Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 11, 1994, Image 138

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    D2-Lanc«ster Farming, Saturday, June 11, 1994
Professor Ag. Engineering
Co.) An action tqken today on a
dairy farm can have an adverse
environmental impact many miles
away or many years in the future.
Larger dairy farms and increas
ing public awareness require that
environmental consequences be
considered in the dairy manager’s
decision making process.
Those whose income depends
on prosperous dairy farms must
also be aware of the environmen
tal impact of their advice or
product. |
Environmental protection is
more complicated than consider
ing where or when manure is
applied to crop or pasture land.
Dairy farms can impact surface
and ground water, be a source of
noise, odor, dust, and flies, track
mud and manure on highways,
and obstruct the skyline.
Large modem buildings may
represent the latest in dairy tech
nology yet be considered a blight
on the pristine landscape by the
local tourist council.
The environmental nutrient
balance around many dairy farms
is directly related to the amount of
feed brought onto the farm. An
addition of 100 more cows to a
dairy farm may be necessary to
provide income for another family
on the farm, it also may result in
increased water pollution if man
ure is applied to a static or
decreasing cropland base.
The first complaint against a
dairy farm is often related to odor,
dust or noise. Regulations and
requirements concerning odor are
unclear or nonexistent. Options
available for prevention and con
trol of odor are often inconsistent,
expensive and ineffective.
In an effort to gain relief from a
real or perceived problem, water
quality concerns often evolve
from odor complaints.
Water Pollution
Water pollution concerns from
dairy farms include nutrients,
organic matter, and microorgan
ROLLING 0N...1N THE 90 *
Like the larger models, the 5’4” crushes, seeds and
rolls in one operation, tucking seeds in the top 'A " of
the soil.Jn a firmed clod-free seedbed that gives
thick, even stands at greatly reduced seeding costs.
The shallower seeding depth is just right for controlled
moisture and growth conditions.
George V. Selple
Adametown Eouio. Inc. Elizabethtown
q P Meesick Perm Equipment Co.
Lehigh Ag Equipment
Hines Equipment Co.
Miller Equip. Co.
C.H. Rinehimer & Sons
Gutshall’s, Inc.
George N. Gross, Inc.
Farms: Environmental Issues, Considerations
Excess nutrients can result in
algae and aquatic weed growth in
surface water and elevated nitrates
and pH problems in ground water.
As organic matter in surface
waters decomposes it competes
with aquatic life for oxygen.
It can also have adverse effects
on the appearance of surface and
ground water. Microorganisms,
including bacteria and cysts, can
adversely affect surface waters
and ground waters.
Areas where limestone, cre
viced bedrock or other features
permit direct flow of surface water
to ground water require particular
care and concern when planning
manure storage and handling
Major sources of water pollu
tion on dairy farms include man
ure application (amount, location
and liming of application), bar
nyard runoff, manure storages
(leakage, overflow, failure), milk
house and milking center waste
water, and silage effluent.
Dairy farms often receive regu
latory attention due to traceable
flows to streams, lakes and road
ditches from milkhouse drains,
silos, and barnyards.
Water pollution from these
sources is often obvious, readily
traced and easily sampled. These
sources are usually easily con
trolled by application of simple
technology such as minimizing
flow rates and diverting flows
away from nearby surface waters.
Silage Effluents
There is increasing concern
over silage effluents. This potent
waste water has a very high oxy
gen demand (BOD 12,000-80,000
mg/1) and a low pH (3.6-5). Both
of these can upset the balance of
life in waters receiving silage
Larger silos, uncovered hori
zontal silos, and ensiling of higher
moisture-silage increase the likeli
hood and amount of silage
Silage effluent can be collected
and handled with milking center
wastewater, exercise lot runoff
water or in a liquid manure
For Built In Strength Where
It Counts Buy
C.B. Hoober & Son
Meyers Implement
Landis Brothers, Inc.
Umberger’s of Fontana
Gutshall’s, Inc.
Kermit K. Kistler, Inc.
Mixing silage effluent and liq
uid manure increases the produc
tion of deadly hydrogen tfulfide in
pump pits and tanks. Therefore
use extreme caution when agitat
ing and pumping stored silage
effluent Do not enter collection
sumps or underground tanks that
are part of the silage effluent
handling system.
Safety Concerns
Everyone has an obligation to
design, supply, buy, operate and
maintain manure storage and
handling systems that are safe for
workers and visitors.
Manure systems present
hazards from asphyxiation, poi
soning, drowning, and machinery
entanglement and entrapment.
Pumps, pits and tanks can easily
contain poisonous gases or lack of
oxygen that will not be apparent
until someone enters the tank and
is overcome.
Multiple deaths have occurred
as a result of failure to follow
appropriate procedures for work
ing in these confined spaces. Do
not enter manure sumps, pits, or
storage tanks without appropriate
safety apparatus and procedures.
No tool, pump part or farm
chore is equivalent in value to the
cost of a human life!
Another common hazard is fai
lure to provide adequate guarding
at manure tank openings and push
off ramps to prevent entry by peo
ple, tractor scrapers or cows. All
open storages must have adequate
fencing to prevent visitors, includ
ing small children, from gaining
Environmental Reg.
Environmental quality regula
tions exist on local, state and
national levels.
Regulation at the national level
includes the Coastal Nonpoint
Pollution Control Program, Farm
Bill, Federal Water Pollution Con
trol Act, and Clean Water Act. It is
important for dairy managers and
advisors to be informed about
applicable state and local
General guidance for handling
3 Pt. In
8 Ft..
10 Ft.
12 Ft.
or pull
The Brillion specialty seeder utilizes the same world
famous seeding method made popular by the “Sure-
Stand” agricultural model grass seeder. Variations in
seedbox capacity and seed metering mechanisms
make these the ideal seeder for special requirements
of professional landscapers, turf and sod raisers.
N.H Flicker & Sons, Inc.
Clugston Farm Equipment
A.B.C. Groff, Inc.
Peoples Sales & Service
Plkeville Equipment, Inc.
Grumelll Farm Service
Charles Snydsr, Inc.
Deerfield Ag & Turf Center, Inc.
manure in Pennsylvania is found
in the Department of Environmen
tal Resources publication Manure
Management for Environmental
Pennsylvania farmers are also
affected by local ordinances (usu
ally health or building code
related), Chesapeake Bay Prog
ram agreements and the recently
passed Nutrient Management Act.
The Nutrient Management Act
will require farmers with more
than 2,000 pounds of animals per
acre to submit a nutrient manage
ment plan to their conservation
district. Regulations resulting
from the Nutrient Management
Act are currently under
First Opportunity
Farmers often have the first
opportunity to protect or pollute
S.G. Lewis & Son, Inc.
Ceresvllle Ford New Hollend
Leslie Fogg
Pole Tsvern Equip. Ssles Corp
Reed Brothers Equipment
Csldwell Tractor & Equipment
our water resources,
Farmers and those advising and
serving farmers will be held
accountable for the environmental
consequences of operating
Many problems would be
minimized or avoided if we all
worked harder at being “better
Neighbors may include people
next door, down stream, ground
water consumers and our
Just as a great philosopher and
teacher taught many years ago, we
need to be constantly on the look
out for who our neighbor really is.
Clean, safe, environmentally
friendly farms that are profitable,
and pleasant, and safe to work on,
must be the goal of anyone
involved with farming.
The Magnum 12
features Parmak's
exclusive built-in
performance meter
Tells you the exact
condition of your
fence. Takes the guess work out of electric fencing
More power than you ever imagined possible from a
b|>ttery fencer. The Magnum 12 features output equal
to power line operated models. Shocks through wet
weieds and brush. No moving parts means years of
dependable, trouble free services.
The most economic 12-volt solid state fencer opera-
ton on the market. Magnum 12 provides up to three
months of continuous operation between battery
r t charges. Weatherproof, portable outdoor model for
' installation anywhere on your farm. Charges up to 30
miles of fence. Fully warranted. UL listed.
1038 N. Ronki Rd, Ronks, PA 17572
Distributor & Warranty Station For Parmak
Modal MAG. 12 U.O.
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