Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 141
DAVID HIEBERT Westmoreland Co. Correspondent GREENSBURGH (Westmoreland Co.) An evening workshop on woodlot management drew about SS registrants to the Mountain View Inn here recently. Recent increases in both the value of timber and stories of timber sales where owners may not have gotten fair value for their trees is prompting closer management of timber, accord ing to Anthony Quadro, Wcstmorc- MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE 2 garage doors, comm, steel, insulated w/Windows, never used size 11’x12' white, low clearance, tor sion spring mount $l4OO 215-674-9676. Dairy barn stanchions $5.00 each. Water cups $3.00 each, rams Columbia Ramonav cross. Fayette Co. 412-564-1954. Automatic DeLaval pipeline washer complete with 24 hour time dock, rebuilt 1 year ago. $175. 717-345-1170 Schuylkill Co. 1972 Int TD9 dozer engine runs needs steering dutch work. Lehigh Co. 610-767-6864. Nl com picker model 327 field ready, JD 3 14’ btm. plow, 3 pt. hitch. Leb. Co. 717-949-2461. 20 holstein feeder steers 600 lb. 63# lb. Schuyl. Co. 717-739-4713. AC model B excel, oond., $1350, Curtis heavy duty air compressor $4OO. Fle mington, N.J. 908-782-3391. NH kick baler, model #271 works good, $5OO 080. Cumber. Co. 717-532-7126. Ferry 5' American posum belly livestock trailer w/ loading ramp, asking $5,600, very good cond. Bucks Co. 215-267-2377. Bucyrus Erie 228 truck crane $3500, P&H 325 truck crane $4OOO, Lorain 25 ton truck crane $3300, ACHD6 dozer needs work $3OOO, 2 yd. drag bucket $l2OO. Cecil Co. Md. 410-378-2785. Black mare pony 11,2 H, 14 yr. old, Welsh standardbred cross rides, drives, $lOOO. Fred. Co. 301-829-0307. NH L-35 skid steer new paint, tires $ rebuilt motor, IH 56 2-row planter both vg.-e cond., make offer. Susq. Co. 717-869-2210. Ryobi 15* miter cut-off saw, excel, cond., $375. Leb. Co. 717-949-3299, eve. after 5:30 p.m. or Sat 1978 GMC4WO pickup for parts $350, Int. 35012* disc new blades, Kewanee 34' elevator PTO elect motor. Juniata Co. 717-436-8790. Case 1210 del., gear drive, 65 HP, power steering $3BOO. Franklin Co. 717-532-8926. Wrenches, wrenches- Thorsen 9/16“x1/2’ box end wrenches, brand new $12,000 avail., make offer. North’d. Co. 717-758-2078 or 717-896-3894. 40A farm, 1/2 eultivatable, bam, no-house, 1000' road front, city gas water $135,000, offers consider, SP combine $lOOO. Gloucester Co. 609-468-6286. Case model 80 combine T cut pull type grain bin field ready good oond., shed kept. Harford Co. Md. 410-452-8655. NH 50 bale thrower w/new thrower belts. Lane. Co. 717-653-4749. Tenn. walker geldings, 6 yr. old Palamino, 6 yr. old big black & 3 yr. old roan, mountain broke. Somerset Co. 814-267-3809. Woodlot Workshop Offers Management Options land Conservation District forester. Sales of 100,000 board feet are common. Prices may go as high as $5OO per thousand, making the total sale a significant amount. Participants at the workshop heard four speakers. • Anthony Quadro, forestcr/rc source specialist for Westmoreland Conservation District, Greensburg - moderator • Tom Fitzgerald, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry Planner 20* powormatic 10 yrs. never been used extra HD66 T-saw 18" Rockwell planner 16’ jointer. Mont. Co. 301-384-5376. Simplicity tractor 5216 hydrostatic 16 HP twin cyl. 36* mower, also 36’ air master fan V 4 HP 2 spd. w/ shutter. Berks Co. 610-682-2538. 1960 C-70 Chev. truck w/16' Mid West bed w/hoist & cattle racks. Rockingham Co. Va. 703-879-2205. 72’ Jacobson mower deck, $500,1971 VW Beetle runs & looks good $950, 1984 Pont. Fiero $2500. Chester Co. 610-869-8883. Sprayer & accessories for truck mounted application, appropriate for shrubbery & lawn care business, excel, oond., Cat 111 quick hitch. Chester Co. 610-932-6999. Corriedale lambs all twins ready now for freezer or breeding stock sadler. Lane. Co. 717-336-5860. Danuser posthole digger for Farmail H or M $375, Lundell S' forage harvester $375, single hole corn shelter hand crank $125. York Co. 717-259-0553. Bolens H-16 lawn tractor 42’ mower & snow blade hydro drive new, battery, belts, bearings & paint v.g. cond. Lane. Co. 717-684-3129. Air brake tag trailer very good deck $ paint ramps 8:25x15 tires $4500. 717-873-4656, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 79 Dodge V( ton 4WD club cab pickup good drive, train, motor, body rough $BOO. York Co. 717-741-5695. 8 yr. old light sorrel sound 3uiet lead mule. Lane. Co. oseph E. Blank, 158 Blank Rd„ Narvon, Pa. 17555. English budgies (para keets) Ig. type- spangles, rare colors, breeders, etc., must sell all due to allergy. Also equipment York Co. 717-927-9619. Hoi. service age bulls real nice. Adams Co. 717-259-0203. NH 268 baler & thrower rebuilt knotter $lOOO, hay Ist cutting alfalfa mix $7O ton, Marrietta silo 10x40 free you dismantle. Luz. Co. 717-788-1470. 15 Clay cow stalls already removed from bam good cond., additional parts. Lyc. Co. 717-398-3924 eves, or leave message. 49 GMC 640 solid T 11” B 10.00x20 good drive away, 2 sets roll over 16’ JD plows 2 or 4 btm. field ready. Clearfield Co. 814-231-1399. Northwest crane model-25 45' boom- Murphy diesel very good cond., runs nice $5500. Monroe Co. 717-646-8870. Guernsey heifer fresh 5 wks. NH 36 flail chopper 6', McCormick Deering farm wagon, Kendall filter discs, 30 gal. gas water heater. Lehigh Co. 610-965-2622. 310 NH baler w/#7O throw er $3200. Lyc. Co. 717-698-9554. Reg. Border Collie male 21 mths. old partly trained good pedigree $2OO, also Border Collie pups ready July 4. Lane. Co. 717-664-4626. James C. Finley of Penn State's School of Forest Re sources suggested that the concept of renewal Is at the heart of any management plan. • Jim Finley, Pecn Stale School of Forest Resources, University Park • Ronald Rohall, a private soncult ing forester, Ligonier. Tom Fitzgerald’s slide show and lecture grew out of his many years of experience in the forest service. Giv ing a brief history of logging in Penn’s woods, he pointed out that in the founding documents of the common wealth, William Penn gave provisions for preserving a portion of the land in trees. As the needs of a growing nation in the late 1800 s strained nature’s capa city to produce, we were losing about 1,000 acres of Pennsylvania forest a year, he said. At its lowest point, only 30 percent of the state’s land was wooded. Today nearly 60 percent of our Pennsylvania land is forested. However, management of that forest is a real concern, since about two thirds of it is in private ownership. According to Fitzgerald, the state’s original concern in forestry manage ment was fire detection and preven tion. At one point the state also at tempted to reforest areas by tree plant ing. The trend now is to let the forest regenerate itself. “The state has learned that Mother Nature plants trees, too,” he said. That has led the forest service to seek re alistic plans that work with, rather than against, nature, he concluded. Jim Finley from Penn State's school of forest resources promoted the idea that most of our forests need to be managed as an even aged timber. “The stand structure of most Pennsyl vania forest areas are aged within a plus or minus 10 percent.” To manage such an even-aged stand requires a different strategy than an uneven-aged forest The diameter of a tree is not a good indication of its age, he asserted. Height is a better indication. In plan ning a timber harvest, Jim suggested that the owner/manager should give the timberland’s best trees the oppor tunity to reseed the forest for the next harvest. By observing and aiding the natural selection process, he implied that the next harvest would be better and come sooner. Ron Rohall, Ligonier, is one of the private consulting foresters on the commonwealth’s recommended list. In his role as consultant, Ron is a per son who can help manage a timber sale for a landowner. He said that the owner’s long-term goals are the high est factor in guiding a consulting for ester. With no connection to logging, or government, the consultant makes initial contacts with loggers, draws up a contract, and conducts a bidding process. The consultant is there to help the logger know what is expected, prevent problems from getting out of hand, and following through on details that might slip past an owner. Fees for the consultant are usually based on a per- Tom Fitzgerald used slides and humor to Illustrate the major points of this talk. centage of the sale. During the seminar, several current practices were criticized as counter productive or even harmful by several speakers. Some of these include: • Minimum diameter cutting. To take out all the trees above 12 or 14 inches is pure gravy for the logger, said one speaker. And you are taking out the best genes for the next genera tion of forest, said another. • Grazing cattle, sheep or goats in a forest or woodlot. Creates too many problems to enumerate, said one speaker. • Lack of a plan for erosion con- Cold Weather Help Control Pine Beetle ANNAPOLIS. Md. Al though much attention has been paid this year to the wiinter weath er’s negative effects on forest and ornamental trees, the extreme cold may have helped destroy popula tions of southern pine beetle on the Eastern Shore and in Western Maryland. “In 1993, there was an exten sive outbreak of the southern pine beetle on the lower Eastern Shore. Close to 3,000 acres of loblolly pine forest were infested and kill ed by the beetle last summer and fall. We are particularly aware of southern pine beetle because every year it causes millions of dollars of losses in pulpwood and sawtimber throughout the south east,” said Dr. Robert Rabaglip, Maryland Department,of Agricul ture forest entomologist.' The tiny adult beetles bore holes through the bark of pine trees and tunnel between the bark and wood. Healthy trees will “pitch” them out of the holes, but trees weakened by a hot dry spring cannot The female lays eggs in her tun ne and tiny grubs hatch and feed on the inner bark. The grubs be come adult beetles, tunnel out through the bark, and attach other trees. Small populations of south ern pine beetles often live in weakened or dying trees in gener ally healthy forests and only be come a problem after a warm win ter or dry spring. ‘The southern pine beetle, as its name implies, is a southern insect that occurs from Texas north to southern Maryland and Delaware. While the beetles are able to with stand the ‘normal’ winter tem peratures that occur on the Eastern Shore, the extreme cold this win ter may have ‘frozen’ many of the beetles,” Rabaglia said. Several days of near zero de- |tv^ i Anthony Quadra, forest re source specialist for the Westmoreland Conservation District, discussed state re gulations in a timber sale. trol. Every logging operation should have a specific plan, including runoff diversions on sloping roads and runoff control into streams. Some practices were universally endorsed at the workshop: Getting professional help. This might come through the unpaid con tacts with the forest service or a pri vate forester if needed when consider ing a sale. Talk with your neighbors about their experiences can prepare you be fore a timber sale. Have a plan that includes the fu ture. May grcc temperatures can kill the southern pine beetle eggs and young grubs that live in the moist area between the bark and wood. A survey of infected trees on the Eastern Shore conducted early this spring by the Maryland Depart ment of Agriculture found nearly 100 percent mortality of the young grubs. “Unfortunately, the more ma ture grubs living in the dryer outer bark, or those protected by the in sulation of thick bark, may have survived, so the news isn’t all good,” said Rabaglia. Previous outbreaks in Maryland and the southern Appalachians have reportedly declined after un usually cold winters. Tempera tures this winter on the lower East ern Shore bottomed out near min us four degrees Farenheit and remained near ten degrees Faren heit for over 24 hours, a combina tion which should significandy re duce populations of the beedes this spring. In western Maryalnd, where there were several small, localized beetle infestations in Allegany and Washington counties in 1993, Jan uary’s near minus 20 degree tem peratures should certainly affect beetle populations this spring. “Although beetle populations may be low this spring and early summer, southern pine beetles have a high reproductive capacity. By late summer, beetle popula tions could be back to high levels again. If spring and summer con ditions remain cool and wet, trees should be able to defend them selves against the low spring population, but only lime will tell us how they will fare this fall,” Rabaglia said. For more information, contact Dr. Robert Rabaglia, Forest Health Monitoring, Maryland De partment of Agriculture, (410) 841-5922.