Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1994, Image 156
Best Buys in Used Equipment Exceptional Nice Case 1845 C Diesel Uniloader 11 ii.i^ V i mil * With Aux. Hyd., Deluxe Seat, Lights, Ready For Work With A Good 73” Utility Bucket John Deere 10’ Cut Rotary Mower Heavy Built Mower Nice Hesston Forage Blower flp Used Farm Machinery Equipment (1) UM2410 Sunflower 24 Foot Ditk {farrow Rockflex (2) UM2S2S John Deere Mix Merge II Model 7200 Planter 6 Row 30’, Dry Fertilizer With Crou Fill Auger, Come Sl See (3) UM2S33 John Deere 331 Square Baler Nice! With Thrower (4) UM2481 21 Foot Hyd. Fold AC Wing Field Cultivator In Good Condition (5) UM2491 Sunflower 27* Hyd. Fold Rock Flex Wing Diak Harrow (6) UM2SI7 John Deere 125 3 Bottom Plow 3-16 With Coulter Type Traah Platea $750 (7) UM2S22 26 Foot Truck Van Body With Electric Lift Tailgate And Roll Up Door $1,500 (8) Used Donahue Implement Carrier (9) Good Died Disk Harrows From Small Sizes To Large Hydraulic Fold Wmg Models (10) New Holland Bale Loader Model 1003 (11) UM2SI2 Sunflower It Foot Wmg Fold Rock Flea Disk Harrow (12) UM2500 Model (000 Parker Grain Cart Tandem Axle (13) UM2509 20 Foot Brlllion Wing Packer With Long Tongue (14) UM2SOB Sunflower 1232-18 18 Foot Wmg Disk Harrow (15) UM2507 IH Vlbrashank Without Wings 13’ With Wings 18’7” Fidd Cultivator, Buy The Entire Machine As Is $1,090 (16) UM2SO6 IH 45 Danish Tine Vlbrashank With Wings IST’, Wings Removed, 13 Fool, Come A See And Haul Away Nowl $970 As Is (17) UM2499 Big Ox 14 1 Ripper. 3 PL $lOOO (18) UM2496 5100 IH Grain Drill With Press Wheels, Grass Seed and Double Disc Openers 24x6 (19) UM2SO2 J. Deere Model 1008 3 Pt. Rotary Cutter, 10 Foot 1000 RPM Drive, Rubber Skirting, Heavy Built Mower (20) UM2477 IH Model 10 Grain Drill 16x7 With Grass Seeder, Good Condition (21) UM2SOS EZ Flow 300 Gravity Bln on Kory Running Gear, ULxIS Flotauon Tires, With Bin Side Extensions (22) New Holland 1495 Self Propelled Mower Conditioner With Cab (23) UM2484 IH Model 700 S Bottom Spring Auto-Reset Plow (24) UM2396 Massey Ferguson Mode! 43 Grain Drill 22x7 Spacing With Lift Cylinder $1,750 (25) UM2450 Dunham 10 Ft. Culupacker With Good Rollers (26) UM2439 New Idea 224 Web Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate, Good Cond. Approx. 300 Bu, Tandem Axle (27) UM2376 Degelman Model 570 H Rock Picker With 8 Foot Dump Height (28) UM2IBB Degelman MS7OS Rock Picker 114 Cu. Yd. Hopper, Semi-High Lift, 42" Dumping Height, Traded For Larger Unit (29) UM2435 Krause Model 4200 7 Shank Coulter Chisel (30) UM24IS IH 3 Pt. 4 Row Cultivator w/Shields $1,175 (31) UM2414 Kent 21’ Folding Field Cultivator Walking Tandem w/Buster Bar (32) UM2417 Brlllion 12 Foot Cultlpacker, Nice Condition! (33) UM2411 IH Model 1250 Grinder Mixer With Scales, Magnet (34) UM2403 Fox Forage Blower With 54” Drum (35) L7M2402 Gchl Model 135 Grinder Mixer With Self Contained Hyd., No Scalec (36) UM2290 John Deere Model 315 Transport 15 Foot Disk Harrow (37) UM2360 John Deere 6 Row x 30” 3 Pi S Tine Row Crop Cultivator With Depth Wheels, Good Condition (38) UM2380 John Deere 8200 Grain Drill 18x7 (39) UM2336 Owatonna Model 229 9* Mower Conditioner (40) UM2291 Hess ton Model 1070 Mower Conditioner T Cut, In Good Condition (41) UM2260 JD 210 Disk Harrow 14* (42) UM2258 Hesslon 1085 Mower Conditioner 9* New Guards, Knife and Slip Clutch, Nice! (43) UM2236 A.C. 16' Hyd. Fold Held Cultivator, No Cylinder (44) UM2323 Case IH 510 Loader w/S4” Bucket To Fit Maxxum 5130 & 5140 Model Tractors $4,980 Nice Me M.F, Grain Drill UM2396 22x7 With Hyd. Cylinder Only $1,750 Comt & See And Make A Dead Nice Case Backhoe Attach ment To Fit Case 450 Crawlers Or 480 Backhoe Tractor Cash FOB No Trade Price $2,975.00 BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Located l A Mile North of Rothsville NEW USED) Husky 3600 Gallon Top Fill Heavy Duty i_ Tanker i w 540 PTO, 21.5x16,1 Tires Excellent Condition. Get A Super Husky Deal! Hydra Mac Model 18 Skid Loader With Large 68” Hi-Capacity Bucket Ford Gas Powered Buy Cheap Buy As-Is And Haul Away! (45) UM2222 JD Grain Drill Model FB-B, 13x7 Sin|le Diic w/Fenilizer A Gnu Seeder (46) UM2203 Whit* SOI 4x16 Auto Rent Plow New Moldboerdi (47) UM2416 Di Model 56 Forage Blower (4t) UM2S27 Han ton Model 7014 Fenge Blower (49) UM2515 John Deere 11x7 Drill With Double Due Openen (50) UM2546 Glencoe 18 Foot Hyd. Fold Field Cultivator With Buater Bar $1,750 (51) UM2S4O New Idea 514 Swing Frame Mower Conditioner 14' Cut (52) UM2544 3000 Gallon Pad Top Fill Tanker, Exc. Cond. (53) UM2S43 New Holland 499 12’ Hyd. Swing Frame, Good Condition (54) UT3OIO IH 225 10’ Cut Self Propelled Mower Conditioner (55) UM2S4S New Holland 35$ Grinder Mixer With Self Contained Hyd. Syatem With Fold Auger Extcniion (56) UM2549 11 Tooth 3 PL High Clearance Child Plow With Midweat Levclcr Bar And Gauge Wheels Used Skid Loaders (1) UT3004 Gehl 6620 60 HP 1 Ton Lift Only 1275 Hn.. Aux. Hyd $13,900 (2) UT3OOI Cau IS4SC With Aux. Hyd. (3) UT2915 Gthl 4610 Dietel 44 HP with 65" Bucket (4) UT2969 Bobcat 731 With 10:00x16.5 Tiret, Lighta, 6CT Bucket (5) UM2420 Backhoc Attachment Off Cue Crawler Model 26C Come A Seel (6) UT2955 Cau IMS Gu With 73" Bucket 45 HP With Good 12:00x16.5 Tirei (7) UT2929 Gchl 4600 40 HP Dieiel With 64" Bucket Used Tractors, Backhoes ft: Forklifts (1) Cue IH Maxxum 5140 MFD, Cab. AC. Tractor, Like New With 184x30 Radial Rear Tina, Loaded!, 94 Rated HP (2) IH 1006 Tractor With Dual Wheela (3) Cue IH 3394 4 Wheel Drive, Low Hn. (4) UT2974 IH Hydro 106 Tractor With Cab (5) John Deere 4040 ROPS Tractor With Loader (6) UT2967 Allis Chalmen Dl7 Ga« With Traction Booiter, Come A Seel (7) UT2949 IH 656 Utility Gu With 3 Pi. Hitch, Make Offer (8) UT2840 1900 JCB 4 Wheel Drive Forklift With Cab. Power Shuttle, 6000 Lb., 21' Mail With Side Shifter, Excellent Condition (9) UT2835 IH 906 4 Pott Rapt, 10.4x30, Dual Remotet, 540 and 1000 PTO, Rebuilt Retr (10) UT2987 Cau 2094 Cab A Air Tractor, Power Shift, 110 HP With New 20.0x30 Radial Tirea (11) UT3OOO Magnum 7110 MFD 130 HP Lake New See Binkley & Hurst Bros. For All Your Planter Needs! Take Your n> • n a New Wei/ Pick From A Kinze moo Rood Cam IH 900 UOOU Uty2s3l White 5400 Selection (717) 626-4705 \ ur i* Gehl 6620 Skid Loader Only 1275 Hrs. 72” Bucket. Lights, Aux. Hydraulics Priced Right! JD 7000 Case IH 800 JD 7200 JD 7000 JD 7000 IH 800 JD 7200 Vac Case 2094 110 HP Tractor 20.8x38 Radials Rated 110 HP Power Shift JZssatt IH 225 Sp. Mower Conditioner, Nice! Grinder Mixer $1,250 12x3(T liquid Fertilizer 6x30" liquid Fertilizer 11 Row Com A Bean 6x30" Liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Dry Fertilizer 6x30” liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Diy Fertilizer HxlS" Com A Bean Liquid Fertilizer 4x30" Plate Planter 6x30 Planter liquid Fertilizer, Come And See I-800-IT PAYS U JUST ARRIVED! Case IH 3394 4 Wheel Drive 160 f Horsepower With Dual Wheel Wheels JUST ARRIVED! New Idea Kinze BUILT PLANTER Bobcat 731 Diesel Hydrostatic Drive Skid Loader, 60” Bucket, Lights ~ High Cropper UT2918 1H 656 Diesel M<ricl 4658 Hrs. Ford Cargo Van ? ■>--* ' t ~" Truck *•»T Cat Diesel Power, Case 580 Super K 4x4 | Extcndahoc Cab, k Wobble Stick Controls, 1991 or Early 1992 New Idea Kinze Built 10 Row 18” Spacing Bean Planter w/Liquid Fertilizer 6 Row Frame Mtd. Coulters 7 And 4 Row Unit Mtd. Coulters. Rubber Closing Wheels. Good Condition. AND MAKE YOUR DEAL! We Have A Planter For You John Deere 6 Row 30" Liquid Fertilizer UM 2267 IH 1086 Cab Heater w/Duals Good Used SOO Bushel Grain Cart Tandem Axle, Very Good Cond. IH 1250 Grinder Mixer With Scales Come In For A Deal On This Grinder Mixer! John Deere 7000 Liquid Fertilizer Planter, 12 Row 30” UM2464 Good Condition