Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 169
John jt* 4230, . r'oat, 13.4x38, 2R, Front Wts., A Nice Tractor. Claar. International 686 Dissel, WF, 3 PL, Good Tlraa, A Real Good 69 HP Tractor. COMING IN SOON IH 966 w/Cab Ford 2600 Gaa, Cab And Loader 18.4x38 Clamp On Duala Ford 3x16 3 Pt. Cushion Trip Plow Ml 10' Lime Drill w/Seeder Box JD 443 4RN Corn Head Lllllston 4R Rolling Cult. (3) JD 4R Rear Mount Cult. Bush Hog 4x30 3 PL Cultivator Noblo 0x36 Hyd. Fold Danish Una Casa IH ox3o Danish Tina (Uka New) Casa IH 133 4x30 Danish Tine (Vary Nice) Brllllon 4x36 Danish Una JD RM 6x30 C-Spring, Rolling Shields (5) Ford 2 Row 3 Pi. AC Dl5 2R Front Mount Farmall Cub And Super A Cult IH 80 2R Front Mount For 584 Etc. JD 6R Front Mount (Lata Style) (2) JD 8R Front Mount (Late Style) ROLLER HARROWS AND PACKERS Bearcat 10’ Roller Harrow JD 950 10' Roller Harrow Chatanooga 8‘ cultlmulchar, nice Dunham 10* roller harrow Kewanaa 10' roller harrow JD 950 15' roller harrow (3) Brllllon 10' packer w/4" axle Brllllon 16' Cultipacksr, 4” Axle Brllllon 16' Packer w/End Transport Dunham 12' Roller Harrow (2) Brllllon 12' Cultlpaeker w/4” Axle (2) Brllllon 10' Cultlmulcher LOADER ATTACHMENTS JO 175 w/6’ And Wobble Stick (Uty.) Snow blades lor Farmall Cub And Supar-A JO 48 Loader w/6' And Valve (3020-4020) Hesslon Qulk Attach w/7' Bucket, Easy Adapt To Most Ford w/Hyd. Bucket, Valve A Dump To Fit NAA. Etc. 1973 JD 4400 Diesel Combine 1974 JD 4400 diesel rotary screen Combine JD 213 Flex Black Real, Sharp (2) JD 213 flex head, yellow real JD is' grain head JD to* grain head 6T Lo Profile Header Transport JO 443 4RN Com Head JD 348 SRN Com Hoad JD 244 2RW Cora Head International 656 Gas, WF, 3 PL, Raar Weights, Very Nice, 64 HP Tractor. Kubota L24BH Offset w/Cult And Several Rear Mount 2,4, 6 And 6 Row Cultivators, JD, IH, Bush Hog, Noble, Brllllon. Gehl 95 Grinder Mixer Farmhand FBl Grinder Mixer NH 352 Grinder Mixer JD And MF Cat II Qulk Hitch 8' 3 PL Fuarst Chain Harrow Wastgo Rock Picker Apache 3 PL PTO Brush Chipper Side dressers tor Cub 50 Gallon 3 PL Sprayer Campbell 400 gal. sprayer - Pull Type (2) Brllllon 5'6" seeders- (1 New) (2) Brllllon 10' A 11' Packer Seeders New and Used spike harrows New Long Rotary Tillers, 55”, 63”, 72” (6) Gravity Bln Wagons Oliver 1R PTO Tatar Digger 1 Row 3 PL Tatar Digger New 9” A 12" post hole diggers Westfield 4xll And 6x16 Augers Shaver HD6 And HDIO Post Drivers MF A JD 10' 3 pL spring tooth harrow Knoedler PTO Burr Mill sira While 549 4x16 Auto Reset While 549 sxlB Auto Reset White 548 6xlB Auto Reset Oliver 546 6x16 Auto Reset Oliver 548 sxlB Auto Reset IH 720 7xlB Auto reset, on land IH 720 sxlB Auto reset, on land (Sharp) IH 710 5x Auto Reset, On Land IH 710 6xlB On Land, Trip IH 720 6x16 Auto Reset IH 700 6x16 Auto reset (sharp) IH 710 4x16 Auto Reset IH 730 4x Varl-Width, Toggle IH 710 3x16 Auto reset IH 314 3x16 Rollover IH 2x fast hitch (2) IH 311 3x fast hitch While 6342 3x 16 Rollover w/Coulters White 348 3x16 3 PL Auto Reset MF 57 4x16 roll-over plows JD 2700 7x On Land Toggle Trip JD 4600 4xlB roll-over on-land hitch HARVESTERS AND CORN PICKERS IH 781 Harv. w/o Heads JD 3970 W/2RW (2) HI 323 1R Complckar Ml 324 2RW w/12 Roll Husking HI 325 2RN w/8 Roll Husking JD 300 Husker w/244 2RW Head LAWN AND GARDEN 1990 JD 240 12 HP Kawasaki w/44” Deck Case-Inge rsol 222 w/44” Deck A Bagger Ha ban Sickle Bar Cams Oft 129 Cadet Brlnly lx Plow w/Bleeve Hitch Brinly 2 Gang Disc w/Sleavs Hitch Woods 1250 Mown Machine w/Baggar, 44" mm Case IHIB3-. <ov tlvator, Also Othara To Chooao From. 11 1" •' •-■••’SSSSIS I "'' r (3) John Dow* 6 Row A 8 Row Front Mount Cultivators, All In Good Condition. Rotary Mower, 540 PTC, Good Condition Also Have A JD 1508 Wing Mower. (2) While 271 20' Rockflex Wing Disc IH 37 10' Disc w/Uft Cylinder (2) IH 370 10’ Disc w/Uft Cylinder Miller 11' Offset White 281 10V4 ' Offset Disc IH 8' Offset Disc- Small Frams JO 111 8' Rock Flax Disc (Sharp) JD BW 13' Disc JD 820 9' Disc Like New JD 110 14' Disc Bush Hog 12’ Cutting Disc IH 500 13' Cutting Disc Several 3 PL Hitch Dfaca- Call AC 220 4WD w/Cab, 136 HP AC 185 Diesel w/Cab, Sharp AC 7080 w/Cab, Air, Sharp Caaa 4890 4WO 250 HP. 3 Pt, PTC Caaa 4490 4WO, 175 HP, 3 Pt.. PTC Caaa 930 w/Cab, Nlca JD 4230, 4 Poat, Quad, 2R, 18.4x38 JD 4320, Cab, Duala, Sharp JD 4320, Cab 18.4x38, Very Nice JD 4020 LP Gas, WF, Cab JD 900 Offset w/Cult. IH 786 Fender, Very Nice IH 756 Gas, WF, 3 Pt. IH 666 D, WF, 3 PL, Very Good IH 706 Diesel, WF, 3 Pt. IH 656 Gas, WF, 3 Pt. IH 284 Gas, 28 HP w/3 PL IH 185 Lo Boy w/S' Mower MF 255 Diesel w/Canopy, New Urea, V. Mica Farmall 140 w/CulL Farmall Super A w/Cultlvalor Farmall 140 Hl-Clear Ford 1710 Offset w/Cult., Low Hours Ford 5900 62 HP Diesel (New) Ford 2000 Gas, LGC Ford 2910 D w/Loader, Low Hours Ford 335 D w/Loader, P.S. And 3 Pt. Ford 3000 Gas w/Loader, Nice Satoh 17HP 55506, 3 PL. PTO CHISEL PLOWS & FIELD CULTIVATORS JD 1600 10' Or 12' 3 Pt. Chisel Hesslon 9T Soil Saver w/Hyd. Discs Hlniker 1120 18' Flat Fold Field Cult- Sharp Brilllon 10' pull chisel IH 55 13' pull type chisel Glencoe 7T Soil Saver Glencoe T And 9' Pull Chisels (2) IH 55 7' 3 Pt. Chisel AC 1200 3 Pt. Field Cult. w/Hyd. Wings Kasco 9' 3 Pt. 2 Bar Chisel Plow JD 12* 3 PL Danish Field Cult. IH 45 13 Pull Field Cultivator UFT 10' 3 Pt. Chlael Hl-Clear Kewanee T 3 Pt. Chisel, Hl-Clear IH 13' 3 Pt. Chisel Plow 2 Bar New Holland 250 Hay Raka w/Dolly Intamatlonal 756 Gaa, WF, 3 PL, Whaal, Rubber Teeth, Ready To Rear Walghta, Good Tires, Go. 540/1000 PTO, 76 HP, Good Condition. Others Not Pictured. Holland 352 Grinder Mixer, Gehi 95 Grinder Mixer. anas r *■ Ac Bate Wrapper. Sava By Buying A Good Uaad Ono. , e ' * ' , mi*' ‘w - 'm&pj : * * O King Kutter S’ 3 Pt. Rotary Mowers On Slock. A Full Line Of Rotary Mowers On Stock. JD 327 Baler w/E|ector JD 336 Baler w/E]ector JD 327 Baler w/EJector (Kept Inside) JO 346 Baler w/EJector NH 851 Round Baler JD 410 Round Baler JO 1219 Mo/Co, Cut 40 Acrea 1 Time Case IH 3206 T 3 Pi. Disc Mower (2) NH 451 r 3 Pt. Sickle Mower (2) MF 41 T 3 Pt. Sickle Mower NH 455 T Pull Type Sickle NH 456 T Pull Type Sickle Ford 515 T 3 Pt. Sickle Mower Triumph 6' Hyd. Drive Side Mt Sickle, Sharp Pequea 710 PTO Tedder Nl 402 Hay Raka w/Dolly (Sharp) NH 55 Hay Raka NH 256 Hay Raka (2) NH 255 Hay Raka w/Dolly (5) Bala Throw Wagona, 2 New Farmco Buffalo Valley 36' Elevator, New Zimmerman 48’ Elevator,. Sharp 24* Bait Conveyor w/Tranaport BSE Now Wooda 5’ & 6' Estate Mowers Now Wood MO 315 15' Batwing John Deere 1508 15' Wing Mowar Alamo TK-15' Wing Mower Woods RM 400 estate Woods RM 500 Estate Woods RMS 9 estate Mott flail to fit cub New Woods 50 For Super A, 140 New Woods 5260 3 pt dltch/bank New Woods 59C belly mower for cub New Woods L 59 for AC 'B' Woods L 306 to fit Ford 8N Bush Hog S' 3 pt flail mower Ford 6’ 3 Pt. Rail Mower New Woods 214 14' Mower/Shredder Wood 0080 Offset Pull Mower Brlllion 15' Stalk Shredder DUALS 1 Set 16.9x38 Clamp On 3 Set 18.4x33 Axle, 9 Bolt 1 Set 18.4x30 Clamp On 2 Set 16.9x34 Clamp On 1 Set 20x38 10 Bolt Rima Only CORN PLANTERS AND DRILLS JD 7000 4R w/No Fort. JD 7000 4R w/Dry, No Til JD 7200 4R w/Dry & No Til IH 56 4R Cornplanter IH 56 2R Cornplanter Pull Type (3) JD 1240 4R Platelets JD 7000 6x30 plate type planter (2) Ford 309 2R 3 PL Planter IH 250 A 2R Pull Type IH 249 2 row pull type JD Van Brunt 17x7 SD w/Fert. And Grass IH 10 18x7 DD w/Grsss IH 510 16x7 SD w/Grass & Fen.