Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 162
026-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1994 & FARMWAY • Gutter Cleaner • Free Stall Cleaner • Vertical Manure Conveyors • Manure Augers SAND MARK T.M.R.’s • Conveyors • Feeders & Ventilation • Stalls • Stanchions • Drinking Cups EAST COAST WAREHOUSE 800-724-4866 If we could build a b we would! AND WB Try the new Robin! (Formerly Same quality features they al but now with Overhead Valvr the latest technology. All this plus a much lower price (Due to more direct marketing) makes it today’s best engine buy. All Models Feature Low OH Shutdown & Heavy Duty Air Cleaner 4HP $269.00 EH 25 5.5 HP. $449.00 6HP $289.00 EH 30 9.5 HP $489.00 EH 34 It HP $519.00 EH 12.... EH 17..., Guarantee: If Hot Completely Satlsf lad Return Engine Within 30 Days, And We Will Replace It With A Comparable Kawasaki Or Honda Engine. WISCONSIN REPLACEMENT ENGINES New Or Rebuilt Short Block • Special Prices On 30 HP VH4 Crank Start Engines - No Tank $1,945 JOHN DEERE | | | 1 SINCE 1955 1 ■ ■ i • Brillion 7 Shank Chisel Plow w/Gauge Wheels $ 1,890 ' • Brillion S-Tine, 12 Ft. Basket Harrow $ 3,298 • Tufline 3 Ft., 6’/* Ft. Disk Harrow $ 850 • Pequea 710 Hay Tedder $ 1,725 • JD 606 6 Ft. Rotary Mower 3 Pt $ 1,350 • JD 272 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Finish Mower $ 1,950 • 6 Ft. & 8 Ft. 3 Pt. Landscape Rakes $614 To $ 782 • Hardi 80 Gal. 3 Pt. Sprayer w/600 Pump & 20 Ft. Boom $ 1,430 • Pequea 18 Ft. Bale Wagon Complete w/Wagon Chassis • NH Bale Elevator USED EQUIPMENT • JD 60 Tricycle Good Working Order Orig. Paint $ 1,995 • Ford 821 Ind. Tractor w/5 Ft. Hyd. Mower. Clearance $ 2,790 • Nice Farmall Cub w/New Woods 60” Underneath Mounted Mower • Farmall B Cultivision Tractor w/Cult. Original, Nice. • JD 6600 Combine w/13 Ft. Grain Table • JD 1219 Mower Conditioner, Excellent Condition.., •JD 13 Ft. Grain Platform w/Hume Reel •JD 16 Ft. Grain Platform • (2) 2 Row Diggers „..., • ’9l Demco Sprayer w/28 Ft. Boom, 100 Gal. 3 Pt. Hitch, PTO Drive (Like New) • NH 328 PTO Spreader w/New Floor • Allis Chalmers 16 Ft. Wingfold Disc w/Hyd. Cyl $ 1,795 • 3, 4 & 5 Bottom Plows From $475 To $875 • 7 Ft. Sickle Bar Mowers Mounted &3 Ft $485 To $ 600 • King Wyse 24 Ft. Elevator w/Motor $ 700 Reduced Prices On New 4 Wheel Wagons w/New Tires Used 250 Series Mack Diesel Engine On Stand $ 1,600 Cushman 3-Wheeler w/Utility Box, Cab & Take-Off Curtains Authorized Service Center A • Complete Rebuilding • Luge Pats Inventory nGI n e erV I c e 3141 Old Phtlidclphla Pk • Blrd-In-Hand, PA 17S0S For Service, Call 717-768-3729 lIPMENT NEW MM FARM MMequipment COMING IN IH 3488 hydro, cab, air Nl 800 tractor w/rear wheel assist IH 100 hydro, cab, air IH 856 diesel Case IH 8730 pull type forage chopper, Wide grass pickup, 2RN head Good JD 4020 diesel syncro range, dual hyd. JD 50 JD 520 JDS3O JD 4020, gas syncro range Nl 81515'flex table R.B. LEAMAN $ 3,495 $ 1,975 $lO,OOO $ 6,300 $ 2,500 $ 2,900 .... Look $ 1,090 $ 1,200 Special $795 J & L hay-saver feeds 20 cattle. New, improved, round hay-bale feeder feeds large or small hay bales along with square bales. It proves to save hay. This feeder is built of heavy 1% ” pipe and V* ” steel for ring. Available with Vi ” steel or treated %" plywood floors. This 1,200 lb. feeder is built to last. ' Call for more information. J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA (717) 369-2637 JHystor Gn S' Fork*, V.ry Good Cond. $15,000 m. * SEE BELOW DESCRIPTION slB,ooo •12,000 lb. 4WD forklift, (0) tlmo, 453 DrtroH Dloaal $lB,OOO 6.000 lb. Clark pnaumatle, vary good oondltlonSo.OOO 10.000 lb. Clark, dual pnaumatle, runs good (old) $3,000 3.000 lb. Ordar Piekar, Yala, 1991, 50 hra, likanaw $lO,OOO 5.000 Lb. Hyatar aolid lira LPQ, 3 alaga vary good $4,500 SUPER SOIL BUIIPIRS '—— ,n nAi The SUPER SOIL BUILDER has an expanded frame —139” front to back —with three ranks of chiael ihankf for smooth and easy flow of residue through the machine. The SUPER SOIL BUILDER is self-leveling, regardless of working depth. Other features include a 4”X4" square tube weighted frame with 20” diameter coulter slicer blades. The machine depth control hdraulic cylinder is equipped with an adjust able depth stop. Hydraulic hoses to the tractor are included. IN STOCK HSB7I 7 Shank Super Soil Builder Sftle Price $7,690 (i Only) BRILLION YIELD-ENHANCING TILLAGE TOOLS SELF LEVELING EXPANDED FRAME TGMI Tailgate Mulcher/Bale Chopper fade Price $4,695.00 Balts par minute MINIMUM. Powartul HHPEniina. 30' Discharge Cists ncs from hota ant up to 100’ Host capacity. Featuring: No baits, no chrttlita.notoilvac, Kohltr Mapnum Elactrlc Start. Aqua Mulcher 400 Hydro Seeder - . Sale Price P $8,995.00 * jjjcta'iifjw* * Hy4ro Mulchli * ProySn RWrM: :p™r 10 " * HyirotMlc construction Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co., Inc. 1624 Route 212 • Quakertown, Pa. 18051 Phone: (610) 346-7340 Pax: 610-346-8041 /?? /I —MECHANICS SPECIALS— MANY OTHER FORKLIFTS IN YARD - CALL FOR SPECS 5,000 Lb. Champ All Tarraln, S/S, .PG, Vary Good Condition $B,OOO 4.000 Lb. Bakst slsetrle, now batlsry 94,000 4.000 Lb. A/C alactrlc, 3 stag* S/S, vary good cond $4,000 3.000 Lb. Raymond Roach Truck, Good Cond. $3,000 5.000 Lb. Clark, Elactrlc w/ehargar, vary . good cond $3,000 2.000 5 4,000 lb. Elaeltric Walk Bahlnd $2,000 5t $3,000 3.000 Lb. A/C LPQ Runs ~..$BOO 6.000 Lb. Dual pnaumatlc, old but runs $l,OOO DEEP TILLS panalrata tha Mil •• dMp •• It InchM to break up plow tola and hardpan. Moialure from snow and rain is absorbed deep Into the soli Topsoil Is left rough and a certain amount of residue remains to combat wind and aroaion 7000 Lb. Hyatar, LPG, Sldaahllt, Vary Good Condition $5,000