Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 43

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    Woman Pioneers
(Continued from Pago B 2)
Since Brubaker’s parents pur
chased the farm in 1952, it has
undergone many changes.
“We have done nine major reno
vations on the first two chicken
houses,” he said. “The first chick
en house was built with round
feeders, din floor, and curtain
sides. Over the years we changed
that to adapt to new technology.
The last house we built again had
round feeders, a dirt flow, and cur
tain sides. Does that tell you any
thing about technology?”
The chickens are under a
10-year contract with Pennfield.
Although the calves are raised
independently, it is with the agree
ment that Pennfield will pay at
least $1 per pound and will take
care of advertising and selling the
According to the Brubakers, the
positive side of raising chickens is
that it allows the family vacation
time during replacement time.
Raising calves is different as it
requires year-round work. Luann
hopes she can find a person who
will work with hera few weeks and
then be able to handle it for a few
days independently.
“We want to find someone like
ourselves who is good and depend
able,” Brubaker said.
Although the Brubakers had
carefully researched the project
before they invested in it, the pro
ject has not been without surpises.
‘Time-wise it takes more of a
commitment than she anticipated.
Each season brings new chal
lenges,” Luann said. “In the wint
er, it was the snow, then it was mud
with Milkshakes!
Call now
for spring
lime application
and spring respiratory illness, and
now it’s flies."
She admits that if she had
known all the obstacles before she
began, she probably would not
have done it. Nonetheless, she
said, “I’m glad that I didn’t know
all the drawbacks, because I abso
lutely love caring for them. They
are just like children.”
While some people have the
preconceived impression that bulls
are nasty, Luann said that she finds
the furry, playful bull calves are
more personable and easier to care
for than heifer calves.
When the couple are, not work
ing on the farm, they are involved
in church and agriculture-related
activites. Brubaker is vice presi
dent of the Lancaster County Poul
try Association. Both he and his
wife are active at Refton Brethren
In Christ Church. He teaches Pion
eer Club. She is a choir member,
sings solos, and is president of the
Women’s Ministries.
Both enjoy photography, hik
ing. and the outdoors. Luann gar
dens and preserves produce and
dabbles in painting still life
In a 1979 newspaper article on
Brubaker, who was then Lancaster
County FFA president and reci
pient of several awards and a Bur
roughs Scholar for being the top ag
student in his class, was quoted as
saying, “I really love farming. I
wouldn’t be happy doing anything
For Brubaker that philosophy
hasn’t changed. His wife shares his
She said, “I love doing this even
if it is a lot more work than we
Fay Strickler
Penn State Extension
Home Economist
For Berks Co.
Many Americans are interested
in shaking the salt habit In the
past salt was used primarily as a
food preservative. Today, it is still
used as a preservative in cured
meats and brined vegetables.
However, its main function in
many recipes is for flavor alone.
When salt is reduced or elimi
nated from recipes, alternate ways
of enhancing flavors will probably
be needed to improve product
acceptability. (Be careful about
reducing salt in yeast bread
recipes. Salt helps to slow down
die action of the yeast. Without
salt, bread will rise faster and have
a coarser texture. If you wish to
reduce salt in yeast bread, cut the
amount in half and expect a quick
er rising time.)
As people learn to use smaller
amounts of salt they discover the
seasoning value of spices and
herbs. Spices, in contrast to the
mineral, salt, are aromatic veget
able products used either whole or
ground (for example, pepper or
nutmeg). Herbs are plants or plant
parts used either fresh or dried.
Most herbs and spices do not
contain sodium. (Sodium is the
part of salt that most people are
interested in avoiding.) The fla
vors that come from the herbs and
spices make it easier to eliminate
salt entirely from cooking. At first
it is wise to use herbs and spices
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sparingly because a little goes a
long way. However, if fresh rather
than dried hergs are to be used,
use twice the amount in order to
get full-flavor development. Other
flavoring substances, such as
black pepper, onion, green pepper,
lemon juice and vinegar will also
enhance the goodness of food
without the presence of salt.
There are not strict limits to the
use of herbs and spices. A good
general rule is not to mix two very
strong herbs together. Rather, one
strong and one or more of a milder
flavor create the most harmonious
blends. STRONG flavors include:
bay, cardamon, curry powder, gin
ger, hot peppers, mustard, pepper
(black), garlic, rosemary and sage.
MEDIUM flavors include: basil,
celery seed and leaves, cumin,
dill, fennel, French tarragon, mar
joram, mint, oregano, savory
(winter and summerO, thyme and
tumeric. DELICATE flavors
include: bumet (plants in the rose
family, chervil, chives and
Other ideas for reducing
sodium include:
Substitute unsalted chicken
or beef broth for bouillon cubes in
Use unsalted or low sodium
tomato juice, paste or sauce in
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1994-B3
place of regular tomato products.
Season with herbs.
Make your own “low
sodium” white sauce to replace
canned cream soups in casserole
recipes. Your white sauce can be
flavored with a variety of herbs or
spices, depending on the other
ingredients in the recipe.
Try using low sodium soy
sauce, or cutting the amount of
soy sauce in half in a recipe.
Another tool is to keep an herb
shaker handy instead of a salt
shaker. To make your own herb
shaker, use the following recipe:
Herb Shaker
'A teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon each of the following
ground seasonigs: basil, thyme,
marjoram, savory, mace, sage,
black pepper, onion powder.
Mix all ingredients together and
put in salt shaker.
Salt Substitue
1 teasoon chili powder
2 teaspoons ground oregano
2 teaspoons black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder (not
garlic salt)
2 tablespoons dry mustard,
6 tablespoons onion powder (not
onion salt)
3 tablespoons paprika
3 tablespoons poultry seasoning
Mix all seasonings together and
put in your salt shaker.
One final reminder about sea
sonings. Flavored salts such as
onion salt, garlic salt and celery
salt can be replaced by onion or
garlic powder, and celery seeds or
flakes. Usually, slightly less pow
der than salt can be used and sdll
keep the desired flavors.
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