040-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1994 mam Multi-Purpose Lagoon Pump Works in any lagoon or any open pit up to 14’ deep. Available in 32’ & 42’ versions. Mid-Atlantic AgriSystems 3053 Barren Road OXFORD, PENNSYLVANIA 19363 1-800-222-2948 COMBINES & HEADS IH 844 4R Com Head 1994 Case IH 1644 Axial Flow DEMO w/15’ 1020 Head, 190 Hours 1992 Case IH 1640 Axial Flow w/15’ 1020 Head, 475 Hours 1991 Case IH 1640 Axial Flow w/15’ 1020 Head, 1000 Hours 1991 Case IH 1660 Axial Flow w/16'/ 2 ’ 1020 Head, 1054 Hours 1990 Case IH 1660 Axial Flow w/15’ 1020 Head, 1277 Hours 1982 Massey 850 w/18’ Head w/U 2 Reel, 3400 Hours TRACTORS 1979 Ford 6600 1962 Ford 801 w/Plow & Disc Harrow Case IH 7110 2WD, Magnum 490 Hrs. Rental Tractor MISCELLANEOUS Cub Cadet 518 Rider w/36” Deck Ford YUTSTVbI Tractor. 38” Deck IH 475 IRscHarrow, 13’xl0” Wide IH 485, 17’ Hyd. Fold Disc Harrow JD 494, 4R Planter IH 3 Pt.ICW <ll S-Tine Field Cultivator Soft Hose Water Wench JD 7b On-Land Plow Case IH 5717 Chisel Plow, 17’ Lely- Roterra, 8’ IH 4 Bottom Rollover Plow, 16” Bauer Pump Unit w/Deutz FSL4I3FR-500/600 GPM @ 170 PSI Farm-Hand Dump Wagon Ford Chisel Plow, 10’ White 6b Semi-Mounted Plow JD Hay Rake Century Sprayer HarfMtl jfijw/Off-Set Boom Unverfertn Header Cart Bauer Rains tar Irrigation System Model 12S-3SOT Bauer Rainstar, 125-360 P (Hard Hose Reel) Brittania Boom Sprayer NH 271 Square Baler NH 268 Square Baler NH 680 Manure Spreader NH 488 Haybine Form-Rile.. Agricultural equipment, Supplies & Services SHILOH, NJ. 1-800-752-6373 HAY & FORAGE Ford 7000, flat dock w/dual power, 2 PTO’a, 2 ramotos, weights and nlea cab, w/2600 original hours Ford 6610 Series 11, cab & air, 2WD, dual power, dual remotes, extra nice Ford 5000 dal, 8 speed 38” tires & weights w/all hyd. loader, good condition JD 4620 w/oab, duals & weights, front wheel assist, nice clean tractor JD 4020, eldjw»naole, syncro range w/roll kMrii canopy JD 4020, side consols, power shift w/roll bar ft canopy JD 4020, aide console, syncro range w/factory cab Case IH 5130 Maximum, 4WD, cab, air, power shift, 1300 hours, excellent Casa 2290, cab, air, power shift, front weights, 2 PTO’a, dual remotes Case IH 885, cab, air, 4x4, TA, w/Case IH 2255 QT loader, ISOO hours, extra nice Case IH 685, 4x4, w/TA ft HOPS, IH 2250 loader w/lnd. valve, very nice JD 3940, electric controls, hyd. tonguo, choice of heeds, good condition Dion Forege Wagon, 3 beater w/roof & 12 ton tandem, excellent, choice of 2 NH 782 w/540 PTO and electric controls, very nice harvester w/cholce of nice heads Gehl 1260, fully equipped with all the options, choice of heads, very nice JD 7000 4R conservation, monitor, dry fart. & insecticide boxes JD 7000 4RN, dry, platsless, Insecticide boxes USED PLOWS AND CHISELS Ford 151 (White) 3xlB spring auto reset, fully mounted plow IH 700 5x16 w/couHers, gauge wheel l> hillside hitch IH 720 4xlB auto reset w/eoulters & gauge wheel Oliver 588 4xlB, auto reset w/cou Iters & gauge wheel JD 1710 9-tooth mulch tiller w/walklng tandems, vary nice USED DISCS AND HARROWS Brllllon 12’ M S"-tlne transport harrow, used very little Oliver 252 10’ flnlgsßg) disc, dual wheels, very nice Brllllon 10’ double packer JD 16’ transport type spring tooth harrow, good condition McConnell 16’ transport spring tooth harrow White 253 12’ finishing disc w/tandem wheels, very nice Brllllon 10’ packgsllll” axle, very nice Whit* 265 IV heavy frame cutting dlae w/landam wheal* & 24” blade* USED HAY EQUIPMENT NH 258 raka w/dolly wheal and steal taath NH 316 w/#7O thrower, axeallant NH 276 baler w/throwar, electric control*, cylinder* & hoaaa, vary nice NH 489 hayblna, atub guard*, axeallant JD 2RW w/clutch NH 824 2R corn Gahl 6* pickup w/dolly whaala JD 58 w/7’ bucket Allied 760 w/7’ bucket Bracket* for JD or other* Uaad 20.8x38 anap on dual* Uaad 18x38 IH Hub mount dual* USED TRACTORS USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT D HARVESTER HEADS LOADERS MISCELLANEOUS IH 706, ails JDlolo,aai»_ 16' hydraulic dump bale wagon w/8 ton running gear..—....... .........—..........—. $2,000 1H706. .$5,900 1H1486, cab 6e air, new TA 6c clutch, rubber <c paint. IH 766 Black Stripe w/cab, new rubber IH Super C, new rubber .$1,500 (4) year round - $1,500 IH 786 w/roll bar, new TA 4c clutch, excellent condition $11,500 IH 1486 4WD, cab, ale duals, new rubber low hours, excellent condition $20,900 IH Super MTA, very good condition $3,200 Financing Available 717-776-5291 JEFF SHOWAKER Clean off-the-farm, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty Positively no out-of-state Personal checks IH 5088, cab, air, 2 PTO’a, triple outlata, 20x38 radiala. vary nlca IH 1086, cab,R£Q!juals, weights, vary nlca IH 884 dlaaalSsfa22so QT loader, 2 PTO’a, Indnßlaer valve, 1200 houra, vary nlca IH 826, WF. 3 pt.. 2 remotes, dlff lock, * very nice IH 786 D 1980 w/358 German engine, dual remotes, fender tractor, good condition MF 3505, factory cab, air, quick hitch, 500 actual 1-owner hours, excellent MF 265, multipower, dual remotes, dual PTO’a, wet brakes, excellent cond. Kubota 8580, 4WD M roll bar & canopy & Kubota All options, 900 hours, excellent AC 185 diesel, WF, 3 pt. 2 remotes, nice 75 HP tractor FNH 785 dsl. skid staar w/1000 hours FNH 555 dsl. skid stssr w/1500 hours Gshl 1060, tandom axis, alactrle controls, eholes of haads, good condition Gahl 970, 3 baater, no roof, w/JD 12-ton tandam Gahl 970, 3 baatsr w/roof ft JD 12-ton tandam Gahl CBBOO, alactrle controls, 2 RN, hay pickup Rax 3 baatar w/roof tandam axla wagon, ataal aidas, vary nlea condition (Lameo) FNH 790 hay haad, Ilka naw NH 3 RN Augar baaa packaga w/8’ pickup Dunham 22 w/6’ buckat Braekata for Ford or othara Uaad 18.4x34 anap-on duala ...$3,250 ...$1,750 516,900 511,900
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