Dave Slusser, General Manager During the last three months, I have met hundreds of DHFA members, and particularly all of the employ ees of PA DHIA. It is really inspirational to know that we have so many friends and supporters on the farm, and in te( ,hnici an s. I give a report on the Dairy Induslry. DHIA is the PA DH|A assodatiw and Laptop Enters New Phase PAT TORETTI Pennsylvania DHIA’s plan to put computers on the farm on test day is entering a new phase, according to Dean Amick, the PaDHIA’s Field Services Direc tor. “Out of 175 DHIA techni cians, all but five have now been released. It’s time to move to the next step; test day reporting.” Late last year PaDHIA began a push to have all DHIA technicians send ing paper bam sheet information to DHIA’s central computer by the end of the spring. That goal has been met, and PaDHIA says its targets of reducing staff and improving turn around time have been hit. But new challenges lie ahead. “The transition to compu ters has been rough for some tech nicians,” Amick admits, “but for the most part people have risen to the occasion. On any given day we now have about 90% of the infor mation coming ip on the telephone lines. A year ago when we said we’d being doing this. I’m not sure if we even believed it ourselves, but here we are.” The challenges that remain include improving the reliability of transmissions and the quality of support for technicians. "It’s hard to telieve in the “information age” that you have so many phone com panies with difficulty getting a connection to a remote computer,” says Jim Boyer, processing center manager, “but there are a lot of mom-and-pop phone services out there, and moving the data can sometimes be a real chore. On the other hand, I guess you think about the exceptions more than the rule. We have difficulties with really only a handful of cases in more than a hundred transmis sions per day. Still, it can be frus trating for the individuals involved, and they always seem to come from the same locations.” Melissa Johnson and Dan Smith, who help technicians through the task of moving DHIA data from the farm, have noticed a change in the number and kind of calls now routinely coming in to the DHIA help desk. “Early on we got a lot of calls just in the nature of how to run the basic program. We don’t see that so much anymore,” says Smith, “now the questions are more along the lines of how can I leave such and such a list with the farmer, or how do I build a custom screen, or how to diagnose line problems or equipment repair.” Getting the technician help desk up to speed has required special effort, admits Smith, who handles troubleshooting for the ARIS sys tem when not answering techni cian calls to the help center. “We have over two hundred ARIS users, but we’ve been putting them on the system one at a time for about seven years. And many n „ _ _ , Uncwttr Fanning, SrtURUy, June 4,1M4-E9 Spring Conference Provides Chance To Meet changing Nationally. Pennsy* vania is of course involved with that change. I have set a policy for myself to attend at least one County Committee or Board Meeting in every county per year. So far, I have attended 10 county meetings, most of which involved the field Program of them are feed dealers, or vets, or farmers who’ve already been using computers for a good while. Suddenly you add almost the same number of technicians, with com puter skills all over the place, from very sophisticated to no familiari ty at all. And they’re more demanding, too. They have to get the bam sheet information in here before the samples arrive. It’s been interesting, to say the least. We’ve learned a lot about compu ter support ourselves.” While the first phase of the lap top program involved a mandatory switch from paper to electronic bam sheets, the next step in the program will be somewhat more relaxed. In a deal recently con cluded with Westfalia, PaDHIA will offer the Dairy Plan program to technicians interested in leaving reports on the farm on test day. PaDHIA will also be an author ized retailer for the program, so farmers interested in buying Dairy Plan or seeing how it might work in their own operation can talk to their DHIA technicians or call PaDHIA direct at 1-800-DHI-TEST. “In the first part of the program, we had a committment to pay for the com puter hardware by laying off peo ple in the state office,” notes Amick, “and as we were reducing keypunch operators we had no choice but to move aggressively in getting the technicians on board. Some of our people probably resented that, but we really had no choice: we’re trying to reduce costs as much as we can. For the next step we’re going to offer the testday reporting to technicians as a voluntary option. I expect a lot will be interested and we’re going to concentrate on those who are.” In addition to providing test day reporting, PaDHIA plans to offer incentives to technicians to sup port and sell Dairy Plan to inter ested dairymen. “Not all the details have been worked out yet,” says Amick, “but our plan is to provide a nice financial incentive to technicians who want to install Dairy Plan on a farmer's compu ter. We aren’t asking our supervi sors to be salespeople for Westfa lia, but again, those who are inter ested will be encouraged to show our members what the program can do. And of course, there should be something in it for the technicians to do that” PaDHIA plans to begin training the first group of technicians in the use of Dairy Plan for test day reporting at the next DHIA Tech Conference, scheduled for late July. At the same time DHIA will offer a new version of its electron ic bam sheet program that works mote closely with the Westfalia system. DHIA technicians inter ested in being involved in the pro ject should plan to attend. then we have a round table discussion. The county committee duties include evaluating and assisting the State Association in providing DHIA services. By all work ing together, we can do a much better job serving our members. If your county has not yet met with me, please let me know your meeting dates, and I will attend. Weekly I meet with Dean Amick, Dixie Burris, Jim Boyer and Jim Garrity. We discuss the comments and recommenda tions that come back from the county committee meetings. Many recommendations that Changes In DHIA Genetic Information (Continued from Page E 8) substitute the Parent Average (PA) for an animals PTA average. These procedures apply only to DHIA, DHI and AM/PM forms oftesting (codes 00-39). In those cases where the dam of an animal does not have a PTA and it is not possible to locate her parent age, there will be no PA available. This will prevent the system from calculating an accurate genetic value for the offspring. Two circumstances exist that preclude an animal having a PTA. First, an animal calving Tor the First time less than 4 months prior to when USDA genetic evaluations (January and July) arc pub- lished will not have a PTA value calculated. However, the Parent Average (PA) of such an animal can be substi tuted until she has a PTA of her own. Parent Average (PA) is simply the average of the PTA's of her sire and dam. In most cases it will be possible to locate PTA's for the parents of an animal. Sire PTA's arc available from the USIJA sire evaluation file. If the dam and daughter were both members of the same herd, recovery of the dams PTA value should he relatively easy. This will allow the first calf heifer to have a PA. When it is averaged with the PTA of the sire of her calf it is possible to produce a reason able estimate on the genlic value of the calf. The same situation exists when the PTA of the service sire is known and it can be coupled with the PA of the female to yield a genetic estimate (PA) on the calf she is carrying. A second situation occurs when the sire (or service sire) of an animal is a young sire. This commonly come from the counties have already been instituted, one being the color report forms. The field service on Thursday, April 14 completed the Spring Technician Training Conferences. There were 14 Conferences altogether of which 1 was able to attend X of them. After meeting so many of our field technicians, and working with them, I am more confident than ever about our future. These employees work where the rubber meets the road. They come into your farm every month, and provide a service second to none. They are PA happens when a herd uses AI progany test sires. While such young bulls don't have PTA's, they do not have PA's that can be used. When averaged with the females PTA (or PA) the result is a reasonable genetic estimate on the offspring. Using PAs as subslitues for missing PTA’s will also allow better estimates of genetic merit for the several age groups shown in Genetic Profile section of the Herd Summary II report. Previously when the sire and/or dam no PTA, their genetic value was estimated as breed average or /,cn>. This grossly underes timated the genetic worth of the animals and their offspring. Herd owners will be able to tell if PA's have been substituted for PTA's on the Individual Cow Page because (lie headings will indicate which value was used for an animal. Use of Parent Aver ages in place of missing Predicted Transmitting Abilities will enhance the value of the genetic information that Pa DHIA provides on the Herd Summary 11, the Individual Cow Page and on the calf and heifer reports. Genetics progress with DHIA How much genetic progress are we making in our Pennsyl vania dairy herds? We can determine the year increases in pounds of milk, fat and protein by looking at the averages for Sire PTA (LBS.) 1990 Milk Fat Protein DHIA in your bam, artd all the rest of us support them in their work. Because of the work they do and the management information PA DHIA pro- vides, hundreds of PA DHIA members will be able to survive these troubled eco- nomic times. At each meeting, technicians shared their ideas on how to better serve our members. Another important accomplishment for our technicians has been the mastering of the laptop computer. Half of the confer ence time was spent working on their computer skills with (Turn to Pago E 10) tested herds. However, such changes reflect a large contri bution front better management as well as from improved genetics. Most estimates that I've sccnindicate that 25- to 33 percent of the annual gain in production per cow can be attributed to genetics while the rest is due to better feeding and care as well as from better housing and other environmen tal circumstances. By knowing the average Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) of the sires of cows wc can estimate the genetic merit of the cows on test. We can't come up with a genetic value for cows not on test but my guess is that it would be somewhat lower than for the animals in tested herds. The genetics in a herd continu ously change as the older cows (sired by bulls with lower PTA's) sires. PTA values for the 1990-1993 years inclusive are shown below: The average annual increases in milk, fat and protein PTA's arc 146 pounds for milk, 5 pounds for butterfat and 4.3 pounds for protein. Moreover the changes from year to year arc rather consis tent. Yearly production in- creases for the same time period were 470 pounds of milk 16 pounds of fat and 15 pound protein. Dividing the yearly PTA increases by the yearly production increases gives us estimates of the genetic contri bution of 31*. 31% and 299 f for milk, fat and protein. 1991 1992 1993 +513 +655 +BO5 +366 +2O +25 +29 + 14 +l5 +l9 +23 + 10