DS-Lmcwter Farming, Saturday, May 21,1994 Christmas Tree Growers’ HONESDALE (Wayne Co.) An information-packed Christmas Tree Growers’ Meeting is sche duled for Thursday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. at the Gordon and Lois Hink ley Christmas Tree Farm, located in the village of Bethany. The farm is located just off of Route 670, about two miles from down town Honesdale. Topics for discussion will in clude: “Christmas Tree Plantation Management Including Pruning and Shaping of Trees” by Dr. James C. Finley, extension fores try specialist and assistant profes sor of forest resources, Penn State University; “Christmas Tree In sects and Diseases - Identification and Control Measures” by Dr. Paul R. Heller, extension, ento mology specialist and professor - entomology, Penn State Univer- Top Crawford DHIA Cows By Protein For April OWNER - COW'S NAME RONALD MALINOWSKI DALE ELLIE MINDY WIL-AIRE FARM GAME JACK RYND DYNAHI BRITTN ANGEL O-DARLAN FARM 57 54 PYMA VIEW FARMS G WHIT JAMES CUSTEAD DOPEY KAREN GARYKAREN FREYERMUTH MINDY CLARK S DUNCAN LILLY NUTMEG MARK + CHRIS CORNELL MARIE RICHARD L FIELD JJALLAS ORANGE BUCKET LPFINC 98 17 JEFFREY RANEY FELICI PATRIC ALAN & RHONA CDSTEAD RENIE PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-60S8 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM ADSI ft PAY OFF! i r a . Meeting To The top producing cows by protein in Crawford DHIA for April are as follows: BREED AGE DAYS RH RE RH RH RH RH GR-H GR-H GR-H GR-H GR-H GR-H 6UY. SELL. TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE Be Held sily: and Rayanne D. Lehman, en tomologist, Bureau of Plant Indus- Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg. Also, Ed Pruss, extension agent, Wayne County Cooperative Extension, will present some current informa tion about “Agricultural Chemical Spraying Recordkeeping.” This field meeting should offer a wealth of timely and useful in formation pertaining to the suc cessful management, care, and growing of Christmas trees in Wayne County. For additional information about this “Christmas Tree Grow ers’ Field Meeting,” contact the Wayne County Cooperative Ex tension at (717) 253-5970, ext. 239, or stop in at the office which is located in the basement of the Wayne County Courthouse in Honesdale. MILK PROT 2-11 8-9 5-3 32,157 29,930 28,852 305 305 305 305 28,826 3- 5-2 4- 305 305 305 26,466 27,121 24,425 3-2 3-2 28,405 25,649 305 305 6-7 305 25,949 6-0 7-1 305 305 26,743 26,740 2-9 25,214 305 5-2 3-7 25,280 24,483 305 305 5-0 24,798 305 305 26,416 25,826 25,128 305 305 3-0 5-9 305 305 24,797 25,177 25,446 305 5-10 i FAT PRO TEIN 1121 964 932 3.5 3.2 3.2 926 859 843 2.9 2.9 2.9 1098 3.8 917 3.2 1126 930 1018 4.3 3.4 4.2 881 802 779 3.3 3.0 3.2 1130 1064 4.0 4.1 870 837 3.1 3.3 1003 3.9 3.3 850 819 889 880 3.2 3.1 919 3.6 836 3.3 1021 844 4.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 503 2.0 808 1029 3.9 805 3.0 942 942 3.6 3.7 779 773 3.0 3.1 729 720 2.9 2.9 779 778 3.1 3.1 899 3.5 775 3.0 ■I FARM EQUIPMENT 10001 b. Vet mixer. Ihp, S IP. V.G.S., $550 080. 410/833-1847. 1190 mower conditioner, very good condition, $5000; 656 hydro diesel, good condition, $6OOO. 717/258-3971. 12 ft. New Idea flailo mower, $5OO. 717-758-1739 12HP Gravely, 30’ & 40* heads, sulky, $1500; FMC orchard sprayer, 500 gal., Deutz engine, 32' fan, re built pump, $4000; NH grinder mixer #355, excel lent condition, ext. auger, $3500; rototiller for old style 110 or 112 JD, used very little. 717/677-8881. (1)3000 & (1)9000 Gal. SS nitrogen storage tanks. 703/639-2262, after Bpm 703/382-0570. 13.6x38 tractor chains, $135; M Farmall $950; JD 5-16 semi-mount 3pt plow w/hillside hitch, $275. 717-534-1253 1938 JD B Unstyled, Need Tires and Paint. $2OOO. (717)394-9557. 1947 John Deere A; Ford BN. 717-336-2497 after 4PM. 1948 JD A, $1200; 1955 JD 60. $1800; 15' MF grain head, wood bat. floating bar, $2000; JD 4400 com bine diesel, 2100 hours, w/o head, $3400. 215/593-6043 after Bpm. 1973 Ford cattle truck w/12' body; Kagle Trailer field sprayer w/45 ft. booms, 500 gal. tank, hy draulic pump. Stump Acres, York Co, 717/792-3216. 1978 GMC 4WD pickup for parts, good mechanically but body bad, $350; 34' Kewanee elevator w/PTO and electric motor, $900; IH model #350 12' disc w/ new blades on front, $900; Liquid fertilizer tanks and pump for 4R planter, $3OO. 717-436-8790. 1984 John Deere 6620 Side Hill with 215 Flex Head, Shed Kept, Well maintained. FAT (410)756-2313. 1991 CASE/IH-485 3pt S40&1000 PTO Shuttle Trans 2-Valves 16.5GPM Pump 16.9X28 A 900X10 Turf-Tires ROPS w/ Canopy 120 Hrs $14900; 1975 CASE 580-B Tractor- Loader Cab Power Shuttle $5900; 1970 FARMALL 504 2pt Live PTO TA IOOOHrs $3900; 1982 INT 284 Diesel 3pt PTO Turf- Tires S' Woods Belly- Mower $6900. (609)466-2953 1993 JD tractor model 5300, 4WD, 329 hours; S' Browns tree cutter. 215/395-3213 8:30-4:30. 2200, V3O, J2O Ditch-Witch Trenchers: Clark Forklift, 6000 Lb. All Terrain. (610)845-2889 Mornings before 8:00 or Evenings. 2290 Case tractor w/cab, AC, excellent condition, low hrs., $15,000 OBO; Better Bilt, 2100 gal. vac uum spreader w/enjectors, $5OOO 080. 607-594-3385. 230 Butler Oswalt station ary mixer w/electronic scales. (717)258-6010. 2840 JD tractor w/cab, 18.4x36 tires, $B,BOO. Vicon fertilizer spreader $650. JD 3800 harvester w/heads, $2,000. (301)334-1254. (2)AC Silage Wagons, 2 Beater w/Web. (717)786-3394. (2) JD 435 round balers, like new condition, $11,500; (1) w/mesh wrap, $13,000. Twin tie kick bars, your choice. (717)532-9472. 3000 Fox Harvester, 2RN & 6' pickup heads, running condition 717/762-8949 300 MF combine, diesel engine, cab, 13‘ floating gram head, #24 2RW corn head, quick attach. 717-862-3744 338 JD Square Baler, Ex cellent Condition. Will De liver in PA. (606)348-4513. 3pt 4X 16" JD plow. $425; 4X 14" Model 311 Int. semi mounted plow, fast hitch, can be made to 3pt hitch, $550. 717/323-9097. 4240 JD tractor, cab, 1982, very nice. White Oliver plow, 5 bottom, spring re set. Chester County (610)469-9633. 460 Int. Tractor with quick drawbar, 6 cylinder. 610/827-7358. 5000 gal. road tanker spreader w/hyd. spinner for field and road; 1000 gal. honey wagon; 6R IH 400 air planter, Acra plant shoes and insceticide; 300 gal. pull type sprayer; bed ding chopper w/Honda mo tor, Gandy applicators; Zook manure elevator, Patz manure stacker, good price. 610-286-5530. 50hp Leroy rotary screw air compressor, cabinet en closed, $4OOO 717/445-6723, 5' Woods finishing mower, 3pt; Int. combine model 80; Super A cultivators. 717/786-3087. 6' Bushhog Rotary Mower. $9OO. (717)677-7752. 708 Uni. 717 combine, 713 S grain head, nice. (301)733-2195. 709 Uni 4WD, 717 com bine, 767 chopper, 763 head, 737 huskor, 744 head, good condition. 717/354-9902. #7O NH Bale thrower, ex cellent condition, $l2OO OBO; NH baler twine, $19.30/bale. Kirkwood Re pair, 717/529-3299 8-B:3oam. Thp Troy tiller, pull start, great shape, $BOO. (717)225-3826, (717)225-4591. 8 tires and rims for tandem axle manure spreader, 10.00x20. Gas brooder. Rear mounted 6R cultiva tor. (717)626—8257. AC 185, diesel, field ready & nice, $6,500. 410-833-9091 AC 6 lights, starter, hy draulics, w/2-way plow and new style cultivator. Real nice condition, $1,925. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. AC-B Tractor & Cult., Good Cond. (215)750-0689 Nights. $llOO AC CA lights, starter, hy draulics, snap coupler w/ cultivator, paint and tires real good, $1,875. Lancas ter County, (717)336-2031. AC field cultivator 10'6' with leveler, good condi tion Jacob Swarey, 1240 A South College St., Myer stown, PA 17067. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS' Just arrived for parts; AC TL-14 loader w/ very good AC-262 gas en gine, axles and spindles are same as Case W-9. All parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 AC WDI4 combine, pull behind; grain drill; silo blower w/table; plows; corn planters for parts; etc. 717-323-1359 after 6PM. All Items Like New. 16' Panel Gate. $5O; 3HP Homolite 2’ Pump. $100; SHP Briggs l/C w/2" Gor man Rupp Pump. $250; SHP Techunseh Horizontal Shaft. $125; 2" PVC Dis charge Hose. $l5 Each; 55 Gallon Poly Drums. $25 Each; 4000 Watt BHP Generator. $400; Sussex County, NJ (201 >827-1627. BACKHOE CASE 680 H, cab, E-Hoe, municipality owned, $ 1 3,000. 410-833-9091 BACKHOE CASE 580 C. cab, standard hoe, $9,500. 410-833-9091 B AC w/L59 belly mower w/starter, lights, hyd. foot brakes & good tires. 717/786-3087 BATWING WOODS 3180 $7,000/Make Offer 410-833-9091 Bachtold hi-wheel. weed and brush cutter, Bhp, Briggs engine, 30’ cutting blade, used 8 hrs., $B5O. (717)837-3101. Barley: new crop out of field Phone (717)792-5218. BELTING: We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co, 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Befco rotary tillers, field cultivators, rakes, teddars, wood shippers, and round bale choppers C W Neiderhiser Sales, (412)423-4076 Blackhawk 3pt corn planter, like new, $450, JD RWA transport discs, 8‘&10', good condition, $750/each; 10' cultipacker, $500; NH 451 3pt. mower, $9OO, NH 56 rake, $lOOO, NH 256 rake, $1300; Pe quea 710 hay tedder, $1200; Walsh weed sprayer, $750; Nl #I4A manure spreader, like new, $1000; IH #55 chisel plow, $9OO. 215/679-9010. Brady Field Cultivator, 18’/.', $1075; (2) Plow Packers, 11‘, $5OO Each; (2) Plow Packer Hitches lor a 720 IH 7 Bottom Plow, $lOO Each. (609)935-0348. Brillion seeder, B', 20 acres, on acre mark, bam cleaner with 150' chain. NH 489 haybine. NH 258 rake NH 311 baler with #7O thrower. Will sacrifice (717)786-1210. BUSH HOG 10' pull type mowers, complete, set up and ready to go, $3795 Taneytown Farm & Hard ware, 410/751-1500. BUSH HOG T w/twin tail wheels, original Bush Hap not a copy, excellent, $1,200. 410-833-9091 DISCBINE NH 411, field ready, $4,800. 410-833-9091 DISCBINE DEUTZ ALLIS 9'. $3,000. 410-833-9091 DISCONTINUING FARMING: Drastically re duced prices! JD 4430 w/PS, cab, $11,950. JD 3010 gas, $3,500. JD 716 forage wagon, $3,500. Washington Co., MD, no Sunday call#, (301)824-2340. Dismantling for Parts; Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call (or any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage Union WV 24983. Phont 304-772-3741. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: 4-108 Perkins and Ford 3 Cyl. 201 Cid. Dietd Engines; S6SOG Satoh and 155 Yanmar Tractor; L 553 New Holland and 342,330, 440, Mustang Skidloaden, New and Used Parts foe Kubota and Wisconsin En gines; Complete Repairs on Skidloaders Including Hydrostatic. GD Equip ment (717)859-3533. ELEVATOR, Com & hay, $100; woodsplitter, JD 4-ton, $425; barrels 55 gd plastic, orig. used for food concentrates, $lO/eadi. trailers- 4x5 $4O, 4xB $4O, ladders- 24' ext. wood, s3s' 6' stepladder corn merdal grade wood, sl* fuel tanks- 275 gal. $2O 717/382-4756 after spm. FARMALL SUPER Mw/Hip bucket loader, me*, original, good rubber, $1,850. 410-833-9091 Farmall 544 Diesel Tncyd* 3Pt., New Tires and Paint Excellent, $5500 (410)775-7519. Farmall 560 diesel engin*. excellent condition, $l9OO 717/323-9097. Farmall 706 NF fast hitch rough. Nice JD 609 mower, new paint. Rhino 7 tooth chisel plow (410)343-1828. Farmall Cub, 60’ belly mower, $lBOO 080 609-894-2849. Farmall Super A w cultivators, rebuilt motor w paperwork, excellent p* l ' & rubber, extra nice tractor, $2750. 610/932-2767. Farmall Super A w/plow. $1,950. (717)784-1779
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