Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 178
MMancnter Firming, Saturdiy, May 28,1994 JD 5200, 130 hrs., Ilk* new JD 4320 JD 2550 JD 2350 JD 1050 w/470 hrs. JD 4440, cab & air JD 4240, cab & air JD 4040, cab & air JD 4040, fender, quad range trans. JD 2940, 4WD JD 2940 JD 2640 w/loader JD 2240 JD 2240, 4WD, w/Joader, 1983 JD 4430, Cab & air JD 4230, cab & air, power shift JD 4230, cab & air, quad JD 4230, quad range, fender JD 4030, gas Casa IH 5140, MFWD, cab & air, like new JD 310 TLB w/cab, excellent Case 1835 skid steer in 1 bucket Kubota 7200, 4WD w/loader NH 785 skid loader NH 779 skid loader Ford 3 btm. 3 pt. hitch, spring reset plow IH consertlll 10’ JD 3 btm. roll over plow JD 5 btm. on land hitch JD 8 btm. 2800 varied width on land hitch plow 244 JD corn heads 444 JD corn heads JD 444, low tin, oil bath 443 corn head NH 852 round balor JD 336 baler NH 489 haybine JD 346 wire baler w/thrower NH 479 haybine JD 410 round baler NH 472 haybine NH 320 baler w/kleker, like new Gehl 1850 round baler NH 1033 stack wagon, sharp MisncixANEOUS Hay Truck 1987 Ford F7OO, S spd. & 2 spd. rear, 22* body plus full head rack. low mileage IH 510 grain drill, DD opener Brllllon 10’ seeder Gehl 800 recutter JD 7000 4 row conservation planter, liquid fert., sharp Brllllon 21’ hyd. fold roller harrow Gehl 95 grinder mixer MF 10' offset disc D & R EQUIPMENT INC. USED TRACTORS JD 5020 JD 4010, diesel JD 4000, diesel JD 2955 JD 730, diesel, square WF IH 7110, cab & air IH 966 IH 684 IH 656, diesel IH 350, gas IH 384, power steering, diesel IH 595, 650 hours, like new IH 140 w/cultlvator IH 100 w/cultivator & side dresser Ford 4610 w/loader, 1,200 hrs. Ford 3430, like new Ford 4000, gas MF 35 MF 231, new Ford 4630, 4WD, 230 Hrs. INDUSTRIAL MF 200 diesel crawler loader, 4 USED PLOWS IH 710 8 btm. 18” spring reset, on land hitch JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spring reset JD 2500 6 btm. auto reset fSED COMB] New JD 643 corn head JD 215 flex head JD 213 flex head JD 3300, gas JD 4400, diesel HAT EQUIPMENT Kewanee 21’ hyd. fold disc Taylorway 25’ diac JD 110 disc JD 115 disc Glenco soil finisher, 12’ AC Air Champ 8 row bean plantar, no till 18’ IH field cultivator, hyd. fold IH 2350 loader, like new Zimmerman 32’ alevator Rt. 579, Rlngoes, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RD 1, BeclHebville, PA 610-845-2911 M k*TE UK HEW M)Ea ] If MMMM fKA WHITE- KUHN AOCO White 6125 OF 5000 T, 17 Ft 2WD w/Cab, Gyro Tedder w/Powershift AGCO White 6085 GEHL tractor. 2-WD w/cab FB 1540 Blower 4625 Skid Steer NEW IDEA- Loader 3622 Spreader 3250 Rectangular 3639 Spreader Baler w/Thrower 4844 Round Baler RR 262 Rotary Rake B BILLION- DC 2340 Disc Mower Deep-Til Implement Conditioner MDS 1481 Pidvimuldier BU 970 Forage Box, 12 Ft. Pulverizer 16 Ft. 9 Ft Chisel Plow MS 312 Spreader Ne ' oStSL Gehl CBI2OO Forage New Manure Bush Hog 12 Ft Disc Corn Head HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Siales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 IJD 4640 SGB, quad w/front wheel assist JD 4440 Q, SGB, duals JD 4240 SGB, quad 1976 JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4230 SGB, quad, very nice JD 4230 Q, 4 post JD 830 D 2 eyl. JD 630 w/3 pL A fenders ia JD 650 diesel, MFWD W JD 316 hydro lawn mower 7 JD 318 hydro lawn mower, nice A JD 322 hydro, lawn mower, like new, 118 T hrs. w Implements & Misc. A Stocking New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders ▼ For Most JD&IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To ▲ 180 HP. V IH 720 6x18” auto reset i IH 720 6X16” auto reset W IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount 7 IH 720 4xlB auto reset A IH 710 auto reset, 7 bottom 16” on-land ▼ IH 710 sxlB auto reset, on-land hitch A IH 710 4x16 auto reset ’T IH 480 Wing Fold Disc \ Kewanee rock flex wingfold disc, 21% ’ JD 12T chisel Case IH stalk chopper #6O IH 60 stalk chopper Brady 12’ stalk chopper JD 510 round baler JD 640 hay rake Factory JD WF to fit 520 thru 730 Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 (1) ‘9O Case 1840 skid steer Nl 324, 2RW, 12 roll bed, very nice IH 1850 loader off IH 574 >. IH 3 pt. sickle bar mower 1983 JD 6620 hydro, vary nlca„w/2100 hr*. JD 4420 air, monitors, haadar Haight 1076 JD 4400 diasal, nice JD 4400 D, air, 1074 modal Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.B. Used Parta Dual wheals - a and 38’a Tractor Weights JD It IH IH 544 diasal, hydro Farmall IH 504 utility IH 856 diasal IH 706 diasal IH 1256 Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 • (717) 786-1606 4 Mon.-Frl. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 FAX 717-786-4773 * QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPUENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED & AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE Tractors MF 1163 6RN MF 1143 4RN MF 1859, 16’ 6 Bat Uil Reel MF 1859, 13’ flax IH 943 4RN, vary nice IH 944 corn head IH 843 4RN, Good IH 810 ridgld head, nice condition JD 443 4RN High Tin, Vary Nice JD 444 hl-tln, very nice JD 216 flex Black Real JD 213 flex, black real JD 13’ & 15' rigid head JD adaptar for oar corn haad to chopper Nl 766 hfcfHlikkup head Nl 763, 3 Row Chopper Head Combines 70 hydro 806 dlaaal & gas 560 D 706 gat tractor dual PTO untta 826 dlaaal 1026 hydro INC. WRAPPERS ty Hay & Hi-Moisture Bales Made In USA A One Man Operation bale wrapper wraps bales fast and can be used to move bales to barn or feed lot. 3164 Oregon Pike, Leola, Pa. 17540 Lancaster County 717-656-7499 Call Collect Dealerships Available 1991 Case IH 7120, 18.4-42 tlree, 3 hyd., radar, 1500 hrs. w/factory warranty ‘B3 Case 2090 cab, air, Power shift, 2063 hrs., very nice Case 2090 Power shift, cab, air, very nice IH 3088, Fender Tractor, 1 Owner, 1012 Hrs. IH 1086 cab, air 3500 hrs., very nice IH 1086 Factory cab, air, 1979 model IH 986 factory cab, air, 38” radials IH 886 4 post, 2900 original hrs. IH 786 fender tractor, 1 owner, 2600 hrs. Case IH 595, cab, air, 4x4 w/IH 2255 quick attach loader, like new IH 684, MFWD IH 84 hydro, 2800 hrs. IH 1468 V 8 cab, air IH Io66psnaab w/alr, very nice IH 966 fender tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hrs. on engine, clutch & T/A, very nice IH 966 w/cab & air IH 966 fender tractor, WF, 3 pt. Case 1070, power shift, 4 post Oliver 1800 gas, WF Heads MF 850, hydro, 2100 hr*. MF 550 dlaaal hydro, 1 ownar w/1069 origi nal hra. Farmall 400 ft 450 D 6 gaa Farmall H 6 M Nl 713 & 715 grain haads Nl 702 D,» 701 Q 6 702 G Nl 717 comblna JD 4020 dal., powarahift JD 3020 Q