 27.0 20.7 Lsft Hsro* " i 71* RHA I Lstvlnß HsrS Nil SOI SOI *t| 50 HI NOI Nil SSI Gsnstlc Evslustlsn. I 230 CSHI with HA Osts 7101 27SN0 70550 1001 00 SSISO ITONO 10200 0225 211 1 Csu PTA LOS Ni Ik SOO SSN 050 0> S|T 1 02_ SI NCO 70 lONS 032 002 TOO 211 2 Csu PTA LOS HI Ik Tip 701 NTS 000 TO 55 521 TO 075 07N 70S 057 2111 Csu PTA LOS NI Ik NOI NSN INN |2O 01 72 SOS T» SON 550 NNI 110 I 120 Sirs* .Ith PTA Osts TSOI 11110 SO5OO Ilf SO 10700 20000 lIONO 10200 I 127 Sirs PTA LOS HI Ik 1170 1100 1120 INI7 7N AN Oil 10 INOO 11N5 1102 1120 112 Sirs PTA LOS Prstsln IS 10 AO Nl 07 NS IS NO N 2 NO SO IN *2l Isr. Slrss with PTA 1152 15000 50110 SO, 05 21500 115N0 10000 0011 *2* Ssrv Sirs PTA |HI Ik 1050 lONS 2070 f 1700 20 AN 70S SS 2101 207 N 2005 201 S | *27 Ssrv Sirs PTA HEP | 221 221 2*o 201 20 IS 70 I] 2NN 210 210 211 I>« Ssrv Sirs PTA ( Trot 55 5T 00 NO 20 NT 21 00 01 50 50 57 * betels Xtnfirertnwtl ' Model HT2OOL HEDGE | TRIMMER • 20.3 cw (1.1 HP) two-cycle Robin engine with solid ipt Prevent Flooding state ignition • Diaphragm-type carburetor dosigned ‘f ~ ■ i (Qf aasy starting and all-position operation 24-inch 'U I blade with a tooth pitch of 1.4 inches • Two-year lim- N 4 llWconsumenjjarr^^ BdS .ft ■■ ■ . - , >*••* SPECIAL PROMOTION PRICE Model N 8251 GRASS TRIMMER/BRUSH CUTTER • 24.5 oo two-cycle RoMn engine - Robin straight shaft • Quick Feed Poly *, I*** Line Head • Shoulder Strap • Tool Kit • Weight; 8.6 Lb. - *« Model FL4II Model NFIIBDM % W backpack 10.0 cc (2 HP) twocyd# DUSTER & | bin engine with solid MIST BLOWER 1 its Ignition • Float-type H rburetor • 3-quert fur' ik • 385 cu. ft. per • 40.2 oo (2 HP) two-cycle lute (186 MPH) Robin engine with solid ud T7<* ,r v ° l state Ignition • Standard^^^^^^^^^^M Itsriocklry *• equipment Includes 60-incfi^^^^^& rrant! M interlocking discharge tube BPBHp qr> I set, mist attachments, static ,/ discharge chain and tool kit • Two-year limited consumer warranty • Weight 23.4 lbs. * Designed For all Position Operation • Weighs Only 9.6 Lbs. • Indudes Shoulder Strap • 2 Yr. Limited Consumer Warranty Modal FL4II I BACK-PACK BLOWER ■ ce HP) two-cyda Robin angina with wild Ignition • Float-typo • 3-quart (ual tank • 385 cu. ft. par minuta (186 MPH) maximum air voluma Intarlocking tubas • Two year Omitad oonsumar warranty. 19 Different Mocfels of Trimmets and Blowers To Choose From 1 JX. Peachy And Boas WintMd, PA tTIN 717-MO-0468 Mascot Bhafponing •t Mm 434 Newport Rd. Ronka, PA 17572 ROBIN DGB AND GRASS RIMMBRS Good As The> Best and Better Than The Rest” Ask Any Owner UlWMttffo. Lawn Can of PA Martin dala, PA 717-448-4841 Lanaaalaf Co. ckaatnnt , Mm and Barries Christiana, PA 17SM 218-038-5330 ygrtOT. , Chaster Co. Eastern Ton Repair Zook Engines Wriohlavlllo, PA 17SM Honay Brook PA 10344 717-353-0208 Bine Mountain Horat Repair Small Engine Repair Eaal Eari, PA 17619 Nawburg, PA 17240 717-445-8857 717-423-5558 Robin DIESEL FUEL USERS... Help Prevent Low Sulfur Fuel Problem Use nr Fuel Treatments With Every Fill Up. FUEL POWER JBBj •#1 Year 'Round Addttlvo m3M • Totally Dlaparaaa Watar Wj&S • Lubrloataa Entira ln|aetion Syatem • Ctaana & Daoarbonizaa ln|aetlen Syatem ■Hf • Pravanta Algaa Growth H • ProvMaa Graatar Pewar, Mora MPG. jH LUBRICITY PLUS • Inoraaaaa Lubricity of Todaya Low Sulfur Fuala. • Pravanta Fual Injaction Syatem Waar Qua To tow Lubricity In Dlaaal Fual • Pravanta StaKlng. •• For Premium Dlaaal Fual • Wa Raoommand a HHH Combination of Fual Pewar and Lubricity Plua For furthor Information, wiito/call: MILLER DIESEL INC. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION ft TURBO CHARGER SPECIALIST TUNE UPS AVAIL. BY APPT. 6030 Jonestown Rd.. Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-545*5931 Interstate 81 Exit 26 1-800-296-5931 STEINMETZ WANTS TO BUY YOUR COINS Whether you have a single coin or thousands, we urgently need to buy your U.S. copper, silver and gold coins. Call for an appointment or come in and let us see your coins and offer you the best market prices. We will come to you for larger collections. Get our free offer before you sell. '^tefaunetz Coins&Cwrency 350 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 299-1211 lancaatar Firming, Saturday, June 11, 1994- iSSUE lAL RT ,A,t f-