Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1994, Image 81
PUBLIC AUCTION BUDMAN DISPERSAL on farm 1/2 mile N. of Lairdsville, Pa. 10 miles E of Hughesville, off Rt. 118. ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ Sat. May 28, starting 9:3oam ★★★★★★★★★ Brief listing follows; FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS: JD 720 D & Cyclone B; Farmall 350 & M; 70 Ford 600 dump truck; plows; mower; NH 469 haybine; NH 55 rake; Oliver 60 baler; 3 wagons; MH combine; cultivators; NI 7 picker; Oliver picker; JD HH manure spreader; Ontario drill; Papec silo filler; lots more old items & shop tools. BUTCHERING; Toledo 660 bandsaw; Belsaw 404 saw; grinder; stuffer; lard press; scales; stove; Globe meat slicker; 3 kettles; coldron stove; lots more butcher items. Plus large quantity of household goods & antiques from 50 yr. accumulation. REAL ESTATE 1 PM App. 150 acre farm, app. 120 tillable, all stripped & contoured w/20 in com stubble. Large dbl. floor bam. Sheds, 7 room, 3 bedroom home, w/ attached butcher room & outkitchen. To view this fine property call 584-3691 or call Auct. Co. RE Terms; $20,000 down bal. in 60 days. Sells subject to immediate confirmation. Owners: GLEN & NELLIE BUDMAN Conducted By cj Fraley Auction Co. RD#4 Muncy, PA. / Lie. #RY7IL A„.iU M jT*' (717)546-6907 fWICfIOn CO. PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & TOOLS SAT., MAY 28, Salt at 9:00 A.M. Raai Eatata at 2:00 P.M. Located 362 South Belmont Rd., between 741 & 896, Paradise Twp., Lane. Co., PA. Zoned Open Space 5 ACRES M/L woodland, lawn & fruit trees frame Ranch type dwelling w/vinyl siding, wood deck w/ramp, concrete patio in rear, storm windows & doors. Kitchen w/built-in cabinets, counter top gas stove, 2 Tappan eye level ovens, large living room, 3 bed rooms, closets, hardwood floors, full bath, an dosed porch, full basement, family room w/chlmney & wood burning stove, toilet, laundry hookup, sink, built-in cabinets, workshop. G.E gas hot air heat, electric water heater, well w/ pressure system, outside entrance, storage space for wood. 16‘x26\building for storage. 32'x36' concrete block garage w/pit, 120"x120" overhead door, 83"x106' overhead door, concrete floor, chimney w/large coal furnace. 2 steel eye beams for hoist. For appointment call - 687-6493. 10% day of sale, balance on or before July 28, 1994. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION Furniture & Appliances sold at 9:00 A.M. Bookcase King Size Bed, Box Spring & Mattress, Custom-built Therapy Bed, Extra Wide Wheelchair, Extra Wide Toilet Seat, Depression Dresser, Stuffed Chair, Chas. M. Sdeff Upright Player Piano, Rolls, Cabinet Roll Holder, Hutch w/Sliding Glas Doors, Stereo, Gossip Bench, Crib, Filing Cabinets, Red wood Lounge Chair. APPLIANCES Frigidaire Side by Side Refrigerator, Maytag Washer, Maytag Gas Diyer, Fri gidaire Refrigerator, 2 Kerosene Heaters, Eureka Vacuum Cleaner, Window Air Conditioner Maytag Wringer Washer, Gas Grill. TOOL & SUPPLIES 225 Lincoln Welder, Huskee 750 Portable Air Compressor, 3 Chain Hoists, ’/• Black & Decker Bench Drill, 4'/> “ Bench Vise, Small Table Saw, 26’ Chain Saw, Chain Saw, Air Greaser, Grease Gun, Chain Binders, Lots of Log Chains. '4 &1- Socket Sets,'/. ”&'/>’ Drill, All Size Drill Bits. Pipe Wrench, Lots of Wrenches, Plumber Pliers, C-Clamps, Hand Saws, Level, Tap & Die Sets, Screws, Bolts, Pipe Vise, Small Anvil, V-Belts, Gas Cans, Oilers, all types of Tools, Tool Boxes, Pick Up Tool Box, Stanley Miter Box & Saw, Calibrator, Gauge, Shelving, Double Decker Craftsman Tool, Chest, Painting Supplies, 18' Aluminum Extension Ladder, 32' Wood Extension Ladder, Lumber. SSI 4 SEARS RIDING MOWER w/SNOW BLADE, Rubber Tire Wheelbarrow, Farmall & Sup er C Tractor Parts. Many other items not mentioned. Terms by MABEL L. DICKEL Aucts. Robert E. a Jeffrey R. Martin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck Douglas R. Good, Atty. for Wentz, Weaver a Wing Lunch Available No Out of State Checks Split rock rancher with attached garage on a comer lot of 95’x140’. Rear yard has a 13x23 green house with gas, electric & water. House has kitchen with built-in stove & oven, ceiling fan & closet, living room & dining room, 3 bedrooms, full bath w/linen closet, basement has recreation room with stone fireplace, fur nace & work area with plumbing for bath room. Gas hot water baseboard heat, central air conditioning, closets throughout house, Sensor security lights & house security sys tem, East Manchester Township, Northeastern School District This real estate has a great location and must be seen to appreciate. TERMS: 10% DOWN DAY OF AUC TION, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 292-5860 OR 764-6412 Grandfathers Clock, Grandmothers Clock, 10 pc. Duncan Phyfe Dining Room Suite, Duncan Phyfe Coffee Table, Waterfall Bedroom Suite, Cherry Droplcaf Gateleg Table, Walnut Knee hole Desk, Mahogany Drapleaf Table, 2 La-Z- Boy Chairs, Sofa & Matching Chair. 2 Roll- Away Beds, Music Cabinet & Records, 3 Plank Bottom Chairs, Office Chair, Small Chest, 4 Gone with the Wind Lights, Floor Lights, Vienna Clock. Sony Reconi Player w/ Tape & Radio, 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet, Pitch er Light, Electric Fans, Side-by-Side Refriger ator, Currier Picture ‘The Lover’s Quarrel” Radios & Speakers. Cassette Player, Fluores cent Fixtures, 1500 Watt Quartz Light, Dinette Table & 4 Chairs, Telephone, Braided Rugs, Waffle Iron & Grill, Candle Snuffer, Antique Dr. Bells, Compote, Goblets. TOOLS 1994 2 HP. 12 Gal. Sears Compressor, 4” Jointer, 10” Table Saw, I'A ” Table Saw, Hahn Roto tiller. Nursery Spades, Cement Mixer, Bench Grinder, Floor Jack, Drill Press, Jig Saw, Pipe Wrenches, Brace & Bits, Coping Saw, Paint Sprayer, Blood Pressure Gauge, Compass Metal Detector, Kelsay PH Tester, Mighty Mack 22 Gal. Sprayer, Wheelbarrow, Lawn Boy Mower, Box & Cage Traps, Steel Traps, Fishing Rods, Dip Net, 40 pc. Tap & Die Set. Nut Driver Set, Wrenches, Extension Cords, Pop Rivet Gun Set, Soldering Guns, C Clamps & Pipe Clamps, Belt Sander, Vibrator Sander, Drill Bits, 3/8” Drill, Hand & Hole Saws, Socket Sets, Bolt Cutters, Tin Snips. Machin ist Tool Box, Pliers, Side Cutters, 3/4” Pipe Bender Levels, Digging Iron, Log Chains, ' Auger Bits, Plane, Makila 4” Disc Grinder, 35 MM Slide Projector, Picture Screen. Motion Sensor Book Alarm, Welding Cable, Shrink able Tubing, Walton Tap Extractor, White Pine Boards, Dehumidifier. SILK SCREEN EQUIPMENT Set of Rapidograph Pens, 2 Framing Squares, 750* Heat Gun, Silkscreening Exposure Table 3x4 300 W Quartz, Drying Rack. GUNS Mark 2 Semi Auto Target Pistol 22 LR, 22 Cal Semi-Aut. Rifle w/Scope, 32 Cal. Nickel Plated 5 Shot Hopkins & Allen, Winchester Model 370 12 G Single Barrel, Winchester 22 Single Shot, German Pellet Gun w/Scope, BB Gun, H & R 22 LR, Heavy Duty Hunting Knife w/Shield. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emigsville, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Public Auction REAL ESTATE - HOUSEHOLD GOODS - GUNS - SILK SCREENING EQUIPMENT - ANTIQUES - TOOLS ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1994 9:00 A.M. 4220 NORTH GEORGE STREET, MANCHESTER, PA. (ACROSS FROM . SHOPPING CENTER) 12:00 NOON REAL ESTATE 12:00 NOON ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SELLER: GLENN & EDITH STRICKLER Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT, JUNE 18 - 9AM, 20.5 Clay FM Cl.y Acre Farm, Antiques & 322 West SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1994 11:00 A.M. LOCATION: 32 WINTERSVILLE ROAD RICHLAND, TULPEHOCKEN TOWNSHIP BERKS COUNTY, PA. REASON FOR AUCTION: Owner sold the farm. 4 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS: AC 7030 With 20.8x38 Radial Tires, AC 200 With Year Round Cab, AC 170 With AC 500 Loader, AC 170 Tractor. TILLAGE: International 710 Auto matic Reset 5 Bottom 18” Plow, Oliver 3 Bottom 16” Plow, John Deere Transport Harrow With Fold Up Wings And Rake Leveler, John Deere 10’ Transport Disc, John Deere 11 ’ Transport Disc, AC 600 4 Row Corn Planter With No-Till Colters. S’ Brillion Alfalfa Seeder, John Deere Van Brunt 16 Hole Grain Drill. HAY EQUIP MENT: John Deere 336 Hay Baler With Model 30 Ejector, And Dry Applicator, Kuhn Hay/Tedder Rake PTO Driven, New Holland 469 Haybine, New Holland 258 Hay Rake, New Idea 279 Cut/Ditioner, Avco New Idea 41 ’ Hay + Grain Elevator, 3 Hay Wagons (2 With Wood Sides 8 Ton Running Gears And Flotation Tires. HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: Gehl 920 Forage Wagon With McCurdy 10 Ton Running Gear, Gehl 640 Forage Wagon With McCurdy 10 Ton Running Gear, 2 New Holland Super 717 Choppers With Hay Pick Up, 2 Row Narrow Head And 1 Row Head, McCurdy 230 Gravity Bin With Extension Sides And 8 Ton Zimmerman Running Gear, McCurdy 275 Gravity Bin With Zimmerman 8 Ton Running Gear, 2 John Deere 16A Flail Choppers (1 For Parts), Mayrath Grain Auger, International 56 Forage Blower, Gehl 135 Grinder Mix er, New Idea 3626 Manure Spreader With Tail Gate, Portable Ru-Feeder Feeder Wagon, 3 Point Post Hole Digger, 9 Stall Calf Kennel, Wooden Calf Hutch, 275 Gal lon Fuel Tank With Hand Pump, 8 Ton Metal Feed Bin, Gutter Grates, Fenders For AC 200 Tractor, Rough Cut Oak Lum ber Various Sizes. Concrete Mixer, 6- B’x3’ Diameter Concrete Drainage Pipes, AC Suit Case Weights, AC Rear Wheel Weights, 150 Lb. Anvil, Boumatic Vacuum Pump, Dairy Vac, 40’ Extension Ladder, Hydraulic Cylinders, Rubber Maid Water Troughs, Gates And Other Misc. Items. AUTOMOBILES: 1978 GMC 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pick-Up, Automatic 350 Engine. 1974 Chevy Pick-Up Truck 3/4 Ton 6 Cylinder, 1968 Chevy Impala. (All Vehicles Are In Need Of Repair). TERMS: Cash Or Approved Check. All Items Must Be Paid For The Day Of The Auction. Only A Few Small Items Be Prompt CONDITIONS BY: EDGAR & DOROTHY WOOLF DIRECTIONS: 32 Wlntersville Rd., Rich land, Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, PA. From 1-78 Bethel Exit - South On Route 501 To Stop Sign In Bethel - Right On Route 501 To Stop Sign • Left On Rehrersburg Road .3 Mile - Right On Wlntersville Road 1.0 Mile To Farm On Right. From Route 422 Between Myerstown And Stouchsburg At Traffic Light - North On Wlntersville Road 4.6 Miles To Farm On Left. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: ROY D. SHIRK AUCTIONEERING SERVICE LICENSE# AA-001985-L RD# 4. BOX 630 LEBANON. PA. 17042 (717) 867-1119 AND NELSON L. EBERSOLE LICENSE# AU-001307-L Food Stand Lancntar Farming, Saturday, Hay 21,. 1994-841 mite#. South Onto Cte Rd. At Ctey Book Storo). Terms By, Grace H. Shenk. Herat Auots. SAT. JUNE 18-9 AM, Su able Real Estate, Argues, Fine Oak Furniture, House hold Goods, 1844 Coverlet, Old Quilts, 1855 Sampler, 1977 Century Buick. Located 26 Highland Drive, East Lampeter Twp., Lan caster, Pa. Dir.: East Of Lane. On Rt. 462 Past Mel linger Menno. Church, Ist Road Turn Loft On High land Dr. Sale On Left. Sale For, Martin D. Lefever. Mill er & Siegrist, Aucts SAT. JUNE 18 & SAT JUNE 25- B:3OAM Tractor, garage equip, mechanic & hand tools, auto parts, household goods, anti ques, dolls, jeweliy, dishes, pictures, what-nots, etc. 1475 Mud Run Rd, York Spgs, Pa. approx. 3 mi. S York Spgs along Rt 94 to Lake Meade Meade Rd turn L approx. 1 mi. to Ger many Rd. turn R. to Mud Run Rd. Turn L. to sale Ray & Evelyn Fairdoth, owners. Geo. Harr, auct. SAT. JUNE 18 - 9AM Anti ques, House items, guns, misc. Dover, Pa. From 1-83 exit 11 (Emigsville) take Rt. 238 W to signal light, turn R & go +/- 2.4 mi. on Susque hanna Trail. Turn L & go ■f/-2 4 mi. on Canal Rd. (r. 921 W) to Neiman's Oar age. Turn R& go +/-1.3 mi on Mill Creek Rd. to sale. Or from Dover take Canal Rd. (Rt. 921 E) to Neiman's Garage, turn L & follow Mill creek Rd. +/-1.3 ml. to sale on left. Elsie Wallace, Sar ah Eppley, owners. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. JUNE 18 - 9:3OAM Autos & Guns, 116 Hillside Ave., West Grove Boro, Ches. Co., Pa. Laura M. & Lawrence P. Taylor, own ers. Jeffrey E. & Harry W. Whiteside, aucts. SAT. JUNE 18 -9.30 AM, Personal Property, Excel lent Dining Room & Bed room Furniture. Located 110 Oxford Drive, Lititz, Pa Auction For Jay & Marian Herr. E.M. Murry Assoc Auct. SAT. JUNE 18 -10 AM, House Goods, Antiques, Miniature Conestoga Wagon 45”x25 "x2B” located 1450 Pine St Rd , Oxford, Pa Take Rt 472 So Of Quarryville, Pa To Oxford, Turn Left On Pine St Go % Mile To Sale On Left. Terms By, Esther M G Shortlidge Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts SAT JUNE 18 -10 AM, Farm Equip, HH Goods, Antiques, Irrigation Pump & Pipes. Located Along Spring Creek Rd , Alburtis, L Macungle Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa. Travel Rt 100 S From Troxlertown For 1 Mi Turn R Onto Springcreek Rd., Proceed 1/2 Mi. To Auction On Left. Ordered By, Edward & Elizabeth Nicholas. Ralph W. Zettle moyer Auction Co., Inc SAT. JUNE 18 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Bnm mer Ave Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles Tc Sale On The Left. From Rt 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 25 Miles to Hill Rd , Right On Hill Rd. to Sale Qn Left Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT. JUNE 18 -10 AM, Public Auction Of Driving Horses, Antiques, HH Goods, Blacksmith Tools, Carriage Located Along Rt. 897 In The Village Of Springville, Lane Co Pa For Jonas & Elizabeth Beil er. Snyder’s Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 18 -11 AM Tim Cantwell's Complete Line Of Like New Potato Farm Equipment Located Rich field Springs, N Y. Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc.