D3B-Lanca*tar Farming, Saturday. May 28. 1994 “Call Us Fbi Ask At USED EQUIPMENT Ingersol 6018 tractor loader MF 210-4. 4WD, Good Condition $5,995 Ford 8N NH 268 w/thrower NH 567 NH 479 haybine NH 488 haybine Gehl 2R forage head NH 880 R 2, 2 row head NH 880 W windrow pickup head NH 717 R 2 header JD 3 bottom automatic reset plow Ford 4 bottom fully mtd. JD 2 bottom Dunham 7 shank chisel plow 3 pt. Southeast 12,000 lb. GVW trailer w/electric brakes Gill Multi-Purpose Landscape Machine, $1,895 New Athens 132 - 28 disc, cash $7,900 JD 4R Com Planter, Plateless, Model 1240 Bobcat 642 skid steer (717) 243-2686 R & W EQUIPMENT 35 E. Willow St.. Carlisle, PA 17013 Parts Shipped UPS Daily USED TRACTORS TAG# DESCRIPTION HOURS COST 8646 Leader Tractor w/5' Sickle Bar Mower 8636 Farm all H 8611 MFTO3S 7924 Ford 4630 2WD w/Cab 16x8 Trans. Exc. Oliver 1550 Gas Tricycle Ford 8240 SLE 4WD Cab 53 Golden Jubilee Gas Ford 9N Case 311 Tricycle w/Loader Ford 5000 Diesel w/Turbo 8-Speed Ford 6610 w/Tiger Boom Mower Ford 8830 Powersoft Cab, 4WD, Exc. Farmall 560 Gas w/Narrow Front AC 6080 4 Cyl 2WD Turbo w/Cab IH 574 Diesel All-Purpose w/Wide Front Ford 9600 w/Canopy & POPS Dual Power IH 656 w/Wide Front T/A Ford 4000 Diesel Bx 2 Trans. Ford 4000 SOS w/ROPS Ford 600 w/Loader Ford NAA w/5' Sickle Bar Mower Ford 3000 Gas 8 Speed 1969 Model Ford 9N Overhauled Motor Ford BN 8606 8593 8536 8550 8526 8522 8517 8474 6467 8464 8457 8450 8423 8329 8326 8309 8269 8237 8213 8212 INDUSTRIAL & SKID LOADERS 8576 Ford 345 C w/Cab, Exc. 8595 JD 675 Skid Loader w/62" Bucket 8540 NH L 425 Skid Loader Gas 8520 Case 580 C TLB 4 Post ROPS 8518 NH L 553 Skid Loader Kubota Engine 8459 Ford 335 Tractor Loader w/8 Speed Trans Gas COMPACT DIESELS 8513 Kubota 66200 Gear 8502 Ford 1300 2WD 8434 Case IH 1120 4WD w/60” Deck & Snow Plow 8163 Ford 1220 4WD Turf Hydro Exc w/New Short Block HAYBINES NH 489 Haybine w/Cyl. Exc. 8626 NH 499 Haybme (Coming In) 8616 Nl 290 Haybine 9' 8306 IH 8830 Haybine Diesel SP Hydro 12’ Header 8198 NH 489 Haybine Rolls/Good 8159 NH 489 Haybine CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RR 3, BOX 109 1 MILE EAST OF RT. 309 ON RT. 443 TAM AQUA, PA. 18252 PHONE: 717-386-5945 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.; I-FAX 717-386-4080 I^3 IWPj\ SAT. 8 :00 A.M. TO 12:00 pgp|| EVENING HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ißllfl | SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY | At Needs, tttons." Equipi 380 3818 1021 NH 316 Baler w/Thrower, Exo. (1 Of A Kind) 8648 Ferguson 3 Pt. Hay Rake 8594 IH 35 Rale w/Rubber Teeth 8560 MF 25 3 Pt. Hay Rake PTO Drive 6 Bar Setup 8556 IH 35 Rake w/Rubber Teeth 8551 NH 276 Baler w/Thrower 8533 NH 275 Baler w/Thrower, Nice 8499 NH 1003 Bale Wagon 83 Bale Capacity 8472 NH 1003 Bale Wagon 83 Bale Capacity Pull Type 8429 JD 336 Baler w/Kicker Elec. Control 6401 New Idea 402 Hay Rake Steel Teeth Ground Drive 3412 8313 NH 268 Baler w/Thrower 2391 1546 7424 7989 521 2214 3482 2200 196 939 363 187 3500 5500 On Engine Overhaul, 2 Outlets, Very Clean Midwest Tractor $11,750 410-833-9091 L J HARVESTER & FORAGE 8530 NH 718 Forage Harvester 8440 New Idea 323 1 Row Com Picker 8422 McCurdy 190 Gravity Box w/8 Ton Gear 8402 Gehl 72 Crop Chopper 8270 NH 716 Harvester Box 16' 8160 Gehl 95 Grinder Mixer BALERS & RAKES 8289 NH 70 Bale Thrower F/316 Baler 8181 MF 124 Baler w/Chute PLOWS 8599 Ford 151 3 Bottom Auto Reset Semi-Mount Ford Pull Type 9 Tooth Chisel Plow 8653 Dearborn 2-14* Plow 8643 Ford 142 3-16* Plow Auto Reset Cat #2 8608 Case 3-14* Plow 8578 Ford 131 9 Tooth Chisel Plow Pull Type 8455 Ford 2-14’ Plow 8231 IH 540 4-16’ Plow Semi Mount 8190 Ford 3 Pt. 131 Chisel Plow 7 Tooth 8096 Ford 140 3 Pt. 3-16’ Plow w/Cover Boards 8006 Ford 142 6-16* Plow 7921 Glenoo 9 Tooth Chisel Plow 7357 Ford 101 3 Pt. 3-14* Plow w/Coler 7310 Ford 152 5-18’ Plow Auto Reset 7307 Ford 101 3-16* 3 Pt. 4416 Ford 101 3-14* Cat #1 TILLAGE & CULTIVATOR 8678 3 Pt. 6’ Disc 8644 Case Mounted Cultivator F/Case 8607 IH Pull Type Vibra-Shank 12’ w/Lever 8630 JD 8250 Grain Drill 16x7 8605 IH 2 Row Corn Planter 8581 Athens Rhino F9O 2V Finishing Disc w/Wings 8488 IH 35218' Transport Harrow w/McKurdy Baskets 8466 Brinley 1 Row Cultivator 8442 Brinley Sleeve Hitch 1 Row Cultivator 8153 Brillion 16' Transport Harrow 8173 Ford 230 16‘ Disc 7982 Ford Cultivator w/Rake 7420 Ford 309 3 Pt. 4 Row Com Planter 7318 IH 45 3 Pt. Field Cultivator 18' E/Lever MANURE SPREADER 8614 NH 308 Slurry Spreader Exc. NH 512 Spreader Single Beater 8548 NH 520 Spreader w/Slurry Sides End Gate Exc. 8557 NH 304 Side Delivery Spreader 540 PTO 8501 NH 514 Spreader New Chain Smith’s Implements, Inc£M jBT 12258 Buchanan Trail West, Mercersburg, PA HU||jH Phone (717) 328-2244 «t 2226 TRACTORS Case 2290 cab tractor w/power shift, 2523 hours, good condition IH 574 w/IH 2250 loader, 2000 hrs. since overhaul. NH 495 12’ wind rower head on Hesston swing arm unit NH 489 9' mower conditioner w/lllt cyl., very good condition Hesston 1085 9' mower conditioner, hyd. lift cyl., good condition JD 510 Round Baler w/Wlde Belt Options & Extra Pressure Springs JD 1327 Rotary Disk Mower Conditioner (Completely Gone Over) Call for Extra Details! NH 489 9 Ft. Mower Conditioner w/Llft Cylinder - very good condition IH 1190 9 Ft. Mower Conditioner - Good Condition Gehl 2170 9 Ft. Mower Conditioner w/Hyd. Tongue Positioner. Approx. 2 Yrs. Old Call For Details! NH 495 12 Ft. Endpull Mower Conditioner - Rolls Good Coming In Soon! Call for Add’l Info Call For Details! JD #39 7 Ft. Sickle Bar Mower $1,200 IH 830 Forage Harvester w/electric controls, 1000 RPM, 2R adj. corn head & 6' hay pickup head, everything fairly good condition Gehl 1200 forage harvester w/2R adj. corn head & 6’ hay pickup head selling as Is Rlchardton Model 1200 tandem dump wagon w/roof, approx. 3 years old Call For Details! JD 3940 Forage Harv. w/Hydra-Electrlc Controls, 1000 PTO. Completely Gone Over & Field Ready)!! Call For Details! JD 3960 Forage Harv. w/Long Tongue, Hydra-Electric Controls, 1000 PTO. Will Be Completely Gone Over! Coming In Soon Call For Details! NH 900 Forage Harv. w/Metal Alert 11, Electric Controls Auger Base w/3RN Corn Head & Hay Pickup Head JD 5 1/2 Ft. Hay Pickup Heads - Early Style JD 2 Row Narrow Corn Head w/Sllp Clutch Checked Over!!! JD 3 Row Narrow Corn Head w/Sllp Clutch & New Style Cutoff Knives! Being Sold As Is. Operational! JD 3 Row Narrow Corn Head w/Sllp Clutch & New Style Cutoff Knives! Gone Over Field Ready! Call For Details! JD 3 Row Wide Corn Head w/Multl-Lubcr. Being Sold As Is! JD 714 Forage Wagon without Roof, Has 3rd Beater, on JD 1275 Tandem Running Gear. In Fair Cond JD 216 Foiage Wagon w/o Roof, has 2 beaters, on JD 1064 4 Wheel Wagon Gear. Being Sold As Is, Where Is JD RG4O 4 R row crop cultivator IH 4x semi mount spring reset plow JD KBA 10 1/2’ transport disc harrow JD 2500 5 or 6 Bottom Plow. Seml-MTD, Spring Reset JD 210 Disk Harrow w/ C-Cushion Gangs (11 Ft. 5 In) Hyd. Lift Cylinder Included! JD 235 Center Fold Dura-Cushion Disk Harrow (15 Ft. 8 In) Overall Cond. Good. Coming In Soonl Call Wot Detail*! JD 875 4-Row Cultivators w/All Extras Available! Used Just 1 Hour! This Unit Like Brand New!!! NH 425 skid steer loader w/gas engine, good condition coming in soon Call For Details) NH 520 Manure Spreader w/Hyd. End Gate, 3 Years Old, Excellent Condition Snow Blade to Pit On Front of 260 or 265 JD Loader w/Hyd Angling Spring Trip. Selling for Customer Call For Prlcel Also A Dealer For Sunflower [j Tillage Equipment And HW Equipment [j Call For Details .Call For Details $2,750 $4,300 $2,050 Call For Details $6,250 $4,300 $2,200 $4,300 $2,400 .Call For Detail*! s6Bo sa.eoo $3,200 $2,100 $3,750 $9OO .. $7OO $1,500 ....$BOO $3,900 $2,600 $4,850 $3,600
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