Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 50

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    mo-Ltncnfcf Farming. Saturday, Hay 28.1994
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) While many kids turn up
their noses at the taste of rhubarb,
they certainly hajl big smiles when
they attended the 11 th annual Rhu
barb Festival on May 21 at Kitchen
There, they found all kinds of
delightful wonders of which rhu
barb is capable.
For instance, there was The
Rhubarb Race Car Derby, which
featured miniature dragsters built
from ruhbarb stalks and raced tow
ard the finish line.
Some snazzy dragsters sported
florcsccnt blue, pink, and green
paints. Hot pink wheels completed
the look and enabled the dragsters
to race down the runway.
The Stralcy sisters, Meagan, 8,
and Kristen, 9, entered the derby
for the first time. They placed
Fred Homshcr, Paradise, cap
tured the First time with his work of
art that had a driver carved from
Thirteen-year-old Allyson Lad
ley of Leola used puffy paints to
catch the eye of the judges, who
awarded her second place.
John Bratton, a former school
teacher and now owner of Bral
SaLtfe **
Entries In the Rhubarb Derby show how classy race cars
can be designed from a plain stalk of rhubarb.
Lisa Reiff, left, president of the Lancaster County 4-H
Woolles Club and known for showing top market lambs at
every Lancaster County Fair, does more than raise sheep.
Here she helps prepare chicken kabobs marinated in rhu
barb sauce for Festival visitors.
Zany Day Of Rhubarb Fun
ton’s Woodcrafts, said that the
contest was only open to employ
ees and their families. Crowds
gather to watch, the cars placed on
the racetrack.
First prize in the speed category
went to Jeremiah Sensenig of
Intercourse; second prize went to
Ricky Miller, and third to Dave
Ail the kid’s could enjoy the
Rhubarb Arcade. There, such
games as rhubarb pick up sticks,
rhubarb bulls-eye toss, and Rhu
barb Regatta were played. Those
games and many more were played
throughout the day. Face painting
and cookie decorating were also
available to visitors.
Yummie the Gingerbread Per
son mingled with the kids while
Rupert Rhubarb handed out
A rhubarb pie throw was held
for those who wanted to throw a
pie in the face of Brother Weims
from WIOV 105. Fourteen gallons
of rhubarb sauce pies splattered
The pie throwing the the pie
sales were not just for fun
although it was but to raise
money for the Muscular Dystro
phy Association. This year $614
was raised for the Association.
Winners In the design category of the Rhubarb Race Car Derby are from left, Mea
gan and Kristen Straley, Fred Homshre, and Allyson Ladley.
John Bratton, right, explains the rules for the Rhubarb Race Car Derby, a contest In
which miniature dragsters are built from rhubarb stalks and raced toward the finish
Yummle the Gingerbread Person gives a guest a wel
' 4 --4
Ing hug.