LOIS SZYMANSKI Maryland Correspondent WESTMINSTER. Md. Sometimes farmers just have to have fun! But these farmers did. last month, with wheel spinning, gear grinding, smoke belching fun at the Heart of Maryland Tractor Pull held at the Carroll County Agricul tural Center in Westminster. Md. Proceeds from the tractor pull were to benefit the Agricultural Center, and hundreds of volunteers horn various organizations gave of their time and energy to help the event go off as planned. ‘This is our Erst pull of the year,” said Heart of Maryland organizer, Helen Erb. “Heart of Maryland averages about 16 of these pulls a year all over the state of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Today’s turnout looks good!" An estimated crowd of 5,000 came out on the sunny afternoon to cheer on the 120 entries in the categories of farm stock, modified, superstock, four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive. Trophies were provided for the first, second, third and fourth place winners in the farm stock divisions but pullers earning points in the modified and superstock divisions had cash prizes as an added incentive. ‘This is a sanctioned pull and there’s big money involved,” said Bill Clem, a representative from the National Tractor Pullers Asso ciation. “A promoter like the Car roll County Agricultural Center has to put $lO,OOO up front to the Heart of Maryland Tractor Pullers (the state association representing the National) to bring these pullers in here. If the pullers come to com pete, the money is guaranteed.” Local machinery dealers and businesses lent their support as did ROHRER BRAND SOYBEANS • New high yielding pure line variety soybean in early maturity group. • Carries good disease resistance. • Moderate resistance to phytophthora root rot. • Is a medium bush type • Excellent standability • Does well in drilled or wide rows. Rohrer4olo soybeans is a must try for 1994 by every soybean grower In the area. • True line variety which matures similar to Williams 82 but has more yield punch. • Very good emerger that gets off to a fast start. • Good standability • Tolerance to phytophthora root rot line variety in late Group 111 maturity class High Yield client Standability Performs well on all soil types as well as in all row widths • Tolerant to phytophthora root rot Good emerger and has a bushy plant type that grows :o a good height P.L. KOHREK & BRO., INC. SNOKETOIVN. PA PHONE: 717 299 257 1 Maryland Farmers Involved In Tractor Pull volunteer groups such as the Grange, The Junior Troopers, the Young Farmers and the Farm Bureau. They operated all the con cession booths and monitored the grounds with all profits going to the Agricultural Center. “The thing I like about this,” said Clem, who has been involved since 1974, “is that it is a family thing. You’ll get dad building one and then the whole family joins in. These are all home-built by the drivers and the families. The wives and the kids and everyone gets involved and works along with it. It is a chance for the farmers to have fun, and that is what they are doing today!” “I took two seconds (place ments), and I was tickled to death,” said puller Bob Colson, Frizzel burg, Md. Colson was also one of the organizers of this annual event. “Randy Devaugh beat me in the heavy class. I went down to Anne Arundel County and pulled Satur day,” Colson explained, “and I beat him by about sixty feet. He asked me if I could help him set up his injection pump a little and so I helped him out then, he came back and beat me! Hey, that’s an unself ish puller, isn’t it?” The Heart of Maryland Tractor Pull, like all sanctioned pulls, was monitored by the National Associ ation. A new digital board supplied by WestminsterChevroletnotonly kept the crowds aprised of the longest disntance pulled and the puller in the lead, but was also equipped with a laser beam that measured each pull. As the spectators watched the classes progress throughout the day they also got to see how the puller’s tractors have progressed. The first, stock tractor classes were an example of typical farm trac tors. The next class, the modified division, showed how pullers aittaftyo SOYBEANS BRAND 38SO SOYBEANS Donald Balt, dairy fanner from Westminster makes a pull of 186.9 feet The front wheels rise at the end of the pull. opted for more power. “This is where they take a trac tor rear end, stretch the frame out and put any combination of engines on it.” said Bill Clem. “There is no limit to the horsepow er, but they have to weigh under 7,200 pounds. The secret to win ning is how they put the weight on the tractor,” Clem said. “They have to keep that front end down. It takes a long time to get the engines set just right and to make two or three engines run together at the same time, so they are all pulling the same.” According to “Pull Magazine.” innovative competitors often use V-12 Allison airplane engines and even tank motors! “The super stock tractors look like farm tractors, but they’re all souped up,” Clem said. They must have just one engine and with the exception of having wider tires and custom paint they must retain their original manufacturers sheet metal design. “These guys will bum three to five gallons of diesel fuel in one pull,” Clem admitted. “The smoke gets so thick out here it looks like a tornado!” Two wheel drive trucks are the next category and the newest addi tion to the pulling lineup, intro duced in 1984. In a short time they have gone from an oddity to being one of the sports hottest divisions. Four wheel drive trucks also sport big classes in the tractor pulls. “Pull Magazine” says the secret to winning with the trucks is in becoming a master track reader. “A lot of volunteers came together, donating a lot of time to pull-off the event,” said Clem of the Sunday tractor pull. As the smoke rose like thunderclouds, the crowd cheered and the drivers grinned and signaled thumbs up. it Hatfield Awards Scholarship ALFRED, N.Y. —An Auburn, 70124 Cherry Road, Auburn, and N.Y. resident majoring in animal a 1987 graduate of Auburn High science at Alfred State College is School. the winner of a $l,OOO scholarship . . , . “ .u it—r.. l,l Dennis was recognized for the from the Hatfield Packing Co. »■ He is Michael Dennis, son of at Alfred Mate s lom an Ronald and Penelope Dennis of nual Honors Convocauon May 1. We are now also an TI Authorized Service Center for fuel injection systems. r^BaaaaiAlViiiiiia vVe Buy |_ If You Can’t Doal With Your Ooalar, Daal With Fay Plaaal I Qahnllrtahla jH s3s°° OFF INJECTION PUMPS B| mesel B Fra* To at Of Injaetora With Evary Q| Injection Q ,n i« c,or Pum P Brought In g { Rumps. ■WE PAY UPS SHIPPING 5-21 ■( K ~ CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-864-7723 FAY BEEfll SPECIALISTS "Lancaster County’s Best Fuel Infection Shop " f Parts Sc Service * 15 Years Experience - S 0« East Main Straat. Now Holland, PA 17557 717*354-2015 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 21, 1994-A27 was apparent that Sunday was indeed a day for fun. Winners in their divisions were go frtllnu/c* FARM STOCK-6,000 Ib.-John Harrison of Woodbine Md. driving a John Deere 8. FARM STOCK -8,000 lb.-Herbert Catterton of Harwood, Md. driving a John Deere 4010. FARM STOCK-13,000 pound-Keith Griffil of Boonsboro, Md. driving an International 1206. FARM STOCK-16,000 lb.-Randy Devaugh of Upper Marlboro, MD. driving an International 1466. MODIFIED-7,200 Ib-Mikc Mills of Fallston, Md. driving a Wycomings. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS-Willy Omps of Winchester, Va. driving a Ford F 350. TWO WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS-Bryan McDonald of Harwood, Md. driving with an Oldsmobile motor.