Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1994, Image 26
A26-LancMt«r Fanning, Saturday, May 21, 1994 Changes In Pa.’s Agribusiness Economy Mirror Change Nationwide UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Pennsylvania agribusines ses are following trends set by other resource-based and manu facturing industries in the state, but have not been hit as hard by Job losses, said a researcher in Penn State’s College of Agricul tural Sciences. “The number of Agribusiness jobs and companies is declining, in both production and process ing,” said Dr. Steve Smith, associ ate professor of agricultural eco nomics. “But these declines are small compared to those in indus tries not related to agriculture.” Smith and br. Theodore Fuller, adjunct assistant professor of agri cultural ccdnomics, used data from the Pennsylvania Depart ment and the Department of Labor and Industry to compare trends in the Pennsylvania agribusiness economy with other manufactur ing industries. Pennsylvania’s economy has undergone drastic changes in the past 15 years. “Manufacturing employment declined in all years but two from 1980, resulting in a net loss of 375,000 jobs, or more than 28 percent of total manufac turing employment,” Smith said. “In rural areas, the major employment declines occurred in manufacturing industries unre lated to agriculture or forestry,” Smith said. “Job losses in these industries were five times greater than in traditional rural resource based industries. The industries underlying the decline were the same industries on which rural economic diversification and job N.Y. Farm Bureau Meets Growth Objective ALBANY, N.Y. 23,812!!! New York Farm Bureau has surpassed its 1994 membership goal by 448. According to David Whitmore, organization director for the state Farm Bureau, “This is the most member fami lies we’ve ever had and it looks like we will top 24,000 in just a few weeks.” He said, “The grow ing member numbers mean increased legisla tive clout on correcting the critical issues facing agriculture and rural New York, like soaring property and business taxes, skyrocketing workers’ compensation premiums, and attacks against the rights of pri vate property owners. Farmers and their rural neighbors recognize that they can only solve their problems by work ing together as a group and Farm Bureau provides the vehicle to make that happen.” For information about joining Farm Bureau, call (518) 436-8495 or write to Organisation Depart ment, New York Farm Bureau, Inc., P.O. Box 992, Glenmont, N.Y. growth had been based in the 1960 s and 19705.” Throughout this period, total nonfarm employment in the state grew by 6.3 percent, with all the net increase coming the mid-1980s. “This was due entirely to growth in private service producing industries,” Smith said. “Manufacturing, government, and mining had net job losses.” Traditional rural industries also continued a long-term decline, including farm production employment and agriculture- MILK Uncheck 1 THOMAS JURCHAK I Lackawanna County SCRANTON (Lackawanna Co.) After nine weeks of counter seasonal price increases of nearly 12 cents, prices on the National Cheese Exchange plummeted 20 cents during the last four weeks. Prices were expected to drop with increasing dealer inventories and milk production, and the first sign came with just a half-cent, cheese price fall on April 22. The next drop was 4 cents on barrels the following week, and then a 5-cent price drop came during the first week of May. Disaster really struck on Friday the 13lh prices went 10 cents lower. That pul block prices down to less than $1.20, and barrel prices less than 51.21. Previous high prices, coming just a month ago, were nearly $1.40 for blocks and more than 51.37 for barrels. While a price drop was predicted, the suddenness was a shock that completely changed the market situation for the rest of the year. Even without further losses, the 20-cent fall could translate into a $2 drop in the Minnesota-Wisconsin Price Series within the nfcxt two months, and be reflected in the farm price by mid-summer. Right now, the barrel price is higher than the block price, which is the reverse of normal pricing. That reversal alone would indicate that further price adjusting will occur, and the trend downward will continue. The long anticipated increase in milk production came in April, but and get higher production with lower cost and less maintenance. C-2 feeder for broilers authorized master distributor —— •'nee 1982 nipples |,i ns anc j FLEX-AUGER* Northeast related manufacturing. “Farm employment decreased by'about 11 percent from 1975 to 1987, and the decline has continued', “Smith said. “The number of farms and amount of land in farms also have declined.” At the same time, agricultural output has increased, indicating that agricultural industries are adopting labor-saving technology. “Poultry output and hog output have expanded by about 20 per cent and 30 percent, respectively, since the mid-1980s,” Smith said. Insist on Chore-Time H-2 feeder for broilers ' IM*-> A Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Rood Lititz, PA 17543 “Long-term increased in milk pro duction have continued, accom panied by growth in the green house and nursery industry. Growth in mushrooms has been especially strong. The only sig nificant declines have been in beef cattle, apples, and com for grain.” Food processing employment as a whole declined 5.5 percent from 1975 to 1990, a loss of almost 5,000 jobs. Most job losses were in dairy products, bakery products, fats and oils, and bever ages. Food processing industries started back in March, according to revised estimates. For April, milk production was 1 percent more than a year ago, ending nine consecutive months with production lower than year before levels. Wisconsin and Minnesota continued dropping production at the same rate of 7 percent and S percent, a trend they have maintained since last Tall. The Northeast stayed even, with Pennsylvania down 1 percent, and New York up 1 percent But that is still a lot of milk in this market The big increases came from the South and West with California up 8 percent Washington 4 percent Florida 7 percent Texas 11 percent and Idaho production up IS percent. Milk was moving out of the South to Midwest plants for processing. Cheese prices weren’t the only ones affected by increasing milk pro duction. Butter prices dropped below support levels and increased vol umes were being offered to the Commodity Credit Corporation. Non-fat dry powder, for the first time this year, was purchased by the CCC during the first week of May. Since then, nearly three million pounds has been offered for sale. After the bad news, comes the good news. The M-W price for April was $12.99. Thai’s 22 cents more than last month, and 84 cents more than last year. The M-W made another record high for the month, and this higher price will be feeding into your milk check for the next two months. In fact, the higher milk prices you’ve had so far this year are part of the rea son for the increased production. However, production increases may not be finished yet the upper Midwest hasn’t kicked in yet with a new forage crop that will bring pro duction increases in that region. In Federal Order markets in Pennsylvania, April-milk farm prices will be increased by $1 to $1.37 over last year’s price, and it can be expected to climb further in May. As in other years, how well you fare the rest of the year may well depend on the kindness of the weatherman. It will be difficult to endure crop losses on top of lower milk prices, so spending must be kept to a minimum, until you know,, * jii aji H-2 feeder for turkeys swine feeding STORE HOURS Mon-Frl 7 30 to 430 Sat 800 to Noon 24 Hr 7 Da/ Repair Service Enjoy It Now adult turkey feeder with plastic pan f cage systems 3E “ 1-800-673-2580 mrrm F3K=I MM Ph: (717) 569-2702 that gained employment were meat products, miscellaneous pro ducts, and sugar and confection ery products. These changes in the manufac turing and agribusiness economics signal a major change in the char acter of Pennsylvania’s general economy, both rural and urban. “Pennsylvania certainly has less of the heavy industry for which \t was known,” Smith said. ‘The economy has become much more diversified and more like the nation’s as a whole.” ULTRAFLO* for layers, pullets & breeders