Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1994, Image 114
C26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1994 Hm Of Tomorrow At Onr Mao* Today! 40 yaart M Undme* ->1 Tasltd fl 1/ Iwl Duroe Ganaties 1/ Yorkahlrai Xw-*—Larga Wr.ltis rA r jvt s F 1 c,# * ,br,d, BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cartlflad Brueallosla and Paaudorablaa Fra# Hard Park Thomaa Mark Stah. ( 17) 6SJ-Saai (717) CSt-(544 (717) iSi.7PO7 BD #l, Box 2449. Paavartewn, PA 17911 lIJWG EQUPUENT SUPPLIES Large round hog feeders tor sale, good shape 717-444-3889 evenings Superior, skid-free footing Fewer miunes Easier to clean Available in 5/16”, 3-ga ands-ga Only from Boss Hog 5/16" (.312) diameter ( ) Heaviest wire floonng made Stronger, to last years longer .243" diameter ■ Northeast Agn Systems, Inc MC Flyway Business Park store hours MonFnnonn3oßp| 139AWe Airport Road sa acoiowoon'^,, LllltzPA/543 24H.7 o«R.||aiw»||| Ph (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580 B®?! EQUIPMENT FOR 2250 HEAD HOG GROWER FINISH UNIT, feeders, walls, slats, feed bins, etc , like new, 4 Smedley hog feeders 610/756-6001 Going Out Of Business Sale 11 ' 10% OFF " On All Single Slats Also On 2xB and 2x6 Gang On Orders Received In May KV Concrete RD #2 Box 1000 Miffllntown, Pa. 17059 KKJhog equpuent SUPPLIES (4) 5x21 nursery pens, ten der foot flooring, nipples & feeders. 410/833-1847 KEJ POULTRY i SUPPLIES 17 SMB heaters for turkey or pigs, $lO per heater, control unit, best offer Schuylkill Co. Call 717-668-3616 2000 Hisex pullets, 19 weeks old 5/20; 70 cases/ hour SS Seymour washer & loader. 50 cases/hour Eggomatic farm packer 717/354-4966. 6 yearling emus, $4,500 each (301)334-2893 Baby chicks and ready to lay pullets, brown or white egg layers, heavy meat chicks Contact Moyer's Chicks, Quakertown, PA, (215)536-3155 Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS 718-386-1117 6am-3pm Ducklings French selected hybrid muscovy ducklings available year 'round Call Doug Wemhold for pricing Days (717)354-4424, evenings (215)445-7303 EMU 27 Months Old Bonded Pair, Female Booming, Male Grunting, Large Healthy Birds, Micro- Chipped, Asking $20,000 (717)247-7827 EMU CHICKS FOR SALE 3 months old, DNA and micro chipped, ready now, $5500/pr 717-664-3175 EMU CHICKS $5,000/pr coming 3 year olds $22,000/pr Franklin County & (717)762-1805 Emu chicks for sale, $7,500 per pair (410)287-2750. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks. 301-833-1840 For Sale Crested ducks $7/pair, geese $7/each, blue peafowl '93 hatch $5O/pair Call 717/758-4282 Northum berland Co For Sale Poultry equip ment, round hanging waterers and feeders, brooder stoves and inciner ator John Zook, RD2, 80x330, Montgomery, PA 17752 GQF quail breeder cages, gamebird brooder battery cages, gamebird growout cages, incubators, hatch ers, range feeders, water ers, flight pen fencing and top netting, 4x4xlo' posts, all excellent condition (410)893-8911 GRAY RHEA'S. 1994 chicks available, average price, sold in pairs, sexed, micro-chipped 609-268-7041, NJ India Blue Peacocks hatch ing eggs for sale $2 50 pc Drums, Lawrence Co Call 717-788-1509 Maremma Guardian Dog pups, 7 weeks old, $3OO (201)875-4289 Tennessee Fainting Goat. 2 month old male, also Rhea chicks for sale. Will start hatching at the end of May Northumberland Co, (717)649-5435. VISIT MARYLAND’S EASTERN SHORE FOWL PLAY has big noisy year ling emu pairs that should lay this winter I need the pens for '94 chicks Price neg Molly Pew 410/778-7559. Some birds in PA, Lisa Shotzberger 610/268-8499 (Hedgehogs tool) WANT. A used colony egg collection system tor a breeder house In good condition, reasonably pr iced (717)733-9484