Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1994, Image 120
C32-L>ncaster Fanning, Saturday, May 21, 1994 MB SERVICES OFFERED BRCKHOE AND SKID LORDER WORK Farm or contractor Kenneth 6. Stoltzfus White Oak Road Christiana, PR 17509 215/593 t 2363 2 PROFESSIONAL | HOOF TRIMMING: t Over 20 years experience. 2 Fast and accurate work 2 70-100 cows per day 2 Increases milk production 7 Easy and gentle on the 7 cows and farmer No 2 farmer’s help needed 2 SATISFACTION 7 GUARANTEED 2 717-755-0770 2 410-484-6191 ' Broadback Roofing All your root coating naads. Aluminum tibar, black tibarad, graan tibarad, and rad tibarad coating Wa brush all our roof coatings on 5-10 yr. no rust guarantees Free estimates (717) 397-ROOF (7663) Lancaster Co, 116 Fordnay Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 Serving all o( PA CUSTOM WORK Custom Chopping, Corn Planting and Baling Hay, Light Fatm Equipment Hauling (610)932-7916. BRUBAKERS* CUSTOM BAGGING 6 and 8* Bags 81 Krelder Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-6859 Auker’s Custom Bagging Kelly Ryan “A tighter pack for a better ferment” Myerstown, PA (717) 933-5224 Stoltzfus Custom Combining w/JO Maximizer combine. Custom round baling w/net wrap. (610) 273-2343 HERTZ-HAUL Liquid Man ure Spreading Services (610)286-9708 Lease or Custom Skid Loader,Work Done In Lan caster County 717-393-1490 SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small gram Newcomer Seed Cleaning, (717)653-4123. Warner Liquid Transport. Liquid Manure Spreading, Septic, Water. (717)464-0841 after 5;00. CUSTOM ROUND BALING CLAAS NET OR TWINE Ephrata Area 717/738-3381 717/733-2808 Custom Round Baling Lee Martin (717) 284-4873 I LIQUID S J MANURE / p HAULING j s) (717) 284-5710 ' , (717) 464-1344 < 1 Steve Lehman ( CUSTOM ROUND BALING Net or Twine Wrap Stephen L. Martin 146 Greble Road Myerstown, PA 17067 (717) 933-9219 LIQUID MANURE’ HAULING AND PUMP RENTAL 215/286-0168 215/286-0706 OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley Vlaw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 Custom Bagging Charvin Farms (717) 665-7471 (800) 352-3785 Little ad, BIG Service CUSTOM AG BAGGING 6' and 8' bags Stephen Brougher New Oxford, PA (717) 624-4022 Custom Bagging 2 Year, 3 Ply Ag Bag Sales Roller Mill For Barley Merle Martin 717-626-4915 NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Winch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 AOiUII'S sun*Lv P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 We Deliver 717-65&SS0S For Your Best PRICE, QUALITY & SERVICE • BALE WRAPPERS • BALE WRAP • SILAGE BAGS • BAGGING MACHINES CUSTOM GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRINDER Turn Wood Waste into Valuable Mulch Bulky'" Material 50 to 75% I SJor haullng^^ KJ HELP WANTED Assistant herdsperson for 75 cow Reg. Holstein herd. 24,000 lb herd avg., 107 BAA. Salary, housing, benefits References re quired 610-693-5971 Assist Owner with General Dairy Farming, must be ex perienced with milking, de pendable, self-motivated, non-smoker, non-drinker. Good salary, housing. 410/472-2623. BARN BUILDER WANTED, who knows how to make buildings out of logs, anxious. Call Pat Gar rett, Strausstown PA. (215)488-1782. Coming in 1994... PAT GARRET MUSIC PARK, STRAUS STOWN PA. Berks County Dairy Farm Equipment and Refrigera tion Service Company has an opening for an Installation/Service per son. Good benefits, willing to train right individual. Send' resume' RD 1, Box 1392, Hamburg, PA 19526, or call for appointment weekdays between 7am & 6pm 610/488-1025. Carpenter helper for crew or sub-contractor, exper ienced or unexperienced Henry F Stoltzfus, 24 Queen Rd , Gordonville, PA 17529 (answering serv) 717-768-3387. Ediger Harvesting, Inman KS, Help Wanted for truck drivers and machine oper ators from May-November. Will help get COL Call (316)585-6903. Full-time day and night shift positions, Ephrata for mica shop. Small tool ex perience a must. Good benefit package. Apply at LAM-TECH INDUSTRIES, 1215 Ridge Ave., Ephrata, PA or phone 717-336-3577. Full time help needed at Nolt's Feed Mill. Duties in clude feed and coal delive ries, or possible hours for person looking for full time over winter months and part time over summer months. Please call for more information, (717)393-1369 HORSEMAN. Exper ienced For broodmare farm Balt. Co. Mainte nance, sales prep New house. Reference re quired. Box 68, Butler, 21023 or 410-771-4580 House for RENT, 3BR rancher. Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co Available June 1 Part time work on dairy/hog/ poultry (arm available. (717)653-8497. 5 RETAIL SALESPERSON j 5We are looking fqr a dynamic salesperson £ strong agricultural background to assist our valued tj 4 customers. We offer 401 K, bonus plan, and many <( £ benefits. If you are looking for the opportunity to join \ f our growing family which offers personal and t| f professional growth, phone or wnte: < f Tractor Supply Stores <i > T * Ti do Paul Gochnour Rt. 896, Strasburg, PA 717-687-7642 or Tractor Supply Stores do Dan Yerman Rte. 72 South, Lebanon, PA 717-274-2106 Pea Combine ■jSF*; Operators Needed June-July Farm Background Helpful Must be 18 - Local Area Work Retirees and College Students Welcome. Apply in person to John Cope’s Food Product Inc. 156 W. Harrisburg Ave. Rheems, PA 17570 (717) 367-5142 CDL Drivers needed to haul Ag-Commodities in PA and surrounding states. Steady work, $.24/mile. Paid vacation benefits. Call Dan Deturk 1-800-776-4383 ELGIN CARTAGE INC. Drivers Wanted: Class A CDL w/wo Tanker En dorsement. Farm Pick-Up (Bulk). Excellent Wages and Benefits. Clover Farms Dairy 215-921-9111. NEEDED Retired Couple to Live Rent Free in Ex change for Maintenance and Care For Small Farm in Vermont, Must Love Ani mals. If interested write Lancaster Farming c/0536, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522, Please Include Phone Number. Opportunity for person to get started in raising beef cattle by helping older far mer. Prefer someone just finishing school. Mechani cal ability a plus 814-627-5149. Outside Work; Lancaster person needed for work in scrao metal recycling yard Must have experience with cutting torch. Call (717)299-3682 or (717)397-3613. Person, Couple or Family to Work on 70 Cow Dairy Farm Stall Barn, Must be Good w/Cows, Interest in Registered Holstein Plus, Barn and Field Work. Re ferences Required. Hous ing Available. (717)367-3667. Responsible person or couple wanted for farm and dairy work on 60 cow dairy farm Experience pre ferred. Gettysburg, Adams Co (717)334-1525 RESPONSIBLE PERSON with Livestock Experience for General Labor Lancaster Stockyards, Inc.. 717-394-2611 HELP WANTED on Mason Crew, Full Time For Block and Concrete, Drivers License Helpful. Please Call Esh's Masonry, Lancaster County 717/396-8819 leave message and we will call back. rAW>VrA'A' , A'AA 1