Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 11, 1994, Image 160
D24-LancattBr Fanning, Saturday, Juna 11, 1994 FARM EQUIPMENT If we could build a better Robi; we would! AND WE Try the new Robin! (Formerly Same quality features they al but now with Overhead Valvr the latest technology. All this plus a much lower price (Due to more direct marketing) makes it today’s best engine buy. All Model* Feature Low OH Shutdown & Heavy Duly Air Claaner EH 12 4 HP EH 17 6 HP Guarantee; If Not Completely Satis! led Return Engine Within 30 Days, And We Will Replace It With A Comparable Kawasaki Or Honda Engine. WISCONSIN REPLACEMENT ENGINES New t Rebuilt Short Block • Special Prices On 3J HP VH4 Crank Start Engines - No Tank $1,945 Don't gamble with your modem, high-powered, high priced engine! When you need engine machine work performed- We at Rutt’s Machine Shop, Inc. have: • Well maintained, State of the Art, tooling and equipment Length standards traceable to NIST Temperature controlled work environment for accuracy • All work is done or directly supervised by ASE Certified Technicians 96 years combined experience in our work force Special machining performed by Journeyman Toolmaker • Large data base of engine specifications (We don’t guessl • Large supply of engine parts available • Pick-up and delivery service available COMPLETE BLOCK-HEAD-CRANK-ROD RECONDITIONING “Quick Service on Flywheel Grinding’ Call for details (717) 367-3011 RUTT’S MACHINE SHOP, INC. 2329 (Rear) South Market Street Elizabethtown, PA 17022-9793 WE SHIP Ip We specialize in agricultural and industrial engines ATTACHMENTS tor Skid Steer Loaders Material Bucket Tooth Bar • Standard or Custom Sizes • Hardened, Beveled Edge • 7 gauge Material (other gauges available) Call for a Quote! BVI SS WLH. WL HfIMJHI us (800) 325 West Mam St., New Holland, PA 17557 ... $269.00 EH 25 8.5 HP $449.00 ... $289.00 EH 30 9.5 HP $469.00 EH 34 11 HP.. $519.00 Authorized Service Center A * Complete Rebuilding • Large Pans Inventory ngi n e eRV 1 c e 3141 Old Philadelphia Pk • Bird-ln-Htnd, PA 1750 S For Service, Call 717-768-3729 : Martin Tractor 866 Greenspring Rd. NewvUle, PA 17241 Used Tractors • AC 7000 $6,500 • JD 2940 $9,500 • JD 3020, Side .console, $8,200 • JD 4430 power shift, hi serial #, $13,500 • IH 544 w/ldr. $6,000 • White 4-150 $6,500 Used Tractor Parts Most Makes and Models Have Large Selection Recent Arrivals:Case 530 White 2-150; Case 830; Case 530; IH 560; JD 60; Oliver 1650; Case 530; Case 1690; Ford 4610; Oliver 1550; IH 424; JD 2630; IH Fl 2; Oliver 1750; JD 3020; Case 1370; IH jjH^KO^adai^GoodCondW^j Call (717) 776-7542 for detailed information MON-FRIB-5 SAT 8-12 No Sunday Calls Will Ship UPS ■ No Out-Of-State Personal Checks ■ WE ARE BUYERS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEEDING REPAIRS ibuilt Transmission $15,000 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambarsburg, PA 17201 |gfM Phone:7l7-263-0705 K| Salaa - Parta - Service fc Jj BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS FordSN Ford 600.EEQEI Ford aoinaawan Ford 4000, 1964 Diesel Ford 6610 Ford 7610, 4WD w/Ldr. Ford 66405, 4WD JD 4010 IH Super C w/Plow, Disc & Cultivator IH Farmall C USED FARM EQUIP. 545 Dion Silage Blower 10 'dS New 6 Row White Cultivator 10’ Ford Field Cultivator 10’ Brillion Culti mufcher Located: 1 Mila Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Houra; 8:30-5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30-12:00 Saturday *BB Fiat Allis FLIOE $22,500 Grove 14' Forage Wagon NH 479 9’ Haybine NH 479 Haybine (3) NH 489 Haybine IH 990 9' Haybine IH 990 T HavbSaSIKI IH 1190 9’ Haybine NH 770 Chopper w/Hay Head & 2 Row Corn NH 770 Chopper & Grass Head varaub a broom JD 348 Baler w/Kicker IH 440 Baler £ wESJSa j NH 357 Grinder Mixer NH 350 Grinder Mixer (2) Gehl Forage < Boxes