Di2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Mav 21. 1994 NH 456 Mower & Crimper, almost new. $3,000 717/354-6197 HOURS MON UKI K 5. SAT. 8-I^. Pat* TRACTORS JO 4940 Tractor w/Cab, Dual Whaala JD 4630 Tractor w/Cab, RacondHlonad JD 4430 Tractor w/Cab JD 4250 Tractor w/Cab, Excel. Cond, 1300 Hra. JD 4030 Tractor w/Cab JD 4030 Tractor JO 3020 Tractor JD 2950 Tractor MFWD w/ Loader JD 2755 Tractor 2WD w/Cab JD 2750 Tractor w/Loadar JO 2640 Tractor w/Loadar JD 2555 Tractor, 2WD, wi Cab JD 2550 Tractor MFWD wj Loader ID 3010 Tractor ID SSO Tractor 2WD IH 1036 Tractor IH 504 Tractor IH 404 Tractor Ford SN Tractor David Brown 1210 Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT JD 346 Bator w/Ejactor JD 337 Bator w/EJactor JD 336 Bator w/Ejactor JO 338 Bator w/E|«etor Nl 456 Round Bator Ml Hay Raka JD 1219, Excal. Cond. w/ Slda Shift Attachment JD 1209 Mowar Condltlonar NH 1499, 1100 Hra., Exeat. Rolla NH 469 Mowar Condltlonar Nl 279 CutdMonar, 540 PTO NH 690 Foraga Harvaatar w/5'4 ’ Pickup 6 2 Row Wida Uaad IH Raka PLANTERS AC 333 4 Row, Air Chomp., Dry Fortlllzar JD 315 Dtoe, Lite* Now Uood JD 3250 Groin Drill COMBINES JD 6620 SMo Hill Comblno Titon II JD 6600 SMo Hill Comblno, Roeondttlonod JO 220 Flox Platform JO 643 Corn Hood MF 850 Comblno w/13' Plot form A 6R Com Hood MISCELLANEOUS JD 450 C Crowlor Loodor Krouoo Wing FoM Dioe w I Cuttipaekor JD 1506 Rotary Mowor Rhino 20' Bat Wing Mowor Woodo 14' Rotary Mowor Goto Modal 14, 9 Shank V Rlpptr Uood JD 27 Flail Shroddor JD 2500 5 Bottom Plow, Spring Rooot JD 230 Dhc WingfoM IH 9’ Pull Typo CMool Plow SPRING SPECIALS Tractors * Minting 442 Uniloader, Kubota diesel. $7,500 Harvesting Equipment * MF hay head, Fits 200 harvester $450 ’ Fox 3RN head, belted $ S5O Planting & Tillage * MF 67 3-16" rollover plow $2,450 * Oliver 4-16" reset plow .. . . r $1,628 ' IH 3 btm. semi mount regular trip plow $B5O * Oliver 4 btm. semi mounted plow, regular trip $975 * Brilllon Packers ll'& 12’ $975 * IH 12’Vibra Shank w/leveler, 3pt $l,lBO i, in ■ Miscellaneous * .ID BBUMaslMnllv wheel $1,850 * Ford 3 pt. post hole digger $575 JftL Feeders, Hay Savers $725 * Doable S Hay Feeders FOB-PA $505 * Bale-Ese Grabber* w/cylinder, for plastic wrap bales . $998 D. J. IMPLEMENTS OP PA & VIRGINIA A "Village of RelstvUle *• VA Sales Lot Call Dan Rhodes 8 a.m. to S p.m. 703-879-9926 USED TRACTORS “Will buy or trade tractors” JD 2750 hi/lo ind. PTO, 75 hp JD 2940 hi/lo 2 hyd . ind. PTO JD 4030, QR trans., SGB, original JD 1530 diesel w/JD 48 Idr $9,800 JD 2840, late model, 3088 hrs, new tires. ..$0,500 JD 2840 hi/10, 2 hyd. ind. PTO, nice $9,100 JD 4000, 1972, WF. Good Rubber, Nice. .s9,ooo JD 1040 hi/10, md PTO cab same as 2150 $8,600 JD 4020 diesel SR trans WF, org $6,800 JD 3130 Hl-lo 2 Hyd. Cab. 80 hp‘. $6,600 JD 2030 dsl., ind. PTO. 60 HP $6,300 JD 2120, diesel, hi/10, 60 hp, fair $5,800 JD 4020, gas, WF. dual hyd, MF 65 dsl., nice condition... Westfield Bxsl, PTO, auger, new $2,200 Wide front ends for JD 4020, brand new.sl,3oo JD green roof roll bar to fit 2350 $5OO JD 4020 or 3020 toplinks brand new... 5150 e>. Zimmerman Elevators, Hay Tedders Wagon Gears & Forage Wagons Farmco Metal Feeder Wagons, Bale Bodies & Country Boy Gravity Bins JD Front & Rear Weights J&L Hay Savers Reiff Farm Service 275 Goodhart Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Interstate 81, Exit 10 174 East, Goodhart Rd Right (717) 532-8601 Can Finance Free 1200x24,1300x24,1400x20 usable tires Gallon 9 wheel roller, ga5..52,500 Athey Belt Loader...sl7soo $l,OOO Hercules P 3400 Dsl $3OO Cooper’s Mfg. & Equip. Corp. Salunga, Pa. 17538 717-898-2259 Iggggl GJ@GDIiI3 Used Houle 3 Pt. Hitch Articulated Super Pump $ll,BOO $11,500 $11,200 NEW SPREADERS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • Spreader Tanks - 2250 Thru 6500 Gallons • Vacuum Tanks - 1500 Thru 4500 Gallons • Earthen Pit Pumps • Vertical Shaft Pumps $5,000 $3,400 • Truck Mount Tanks - 2250 Thru 4500 Gallons • Propeller Agitator • Replacement Vacuum Pumps - 177 Thru 353 CFM’s SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 84, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-2736 ASK FOR ERNEST OR DEAN “WE’RE HERE TO SERVE YOU” ;: ?p JOHN DEERE NEW EQUIPMENT New Tractors 2355 N 5200 (2) 6200 MFWD, CG 6400 CG Forage JO 3950 Harvester JD 3970 JO 3RN Head JD 6710, SP Compact Tractors 870 MFWD 955 MFWD Balers JD 328 JD 335 JD 385 Mower Conditioners JO 1219 JD 1460 JO 1600, 14’ JD 930 Rotary Cuttars JD 603, 616, 403, 503 JD 1018 Loadera & Bladaa JD 520 JD 725 32 Ft. Trail Pump For Deep Lagoons FOR SALE FOR (Slugs ton «I) 717-263-4103 . T r ,I 1-600-377-3040 Ag & llirt,lnc r USED I MF 285 J JD 7200 6R Conservation [ w/Dry Fort. ' JD 216 Flex head I JD 650 3 PTH Rake | JD 1440 w/Dry Fert (2) JD 1209 • JD 6758, 1150 Hrs, Skid I Loader I 1 IH Forage Wagon 120 I I JD KBA Disc | I JO 7000 4RN, Liquid i j NH 469 Haybine . ■ (2) Badger Forage Wagon [ NH #8 Forage Wagon I JO BWF 12' Disc I I White 5400 6R w/Momtor j I Freemen Loader Fits JD j j 2640 . I Hartland Fodder Chopper, J . Fits On A 4' Round I Baler I I Woods Rotary Mower | I Landprlde Flail Mower j | JD Field Sprayer J ■ King Kutter Rotary Mower • J JO I J Artsway Mixer Wagon | I NH 890 Forage Harvester i | w/NH 2RN I NH Pick-Up Head J IH 510 Drill > JD FBB Drill I I Kidd 3 Pt. Bedding I I Chopper I i __ J Utility Vahlclaa Used AMT 622 New 4x2 Gator Take Exit 208 ; IH 404 Gas. I 36 HP, 3 R., 1,700 One I Owner Hours, Excellent Rubber I $2,500 I 410-833-9091 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambarsburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 ■SBjEH Salas - Parts - Service f'- Jjj BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS Ford 8N Ford 600, 5 Spd. Ford 3910 Ford 4000, 1964 Diesel Ford 6610 Ford 7610, 4WD w/Ldr. Ford 66405, 4WD JD 4010 Long 360, 4WD w/Ldr. 1H Super C w/Plow, Disc & Cultivator IH Farmall C JiSEQ FARM EQUIP. 545 Dion Silage Blower 10’ Oliver Transport Disc New 6 Row White Cultivator 10’ Ford Field Cultivator 10’ Brillion Culti mulcher Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Mon. Thru Fri. 8:30-12:00 Saturday 3213 Black Gap Rd. Chambers!* urg, PA 17201 ■ Long-life design in all versions) ■ 814 -foot integral and pull-types... 9'/a -foot left- or right-hand-delivery rakes. ■ Hydraulic reel drive available. IN STOCK ■ Discover how John Deere hay-making equip ment is designed to save you time and labor. Field-test these hay tools for a firsthand look at improved productivity ■ Pick up tips on hay tool adjustments and maintenance from our haymaking specialists ■ Examine the features and quality construction of John Deere hay display ml Grove 14’ Forage Wagon NH 479 9' Haybine NH 479 Haybine (3) NH 489 Haybine NH 495 Haybine. 12’ IH 990 9' Haybine IH 990 7’ Haybine IH 1190 9’ Haybine NH 499 12’ Haybine NH 770 Chopper w/Hay Head & 2 Row Corn NH 770 Chopper & Grass Head Tye No-Till Drill, Grass & Broom NH 315 Baler w/Thrower JD 348 Baler w/Kicker IH 440 Baler w/Kicker NH 357 Grinder Mixer NH 350 Grinder Mixer wOMN o tinsj I it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers