Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 11, 1994, Image 10

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    AlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 11, 1994
Butter Is Better
Now it can be said. Butter is better. Not that we haven’t been
saying this for years. But then, nobody would listen. The only
claim to fame margarine had over butter was the fact that it is
made from polyunsaturated fat, which tends to reduce blood
cholesterol levels.
But now new research shows that trans fatty acids found in
margarine raise blood cholesterol. It’s hard not to say, “We told
you so.”
In a commentary published last Monday by the American
Journal of Public Health, Harvard University’s Dr. Waller Wil
lett, chief of nutrition, said trans fatty acids are probably worse
than saturated fat. While some researchers would like to see
more studies done, Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for
Science in the Public Interest, says showing that trans fatty acids
are harmful is indictment enough. The Center is currently peti
tioning the FDA to add trans fatly acids to food labels.
Another article by Dr. George V. Mann published in the May
issue of the British journal lancet hypothesizes that trans fatly
acids can reduce the liver’s ability to remove LDL (bad choles
terol) from the bloodstream. The author predicts that if trans fat
ly acid intake were reduced below 10 grams per day. high blood
cholesterol would disappear, and cardiovascular disease would
gradually decrease.
Margaret Pettingell, director of nutrition education for the
American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Inc., says con
sumers have been brainwashed into thinking margarine is
healthy. “When it comes to the butter-margarine scorecard,
most consumers don’t realize that the two contain the same
amount of fat and calories per serving.”
In addition, the gap between prices for the two has decreased
considerably over the past few years. As retailers frequently fea
ture butter as a sale item to draw in consumers, the price gap is
further reduced.
So now wc say it again. Butler is belter. Just imagine dipping
a hunk of freshly steamed lobster or lopping a piping hot ear of
com with anything other than the sweet flavor of butter.
And in baking, experts agree, nothing is belter than butler.
Rose Levy Bercnbaum, award winning author of several cook
books and a syndicated columnist for the L.A. Times, says but
ler not only enhances the flavor of other ingredients, it also con
tributes to (he tender texture of baked goods, as well as impro
ving their keeping quality
Here’s the way we sec it. All foods can be pan of a healthy
daily diet if consumed in moderation. People want to enjoy the
food they cat, and now that science has caught up with good
sense, people will not need to use bland-lasting substitutes often
touted as healthful alternatives. When it comes to topping an
English Muffin, vegetables, or baked potato, you arc now
backed by research when you choose the one with belter taste.
Farm Calendar
Columbia-Luzerne Holstein
Clinton County Herb and Craft
Festival, Clinton County Fair
grounds, Mackeyville, 10
a.m.-6 p.m.
Warburton Farms Open House,
Poultry Management and Health
Seminar, Kreidcr’s Restaurant,
...icrrccyi Jg prog
ram, Mason Dixon Farms, Get
tysburg, also July 12, Aug. 10,
and Sept. 7.
Pa. FFA Slate Activities Week,
Penn State, thru June 15.
Mercer County Wool Growers
Wool Pool, Stoneboro Fair-
grounds, Stoncboro, 7 a.m.-2
Cumberland Wool Growers Wool
Pool, Carlisle Fairgrounds,
Pesticide container recycling prog
ram, Cumberland Valley Co-
Op, Shippcnsburg, also July 21,
Aug. 18, and Oct. 13.
Lancastcr/York County Fruit
Grower meeting, A.L. Kauff
man & Sons Co., Ronks, 6:30
Dclmarva Chicken Festival and
Cooking Contest, Delaware
Slate U., Dover, Del., thru June
Eastern Regional Shorthorn Show
and Judging Contest, Howard
County Fairgrounds, thru June
Franklin County Dairy Princess
Pageant, Lighthouse Restaur
ant, Chambersburg, 7 p.m.
Lancaster County pesticide con
tainer recycling, Henry Hoover,
Ephrata, also July IS, Aug. 16,
and Nov. 2.
Sullivan County Dairy Pageant
and Parade, Dushore. 7 p.m.
To Control Flies
This year has been a banner year
for flies.
With the limited time for
spreading manure this year, 1
believe we had more opportunity
for flies to hatch in fields over a
very short period of time. As a
result, more flies have found more
homes to land on. Also, we have a
lot more new homes being built in
the country next to fields where
manure is being applied. This
increases the number of people
being affected by flies.
Before spreading manure, make
sure as many fly larvae are killed
as possible. This may mean spray
ing the manure before spreading. If
you have the time, you may want
to pile the manure together and
cover with a trap or black plastic
for several days. Either the ammo
nia or lack of oxygen will effec
tively kill fly larvae.
Control flies in confinement
houses and bams. If you use spray
s, be sure to rotate your chemicals
between the different classes, that
is, organophosphates, carbamates,
and pyrethroids. Do not use one
family of pesticide for more than
two weeks.
Finally, practice good sanita
tion. Control water leaks, clean up
spilled Teed, properly dispose of
dead birds and broken eggs, and
keep grass mowed around
To Practice
Best Management
Today’s consumers are
demanding higher quality pro
ducts. From cars to appliances to
foods, people want the best.
Many companies are requiring
their suppliers to certify that pro-
Sund.n, .luiu' l'l
llapin l ather's l)a\!
Northeast Conference On Avian
PcnnAg Industries Annual Grain
Meeting, Eden Resort Inn, Lan
caster, 6 p.m.
Pa. Rivers Conference, Harrisburg
Hilton, thru June 22.
4-H Ambassador Conference,
University Park, thru June 22.
Five-County 4-H Camp, Camp
Blue Diamond, Petersburg, thru
June 23.
Lancaster County pesticide con
tainer recycling, G&G Feed and
Supply, Manhcim, also July 18,
Schnecksville, thru June 25.
Lancaster County pesticide con
tainer recycling, Adams Coun
ty Nursery, also July 19, Aug.
19, and Oct. 11.
(Turn to Pago A3O)
ducts are produced under a moni
tored quality control program.
Tills is beginning to happen with
Tood products. This fall, McDo
nalds, one of the largest buyers of
beef and eggs, will be requiring all
suppliers to certify their products
were produced in a humane way.
Quality control programs are
being developed by many agricul
tural commodity groups. In order
to survive, farmers will need to
adopt these programs. These prog
rams insure all the small details are
done regularly and correctly. This
will insure safe and high quality
These industry standards will
need to be followed or the product
will not be able to be sold. These
best management practices include
rodent control, testing, record
keeping, clean and sanitary condi
tions, and equipment maintenance.
Management will become a
more important aspect of farming.
Now is the time to develop the
management skills to keep your
June 12,1994
Background Scripture:
Exodus 3:1 - 4:17
Devotional Reading:
Exodus 3:16
Some years ago, Tom Wolfe
wrote a best-selling book, The
Right Stuff, about the early years
of the American space program
and the test pilots and astronauts
who had “the right stuff* to make
it work. The book, and later the
1983 motion picture, gave us a
glimpse into the careful screening
that enabled the space agency to
choose the right men and ulti
mately women, too for these
critical tasks.
But painstakingly careful selec
tion is not always successful.
Sometimes, no matter how much
potential people may seem to
have, they turn out not to have
been the right people for the job.
Intelligence, education, experi
ence. aptitude do not guarantee
that someone will have die “right
stuff’ for a particular job. I have
seen more than a few highly quali
fied persons fail and also witness
ed the success of people who
didn’t appear to have the “right
Often, wc arc also wrong when
we judge our own competence for
doing a job, particularly a job that
God wants us to do. In concluding
that we are not the right person for
the job helping another person,
working against injustice, speak
ing out for a righteous cause,
heading up a project reason is
usually on our side. We don’t have
the experience, the education, or
the personality that seems to be re
This was the response of Moses
at the burning bush experience
when God said to him, “Come, I
will send you to Pharaoh that you
may bring forth my people... out
of Egypt” (3:10). Up to that point,
it must have been a fascinating ex
perience; a bush that burned but
was "not consumed," a heavenly
voice speaking from it, the discov
ery that this was the God of Abra
ham, Isaac and Jacob, the Lord’s
farm productive and competitive
in the 21st Century.
To Tell The Story
Farmers Recycle
Farmers do recycle. For
decades, they have been feeding
by-products and food waste.
Examples include soybean oil
meal, distillers grains, bakery
waste, cannery waste, cottonseed,
candy, etc.
More recently, newspapers and
phone books have been ending up
under cows as bedding. Some far
mers are receiving leaves and app
lying them to fields or using them
as a source of carbon for
These are examples of how far
mers are working with communi
ties to solve waste disposal prob
lems. We need to remind people of
the importance of farms in helping
to maintain a healthy environment.
Feather Prof s Footnote:
"When you are out of quality, you
are out of business."
assurance that he has “seen the af
fliction of my people who are in
Egypt” and the promise that “I
have come down to deliver them
out.. . and to bring them out of
that land to a good and broad land
.. . flowing with milk and honey
. . (1;7,B).
But then the Lord added.
“Come, I will send you to Pharaoh
.. and Moses had a reality at
tack. Suddenly he was consumed
with logic: “Who am I that I
should go to Pharaoh, and bring
the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”
(1:10). Let’s be fair, Moses was
right Logically he was the wrong
choice for this job: the people of
Israel would not accept him be
cause of his Egyptian background
and he was a fugitive from the
Pharaoh’s law. Clearly, he did not
have “the right stuff.”
Moses was both right and
wrong. His objection was a good
one, as far as it went But, if he
didn’t have “the right stuff, God
did. “But I will be with you,” God
assures him (1:12). Moses was
right, he was not adequate, but
God was. “And this shall be a sign
for you, that I have sent y0u...”
The most important factor here is
not Moses’ inadequacy, but that
God is sending him.
Moses, like any rational person,
raised three more objections. First,
if he goes to the Israelites in God’s
name and they ask who this God
is, “what shall I say to them?”
Second, they will not believe that
God has sent him. And third, “Oh,
my Lord, 1 am not eloquent ...
but I am slow of speech and
longue” three excellent reasons
why Moses should insist that God
has the wrong person for this task.
Yet,. God meets each of these
inadequacies with his even more
powerful adequacy. He will pro
vide Moses with the power and the
words he needs so that his purpose
will be accomplished through
Moses. Thus, Moses, the inexperi
enced, inadequate, unprepared
runaway convict will have “the
right stuff.”
And we will too.
Lancaster Farming
Established 1955
Published Every Saturday
Ephrata Review Building
1 E. Main St
Ephrata, PA 17522
Lancaster Farming, Inc.
A SMhmin BUmprim
Robert G. Campbell General Manager
Evans a Nammwnger Menacing Edtor
Copyright ISS4 by UneaMer Farming