Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1994, Image 32
A32-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 21, 1994 COBLESKILL, N.Y. An Ayrshire heifer consigned by Oliv er Cottrell, of West Kingston, R. 1., sold for $1,900 to top the recent 26th Annual Empire State Spring Sale, held at Cobleskill, N.Y. The offering of 83 head, includ ing five calves, went to 37 buyers. Forty-five of the animals were pur chased by New York residents, 23 head went to Pennsylvania buyers, 13 went to Connecticut, and two Ripken Growth Given At BALTIMORE, Md. Dairy farmers scored a big win with local baseball fans Tuesday evening. May 17, at Bal timore’s Camden Yards Stadium with a Cal Rip ken, Jr. Growth Poster giveaway to all fans un der 14. Dairy Night with the Orioles was spon sored by the Middle At lantic Milk Marketing Association. Nearly 15,000 youngsters took home the six-foot posters fea turing long-time milk drinker and milk spokesman, Ripken. The posters carry the words “Drink Milk and Reach for the Star” to encourage youngsters to drink milk and see if they can measure up to Ripken, the All-Star Baltimore Orioles short stop and two-time Most Valuable Player of the American League. For more than a de cade Ripken has been touting the benefits of milk. He credits his good health and longe vity to his life-long milk drinking habit. Ripken is on his way to setting a new “Ironman” record for the number of conse cutive games played. He could achieve this goal in 1995. In addition to the Rip ken Growth Posters, 10,000 women received a complimentary copy of the Cynthia Kereluk Workout & Fitness Planner. The planner of fers information on fit ness and nutrition, dairy recipes and exercises. More than 3.3 million copies of the popular fit ness planner have been distributed since the first edition in 1992. Dawn Downey, Maryland State Dairy Princess, threw out the first ball for MAMMA. More than 47,000 fans watched the Baltimore Orioles defeat the Bos ton Red Sox 3-2. The Middle Atlantic Milk Marketing Asso ciation is the only quali fied regional program that includes advertis ing, promotion, nutri tion education, retail merchandising, school food service, communi cations and public rela tions for the entire Mid dlc-Allanlic milk mar keting area. More than Empire State Spring Ayrshire were purchased by Delaware buyers. The sale was managed by Tom Whittaker, of Brandon, Vl, with Del Haynes, of Tully, N.Y., serv ing as sale chairman, ai)d Mark Kent, of Sennett, N.Y., acting as auctioneer. In all, Cottrell consigned 21 bred heifers to the sale, with 13 selling for $l,OOO or more. In addi tion to the high-selling animal, other top Cottrell animals sold for Dairy 5,000 dairy farm fami lies support the MAM MA program. BASS CONSISTENT TOP PERFORMER FULL SEASON OR DOUBLE CROP Maturity Group Late 111, Good Standabillty, Good Shatter Resistance, Great for Drilling or Narrow Rows STILL IN 60 LB. BAGS!! Available only as certified seed CONTACT YOUR CERTIFIED SEED DEALER Poster Night SOYBEANS $1,500, $1,700, and $1,850.. The buyer of the top selling ani mal was a syndicate of McNeil, Bumc and Cottrell. The heifer is a daughter of a son of Jade, out of a Rebel dam with a 322-day first lac tation record of 14,220 pounds of milk with 554 pounds, or 3.9 per cent, of fat. Don McNeil, of Ellcnburg Cen ter, N.Y., a member of the syndi cate, purchased the next highest selling animal himself, paying $1,850 for a Reliable daughter. Another Reliable daughter from an Elite dam with a 3-10,305-day record of 19,439 pounds of 3.5 per cent fat milk, was purchased by Sale Charles Dye, of New Berlin, N.Y. Dye also purchased a Bonnie- Brae Jordon daughter for $1,500, and a Lagace Maya daughter for $1,400. The Jordon daughter is out of a dam that made 17,753 pounds of milk, 702 pounds of fat in a lac tation (length of time not reported), started as a 5-year-old. The Maya daughter’s dam made a 4-10, 365-day lactation record of 18,578 pounds of milk, with 4.4 percent, or 809 pounds of fat. According to Whittaker, sales manager, another large volume buyer was Charles Pent, of Belle ville. “His investment of $7,350 included a $1,225 fresh cow by SPECIAL SPRING SALE SU2VFXLM BALC WRAP SUNFILM BALE WRAP is a reflec tive white film which adheres and stretches around round bales of silage creating an air-tight tension seal for 12 months of outdoor storage and fermentation. This is a good quality film and has been used by farmers for many years. USA MADE 20” X 6000’ Full skid (24 rolls) 30” x 5000 Full skid (21 rolls) $69-00 RAIN-FLO IRRIGATION 884 CENTER CHURCH RD • EAST EARL, PA 17519 PH (717) 445-6976 t Get The THE ONLY _ 21 OUT FRONT ZERO P A TURNING RADIUS MOWER MADE IN 30” /] I TO 50” CUTTING WIDTH U AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Increase production with a new Spirit. The Oulnttark Spirit ZT with exclusive Q Drive or hydrostatic drive and unique natural lever stealing allows the operator complete control of the low profile full floating 30”, 36”, 42" or SO" mower deck. Deck height adjustment and all controls ate easily accessible from the fully cushioned operator seat Powered by an electric start B&S 12-hp I/C, 14 HP or 16 HP Vanguard engine mounted behind the operator. Avaial ble w/optional 4-bu. grass collections ystem. Spirit., an innovative outfrcnt zero-tuming radius mower at an affordable price, time offer - tee dealer for details) EXPERIENCE THE NEW SPIRIT AT ONE OF THESE DEALERS: mp* 2SKIS.U- Hillil. PA 17092 717-MMOM Chut** E. Wolfl Batiat. PA 18507 717-OSM7II FRANKLIN CO. ■rand's Englns Istvlot centre co. ffrTiinw' PA 17201 Oarrstfs kntl Engha Mi Cants W, PA IW2I LANCASTER CO. •144*4-1441 UMI Out o* PA VU Ira ill Eng in* larvlc* Mrtnd*. PA 17541 Pin* aw* Mm, pa itata timimmi 114-231-5544 Wm Mwlhr Enghee A Egulpmenl EphttU, PA 17522 717-73M21S CHESTER CO. Oltorirt am. Englm LYCOMING CO. Herr 3elea A Service Uney, PA 1775« 71744A42H Bvanon, PA 19620 110-216-0 Til CUMBERLAND CO. Ylnow 1 * Cub CadM UNION CO, Mm A tovfct AL Poachy M Son l Mtohanictbuig, P* 17055 MnMkl. PA 17110 717401-7114 7174044405 Royal Welcome from Hill- Farmily-Farm, of Chateaugay, N.Y.” Whittaker stated that the cow had posted a first lactation production of 12,437 pounds of milk, with 4.1 percent fat, in 293 days. Carlyle Pepper of Monroeton, Pa., was the third single largest buyer. Among his Five selections, hepaidSl,! 10 fora springing Hill- Family-Farm cow with a 368-day lactation production of 13,086 pounds of 3.9 percent-fat milk. James F. Pastos, of Beltavem Farm in Waterloo, N.Y., paid $1,300 for a fresh heifer from a dam that, as a 3-year-old, made a 303-day production record of 11,348 pounds of milk with 4.3 percent fat. The heifer’s grandsires are Jade and Johnny. , 0 MW'. NEW JERSEY SALEM CO. LikNMt Mm and Supply Bnw, NJ 01311 MMISM44 YORK CO. Elston Yort RepMr WMghtole, PA 17MA 7174AM2M SOMERSET CO. IMnnSh Hum Homt MartmvSa. NJ OMM MMOS-19N MftßYi/WP DORCHESTER CO. Eieton lervlee Corp* Cambridge, MD 21(13 410J3W000 DELAWARE KENT CO. CUrUa'i Oangt of Smyrna Smyrna, DE 10877 MMB-TOJt NEW YORK FREDERICK CO. Kiwimm tail Engln* Thurman MO 2171 A 301*271*27(7 TALBOT CO. Yeager's he. Eaator, MO 21101 301-AH.I7M SENECA CO. Zlmmerman'e (null Engine Ibgalr Watolao, NY 131 K 31AAKA3A2 WASHINGTON CO. Qnmly Learn A Power Htginiwn. MD 21740 301*717*1200 $60.00 $58.00 $73.00