RHINO BATWING MOWERS IN STOCK 15' Medium Duty, Flex Wing Rotary Cutter is the ideal choice for mowing pastures, highway rights-of-way, crop residue, and other general purpose applications. Available In 540 or 1000 RPM, the SRIS features a provan tour goaibox design that la ratad to cut malarial up to T In dlamatar. The divldar gearbox It ratad at *l4O HP and tho oantar and wing gearboxsa ara ratad attOOHP.ThatO gauga dackla ralnforcad with haavy wall tubing that provldaa addad strength and extended Ufa to the mower's mainframe. Replaceable side skirts ara K * thick and 10K' daap, providing extra capacity to handle those demanding cut ting jobs. * 1000 RPM IN STOCK AT BINKLEY & HURST LET’S MAKE A DEAL NOW! AG-WRAP Bale Wrapper One Tractor Operation Lift, Wrap, Tranaporl • No Damage Unloading Simple Operation, Low Price - irx*’ Inside -14 ga. square tubing, (or axtra . atrangth and long Ufa I - Front and toar openings naad only 38” eloaranca - End gataa made of extra-heavy axpandad mala), and spring leaded latehas • Bads built on all oak • Nailed with galvanized nails ■ Ballad with plated belts - Fabricated elds rail for extra strength DUTCH BROTHERS : IKS'. .*». &!z\. - Unique Rear Unloading - ■ Ext.noion tongu. ECONOMY mowers '■Sv mr •sts 3, 7 Fool Model! QVAUTY! Quality At Reasonable Prices! Super Deals at Binkley & Hurst Bros. On Dumping Station Conveyor Box Blower Feeders ' « i^grir-- w -'- Speed Up Your Silo Filling Operation By Seeing Binkley & Hurst Bros. Now! “snsr"'®® N BRO Sj INC. — ( 1-«OWT 2 PAYS S IJ 5,f,55, I JJJc , f!SO‘ & WIN TNI WHDI OUT Ol TOUR YARD • CARDIN - CRON. ONLY $ 20 75 AUTOMATIC METERING WEED WIPER CONTACT HERBICIDE APPLICATOR * Easier than hoeing safer than spraying t* No overspray Economical * No spray drift Gehl Quality Skid Steer Loaders And Attachments To Keep Your Machine Busy! In Stock At Binkley & Hurst Bros.! S In Stock For Immediate ; Delivery - Quality Gehl c Skid Loaders With Lots S of Fine Features! ! LEFT OVER 1 Ton With A Gehl Skid Steer Loader Model 6625 60 HP Diesel > 2,050 Lb, SAE £"p% Ced Operating Capacity i-I Buy this Machine 4625 47 hp diesel 1,350 Ib. SAE opening capacity With This Well Built Backhoe In Stock For Immediate Delivery For Heavy Duty Trenching Performance! Quality New Gehl Hays PACK IT IN WITH THIS NEW w , r ... GEHL ROUND BALER! Variable * : Fr ° m Chamber '/jjgtiffK > Balage Hay Crops Round [WttSm \] To The Toughest Balers' V a j Fodder Baling Model i47oj|Lf l ‘ i R es id ue You Need So*. J h a f er p ualityGehl DTWT VYbHIIPfST 133 Rothsville apirmwan pifl Station Rd. w BKv9.iNl. —' Lltitz, PA 17453 (717)626-4705 1-800-IT PAYS YOU Uncttly FniUnfl, Stuntoy, May 21. 1994-Dt SWEEPERS- IN STOCK- WITH minimal effort Available with a polypropylene or polypropylene and wne brush, these brooms will sweep away your problems Features include an adjustable sweeping angle to either side Fisc foot models available arc for 4000 and 4000 senes loaders w ith 6 foot models available for 5000 and 6000 senes loaders AUGERS- IN STOCK- WITH MOUNTING KIT FOR GEHL SKID LOADER Hydraulically-driven augers provide fast economical digging With auger bits available in 9-, 12- 18- and 24-inch diameters these augers give you the ability to handle a multitude of tasks Maximum digging depth is 48 inches with optional extensions available 3825 33 5 hp diesel I,ooolb SAE operating capacity Self Leveling Loader In Stock At Binkley & Hurst (1) Gehl DC2360 10’4” Cut Disc Mower Conditioner (2) Gehl DC2340 9’ Cut Disc Mower Conditioner (3) MC2245 Center Pivot Swing Frame Mower Con- ditioner, 12’ Cut (4) MC2175 9 Foot Mower Conditioner With Ticor Rolls and Hyd. Hitch Swing (5) Gehl BU 970 Forage Boxes (6) Gehl C 81065 Forage Harvester with Metal Alert (7) TR33O 3 Row Narrow Cornhead (8) HAI2IO 7 Foot Hay Pickup (9) TR3038 2 Row Narrow Com Head (10) FBISBO 1000 RPM Hi-Capacity Forage Blower (11) Gehl R 81470 Round Baler With Crowder Wheels (12) Gehl DMI62 3 Pt. 6 Disc Mower (13) F 81540 Blower 540 PTO (14) MXI2S Grinder Mixer (15) MS3O9 V Spreader (16) MS 312 V Spreader (17) Gehl 1 Ton Lift 5L6625 SX Skid Loader (18) Gehl 5L4625 Diesel Skid Loader (19) Gehl 5L3825 Diesel 33 HP Skid Loader 19
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