MAIL BOX MABM I FOR SAi E Used floor buffer, can be also used (or scrubbing. Concrete floors $2OO. Leb. Co. Firewood $65. a cord. 717-273-7705. Bam tans, four 24 inch 2 speed one 48 inch $lOO each, good oond. 2 Par mark fencers 50.00 each. Leb. Co. 717-866-6045. 1974 Chav Camaro PS, PB, 71,000 orig. miles, runs good, best offer over $llOO. Lane. Co. 717-367-5874. Fresh pullet eggs 3/1.00, med. .55 fertile brown eggs, 500 Mueller. Wanted 700/800 Sunset. John K. Fisher, Hollander Rd„ Near Interoouse, Pa. JD 630, 720 gas Midwest 1964 Chav C-20 pickup tractors, 440 JD loader complete for parts, no title tractor, GM diesel motor, $l5O. Also need approx. 20 HP Wheel Horse 60' Bxlo storage shed. Can mower. Somerset Co. haul 717-464-9551 814-634-5893 Printing press, very old, but 24' Patz tripod like new like new, complete outfit, $300.84 Pontiac 6000 STE ready to use $250. Will for parts. Perry Co. trade. Lane. Co. 717-438-3833. 717-687-6412. Pittsburgh disc with wings, 16 ft. with midwest harrow, good cond. Snyder, Co. 717-658-7533. 1934 Jl Case tractor runs, on rubber $6OO. 717-243-7506. Polaris 340 snowmobile, new track, ran all winter, won't start $l5O. 2 ton chain hoistsloo. Lane. Co. 717-367-1933 evenings. BCS 6 HP tiller like new, 10 cu. ft. freezer, 12 ft. single chain feed conveyor, 2 bot tom 3 pt. plow like new, Paul Sauder, Berks Co. 610-682-4649. Lawn Boy 21 in. push mow er, very good cond. $75. Berk sCo. 610-683-5553. 5 Angus bulls, 500 lb. .90 lb Sch. Co. 717-366-2024. Beef calves, all sizes, all prices. Berks Co. 610-488-6177. 1989 Bass tracker Pro 17 w/40 HP Evinrude 2 depth finders, trolling motor, very good cond. York Co. 717-938-1516. IH 400 complanter, 100 AC tractor, NH 68 baler, NH 256 rake, 32”x125' belt. IH disc, Case offset disc, JD drill. Adams Co. 717-350-4075. SSBB. BINS AND AUGERS Take ’em Down! , ..m f We Will Assemble & Deliver Bins To Your Farm 13 ft 11 tooth transport 1 field cultivator HD 4x24 lift cylinder includes 3 pt tool box $625. York Co. 717-927-6564. Truck camper, 9Vi gas frig, shower, sleeps 4 $5OO. Allis Chalmers B one bot tom plow $125. York Co. 717-292-6569 after 5 p.m. Box cooler with liner inside, ex. cond. $250. John S. King, White Horse. 717-768-8477. JD style A&H parts need trans. & rear housing styled JOB 301-831-9091 after 8 pm. Fred. Co. Leather splitter 400. Skiver 275. Adler shoe machine 700. Coleman gas iron 125. Kerosene iron 45. Wanted Aik rifles 216-733-7044.. Rabbits for sale, all ages and types, from $5 to $lO. Potbellied pigs $5O each. 717-359-5846 leave mes sage. Adams Co. 1970 Chevy pickup truck 'A ton 6 cyl. high miles, needs front and rear win dows $4OO. 080. Lane. Co. 717-445-6337. Better Bilt 3350 slurry spreader, ex. $5OOO. Drum dispensing racks $6O, 8' York rake options $l5OO. York Co. evenings 717-266-5558. New Ford BSD 444 T turbo diesel 95 HP engine, 268 cu. in. complete, ready to run. Lane. Co. $3500. 717-569-3359. JD 234 com head off 55 combine $2OO w/filler plates or sprockets for 55 combine $350. Carroll Co. 410-756-2828. Very old box wagon with wooden axles, Museum type 3 two hole com shelt ers, 3 hay hooks. 'A mile from Georgetown, Pa. 17662. Patz 988 silo unloader 14' VG $l6OO. Wic Bedding chopper 7 hp. Honda, good $5OO. Tioga Co. 614-326-4591. We Stock Truckloads Of Chore-Time Bins & Miles Of Chore-Time mm TWlgy distribtttor since 1982 least Agrl Systems, Inc. store hours Mon-Fri 730t0 4 30 luslness Park Sat 800 to Noon H sst Airport Road 24 Hr 7 Day Repair Service 17543 ■■ ) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 wap l ! 1963 AMC Eagle 4x4 AT trans $750 or BO Wanted 3 pt. 6' disk to fit SO HP trac tor. Wanted ultralight in ex. cond. Luz. Co. 717-864-3373. 1 st cutting grass and alfalfa hay not dusty, no rain on 1.75 per bale, dirt screen a shaped $2OO. Ches. Co. 610-932-3648. Pair of Chinchillas with cage and all accessories $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-285-5885. 2840 JD tractor w/cab 18.4-38 tires $B,BOO. Vicon fert. spreader, like new. JD 3800 harvester w/heads $2OOO. 301-334-1254. Two 72 compartment bolt bins; Snap-on tool box with cabinet, medium size anvil. Dauphin Co. 717-469-2369. 40 ft. insulated box trailer dry good for storage $6OO. Robbinsvillo Call evenings 609-259-6003. 4 bedroom brick farmhouse w/65 acres, 12A tillable 10A Christmas trees remainder wooded, moun tain land. Northumberland Co. No Sunday calls. 717-758-8621. Storm front carriage brakes, rubber tires, good cond. $550. Also carriage harness complete, good cond. $l5O. Franklin Co. 717-328-5713. Monarch gear heat lathe: 12"x36" assorted tooling V. hp 1 phase, also large shaper 16" stroke power feed vise tooling 3 ph. 1 phase. 14 Swatara Dr., Leb., Pa. 17042. 32 feet straight back J cement feed bunk. Perry Co. 717-536-3394. Antique parade piece 1956 garden master garden trac tor 6 HP 3‘ sickle bar mow er dirt blade, ex. shape. Union Co. 717-568-9121. JD 60 tractor PS LPTO nice tin & paint, runs good, hydraulic good. Berks Co. 610-682-2491 or Pikeville Equip. 610-987-6277. , Mated pair African Geese with two goslings $3O. .for all. Berks Co. 610-367-2721. 1967 International flatbed truck, good farm truck $4OO 080. 35 ft. trailer, good tires $B5O 080. Columbia Co. 717-799-5594. FLEX-AUGER Antique flooring, Chestnut, oak, white pine, heart pine. Hewm beams, 250 doors, cornices, window tower. 7 PM Mon-Thur. 717-334-6223. 22* Frick thresher 717-354-4158. Four LT 245/75 Rl6 M&S tires, Ameri 550 generate $125. Lane.' Co. 717-653-1728. Clark 4000 lb. forklift, good cond, propane solid rubber, low clearance 84’ lift $1950. John U. Stoltzfus, Church Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. Lane. Co. 717-661-5972. Purebred shorthorn bull 2 yrs. old, approx. 1200 lbs. $BOO. 814-448-2317 Hun tingdon Co. Fox pups silver, red etc. also White tailed deer fawns. Bucks Co. 215-847-8944. Oxy acetylene outfit, tanks, torch, regulators, tank cart, good cond. $375. Steel wheels for NH 273 baler $4O. Bucks Co. 215-536-9672. Ford 3 point 7* sickle bar mower A 1 cond. $3OO. Bucks Co. 215-257-7582. Gehl 99 Forage blower, ex. cond. $l5OO. Wheat straw $lOO/ton, produce scales. Leb. Co. 717-838-2488. FMC fruit brusher, Mod. 18-5 H ex. cond. Make offer. Bucks Co. 215-343-3475 after 7 p.m. Coleman hardtop tent cam per, sleeps 6 $l4OO, Bicy cles 3 $5O. Sail boat 23' 9.5 motor trailer $5OOO. York Co. after 5. 717-252-1008. 6 hp Fairbanks-Morris 3 hp stover 3ph Novo I'A asso ciated Johnny Boy Farmall F-12 has new radiator pis tons, sleeves. Lane. Cc. 717-733-9270., 71 GMC V, ton 350 c.i. pickup, runs fair, v.g. tires, many new parts. $l,OOO. Monroe Co. 717-421-3508 after 3:30 p.m. Ford 4500 torque conv. drive loader, hoe, diesel, eng. & hydraulic good need tiuckbt rfepAil- s£soo. Pike Co. 717-588-6350 Eve. JD 620 serial « 6200023 Round, WFE live PTO, PS. 3 pt. good tires $4OOO. Luzerne Co. 717-864-2311. after 5 pm. Custom Applications FdR.TfcEE ESTIMATES CAU-OURTOI*I-FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: I^oo-673-2580 Antiques, set/3 copper can dy cookers, apple butter kettles, child’s rope bed, pony cart A harness, pedd lars flower cart, scalding trough. Sch. Co. 717-345-3984. Krause model 2867 Colter chisel plow, like new $5750. Kuker 500 gallon trailer sprayer, like new. $2OOO. Carroll Co. 301-262-9037. Hesston haybine, hydro swing; 6 cyl. AC diesel engine; HO 6 AC bulldozer; 1630 Case IH baler pickup and tongue, 5 bushel dump scales. Lane. Co. 717-898-8927. 1988 Hart 2 horse slant - dressing room and rear tack, with extras, ex. cond. $3BOO. Franklin Co. 717-794-2717. JO H tractor with plow, good cond. $2400 or sell separate, New Robin weed eater. No Sunday calls. Lane. Co. 717-445-8204. 1979 1700 S Model Inter national with 18 ft. grain body, 1985 1 ton GMC truck 12 ft International flail mower 16 ft. grain body. 410-820-2312. Horse Model 999 John Deere 2 row com planter with fertilizer, Frederick Co. Md. , Evenings 410-776-7610. Reg. Border Collie pups from working parents, see sire and dam work $2OO each. Somerset Co. 814-443-3017. Gravely Pro 36 perfect con dition, low hrs., private resi dential use asking $2OOO. Chester Co. 215-869-0276. New Idea 272 cutditioner fair cond., ex. working con dition. James after 6 pm. Berks Co. 215-367-5898. Reg. Suffolk ram 2 yrs. old reg. tunis ram 3 yrs. old, both proven quality $BO each. Bedford Co. 814-839-2506. Baler JD 14T kicker ex. cond. Always kept inside works perfect $875. 717-292-2939 after 6 pm weekdays anytime Sat., Sun. York Co. Corvette 1979, Auto, air cond., 48K miles, all options, while w/red leath er, all orig., show cond. Asking $9700. 610-359-5839. - 4 , 3 ‘'n ■ v <■ Uncwtef Firming, Saturday. May 28, 1994-D3 1965 F 250 Ford flat bed 6 cyl. 4 speed $3500 or beet offer. York New Salem 717-792-2185. Kuhn tedder with engine, real good cond, also rag. Hoi. bull, proven breeder, ex. pedigree 30.000 M. Lane. Co 717-354-8327. Pygmy goat kide, does, wethers $4O-S7S. Lane. Co. 717-548-3958 eves. Antique oak table 45x50 with self storing extension, opens to 108'. Balto. Co. 410-666-2558. 25,000 new masonry bricks, will sell all or small amounts have laoder 15 cents each. Call evenings, leave message. Chester Co. 610-380-1225. T King Kutter grooming mower good condition $7OO. Will trade for 6' or 7' Bush Hog. Baltimore 410-343-2257. Ford tow truck F6OO 1961 rebuilt motor PTO winch, good farm truck $6OO. Bucks Co. 215-638-0824. David Bradley rake, ex. cond. field ready $250. Reg. Romney ram silver gray ex. spinning fleece. York Co. 717-432-2366. 1988 Ford Ranger Xtra cab P/U 2WDf auto air, ex. cond. 104,000 miles cap $3995. Cumb. Co. 717-776-5237. NH 68 baler long chute also Ml 750 crimper, no longer need $5OO for pair After 7:30 pm Lane Co. 717-336-3103 leave message. NH 770 chopper with com head, nearly new grass head, very good condition, kept inside. Conn 203-274-6132 Litchfield Co. JD 2 row corn planter, $3OO. Wanted: Case 1845 C skid loader and forks for same Prefer approx. 1000 hrs. West moreland 412-788-0524. 8 steers 3 heifers Charloais crossed, raised from own cows, wormed, avg wt. 600# 80# firm. Yoik Co. 717-292-3172, Maternal Robot calf nurser $2OO. Pump organ, Loring and Blake dated 1861. $4OO. Cast iron conveyor rollers. Leb. Co. 717-274-0717. Kerosene stove with four burners and oven $lOO. Four Big Dutchman comer chain feed hoppers with transmission $5O ea 717-274-0717. FRANK A. FILLIPPO, INC. - WANTED - DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS. BULLS & STEERS Call: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Steven Fillippo 215-666-7976 KEN CLUGSTON (717) 665-6775 CRAFT-BILT CONSTRUCTION INC. FARM-HOME BUILDING 1242 Breneman Road MANHEIM, PA 17545 PH: (717) 665-4372 BUILDING & REMODELING FOR— DAIRY RESIDENTIAL SWINE POLE BUILDINGS BEEF STORAGE Two cashmere billies or trade for Spanish Does, yearling blue peacocks, black astrolopes, Aracanon chickens, parlor rollers. Horse Happy Rd., R 1 Box 862, Newmanatown, Pa. 17073. Int 990 T cutter bars box fence, new/used ex. cond. Reg. Hereford Cattle, Penn St tested bull, ex. breeding Perry Co. 717-589-3941. 2 New Holland 77 balers with motors, working cond. $3OO for both. Berks Co. 610-926-5230. Dorset, Suffolk. Dor/Suff cross, ewes, lambs $6O. ten or mroe sss neg. B'xlOVi ',B'x2l’ steel tanks, culverts, whatever Must see. Berks Co. 610-926-3841. M 37 Dodge military pick up, nice orig. cond 304-257-4651 after 8 p.m. Co WV. 1982 Honda A-t-C 250 R, 2-Stroke, Air cooled, fulls uspension, 3 wheeler, ex. cond. never raced, well maintd. $7OO 080. Schuy lkill Co. 717-682-8139. John Deere 7200 Max- Emerge 2, 6 row, liquid fert., insec. boxes, frame mounte coulters, Lane. Co. $9OOO 717-872-9095 eves JD 10' lime and fert spreader Model LF-10, $75. Nl wheel & tire 7:50-20, 8 hole's3s. Ches ter Co. 610-274-8019. 1951 JD B good sheet met al, needs minor repairs $lOOOOBO. Fred. Cty. Md 301-865-3698. Spline pully for IHC "C tractor $3O. will ship UPS. 315-785-0817. Dodge PU Tk. 1982 Crew cab (4-door) V 8 auto, $6695. Chrysler Imperial 1991 leather interior, gor geous car $8,995. Cumb Co. 717-766-6758. Roto-phase generators, 5 ftp. 7’/i ftp. 10 ftp. Just removed from service (3-phase) Dauphin Co. 717-533-6320. EHG 62’ Cletrac $l6OO HG 62’ Cletrac $lBOO. HG 42’ Cletrac $l4OO. Model 15 Cletrac $2BOO. All run ning. Wyo. 717-945-7759. 10 Suffolk yearling ewes $6O a head 12 Dorset cross lambs $5O a head. Colum bia Co. 717-437-2700. 4 llamas $BOOO for all, registered Nigarian dwarf buck 2 years old $2OO. Ct 203-564-2579