C6*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 21, 1994 Keystone LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Lora Shelton and Mary Chang have been darned as recipients of Keystone Farm Credit’s two an nual SSOO scholarships. Applicants for Keystone’s scholarships must be high school seniors, live in Keystone’s IS-county territory, and plan to major in the field of agriculture or agribusiness at a four-year college on a full-time basis. Lora Shelton is the daughter of Charles and Margery Shelton of Quarryville (Lancaster County). She will graduate from Solanco High School in June and plans to study biology with an emphasis on veterinary sciences at Millersville University. An outstanding student, Lora has been inducted into the Nation al Honor Society. She was listed in the Who’s Who Among Ameri can High School Students and was a Rotary student of the month. She has been active in 4-H and the Program Guarantees Relief From Flies MADISON. Wis. Orkin Ex terminating Company has intro duced a program that controls flies in dairy bams with only minimal effort on the farmer’s part. The Farm Fly Control Program already has proven so effective that Orkin supports it with a mon ey-back guarantee. “We controlled flies in more than 8,000 bams during 1992 and 1993 the first two years of the Farm Fly Control Program,” said Larry Rufledt, Orkin’s director of Charles Wonsldler, left, was recently recognized for out standing sales performance In 1993 by AGCO. At right, pre senting the award, Is Robert Radliss, president of AGCO. Wonsidler ATLANTA, Ga. Charles Wonsidler, of C.J. Wonsidler Brothers in Quakertown, Pa. was recently recognized for outstand ing sales performance in 1993 by AGCO Corporation, the parent company of AGCO Allisi. As one of the company’s top performers in farm equipment sales, Wonsidler was invited to Awards Scholarships Pony Club. Mary Chang resides in Walling ford (Delaware County) and will graduate from Strath Haven High School. She plans to .attend Cor nell University to study agricultur al and applied economics and agribusiness management. Mary operations, agribusiness services. ‘Today, through treatment provid ed by our network of local service centers, dairymen in 11 states are getting much-needed relief from the nuisance and reduced produc tivity flies can cause.” Rufledt anticipates the program will be offered in three additional states during 1994. For more information about farm fly control, contact Larry Ru fledt, Director of Operations, Agribusiness Services, Orkin Ex- Recognized Sales For attend AGCO’s annual dealer con ference in Scottsdale, Ariz., in March. Only 31 of the more than 580 AGCO Allis dealers in North America were invited to join this elite group. Wonsidler’s wife, Ruth, accom panied him on the trip to Scottsdale. ness , News Lora Shelton :hang Mary has been active in choir, the school newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine. She is a mem ber of the National Honor Society. Lora and Mary will each re ceive a $5OO check and a com memorative plaque. terminating Company, Inc., Agri business Services, 2702 Interna tional Lane, Suuite 202, Madison, WI 53704, (608) 244-1334 or (800) 457-8264. Soil-Applied Ridomil Available In Packets GREENSBORO, N.C. Ciba Plant Protection has expanded its Ridomil® product line to make the soil-applied fungicide avail able in premeasured water-soluble packets. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently approved Ridomil 30WSP. It is available nationwide and is used as a soil treatment on more than ISO fruit, vegetable, and row crops. It con trols certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi, in cluding black shank and blue mold in tobacco, and diseases caused by Phytophthora in citrus and vegetables. Ciba decided to offer the prov en, systemic fungicide in water soluble packages for the conven ience of premeasured packaging, the safety of handling 50-percent less product, and eliminate the hassle and cost of container dis posal. according to Jerry May nard, product manager. Claas To Conduct Field Demo, Hay Production Seminar COLUMBUS, Ind. A Field Demo and Hay Production Semi nar for Pennsylvania and Mary land farmers will be conducted by Claas of America on May 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Greencastle, at the Jayc Meyers Farm. During the demo seminar, a specialist in hay production will speak and the latest, most advanced haymaking technology will be demonstrated. With a tent on site, the demo seminar will be conducted rain or shine. Farmers attending will receive rebate coupons that are redeemable against future cash purchases at Claas dealers. A free video on Claas equipment and lunch will also be available. For location of the Field Demo and Hay Production Seminar, fol low 1-81 to the interchange with Route 16, then go east 1 mile. The Jaye Meyer farm is on the north side. Equipment to be demonstrated during the day includes the Claas® Jaguar® self-propelled forage harvester, the Quadrant 1100 large square baler, and the Reliant® 46 round baler with the Roto Cut cut ting device for silage and a variety of other hay tools. Case Introduces No-Till Drill RACINE, Wis. J I Case is beginning production of the Case International 5400 no-till drill, a high-precision drill specially designed to work in high-residue conditions. The new no-till drill comes in 15- or 20-foot sizes, with 7-, 7.5-, 8- or 10-inch spacing. “One of every two farmers buy ing a drill is looking for a no-till model,” said Kurt Schenck, J I Case product manager-imple ments. “Case 1H dealers have been providing no-drills by coupling our current 5400 drills with com patible coulter carts. Now, the far mer can purchase a single, inte grated unit that’s designed specifi cally for no-lill applications.” The 5400 no-till drill features drill, caddy and choice of coulters in one package. The unique quick hitch operates independently from the rear hitch and caddy main- Gleaner Introduces Combine Headers ATLANTA. Ga. With the introduction of its new Model 400 rigid (cutterbar) and pickup head ers, Gleaner continues to deliver the performance, easy mainten ance and capacity that custom har vesters and small grain and seed producers demand from their har vesting machinery. Available in five cutting widths from 18 to 30 feet to complement the high capacity R-Series Glean er combines, the Model 400 rigid (cutterbar) headers are designed to match any farm size and cropping program. With one extra foot of width over the previous 24-foot size, a new 23-foot header is capable of handling 10 rows without the wor ry of "squeezing” out the last row, when harvesting 30-inch spacing row crops. »♦ WWWWWWF -H V*- • Claas of America will con duct a Field Demo and Hay Production Seminar at the Jaye Meyers Farm, Green castle, on May 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Equipment to be demonstrated includes a Claas® Jaguar® self propelled forage harvester (top), the Claas Quadrant 1100 square baler (middle), and the Claas Rollant® 46 round baler with Roto Cut cutting device (bottom). *«-« The Case International 5400 No-till Drill Integrates drill, caddy and. choice of coulters in one package to provide excellent seed-to soil contact and optimum germination even In high resldue conditions. frame, so the coulters can be set without affecting the position of the drill. “This makes the drill practical for situations when the, coulters aren’t needed,” said Schenck. Other available sizes include " 18-, 20-, 27- and 30-foot models. | For even more versatility, all rigid s models are availble with a stand-1 size and cropping program. „