Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1994, Image 8
AB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 14,1994 THIS WEEK WITH Follow Your Muse Here's a bit of museum lore for International Museum Day, May 18 Museum is Latin, "place for learned occupation," and comes from the Greek mouseion, "place of the Muses." The first waxworks museum came from England in 1744 and included figures of King George II and Frederick, Prince ol Wales, dressed in royal splendor. America's first public museum was organized by the Charleston (South Carolina) Library Society in 1773. Today, there’s more to is than wax figures and oil paintings, isider these; The Vent Haven Ven iloquism Museum, Fort Mitchell. Ky.; le Liberace Museum. Las Vegas. Nev.; ir The Grand Guitar. Bristol, Tenn. shaped like a guitar!) Museums truly lave "something for everyone.” .eisure without culture is Jeath. Prevent shirtsleeves from tangling in the laundry: but ton front of shirt and button cuffs to the front. EarthwisE Caustic drain cleaners may work wonders on your clogged drain, but they wreak havoc on the environ ment If an old-fashioned plunger won't clear your dram, try this nontoxic for mula Pour '/ cup baking soda. '/ cup salt, and '/> cup vinegar down the drain, in that order Close the drain until the fizzing stops, then flush with boiling water \ Remember to usea^^--f7 l^]^ vent clogging International Museum Day, May 18 Kedgeree 3 hard-boiled iggi, chopped 2 cup* hot, cooked lie* 2 cup* cooked, licked fleh X cup creim 2 tablespoons melted butter X teaspoon celt X leeepoon pepper deeh ol nutmeg or mec* Mix all ingredients to gether well in top of a double boiler Heat carefully over boiling water until heated through Serve for a traditional breakfast or a light lunch Makes 6 to t servings SLAUGHTER; STEERS SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 873-1100 LBS. 60.00- HOLS THINS, SELECT AND CHOICE SB.2S-63.75, HEIFERS SELECT AND CHOICE BSO-1100 LBS. 61.50- HOLSTEINS TO 60.73; SLAUGHTER COWS BREAKING UTIL ITY AND COMMERCIAL 46.25-52.00, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 46.00- CANNER AND LOW CUT TER 41.00-45.75; BIG MIDDLE 42.00- SHELLY 41.00 DOWN; FEEDER CATTLE STRONG DEMAND! FEEDER STEERS HOLSTEINS 200-300 LBS. 115.00-122.50, HOLSTEINS 400-600 LBS. 67.00-85.00, BEEP TYPE 600-750 LBS. 80.00-87.00; FEEDER HEIFERS 200-300 LBS. 96.00-10230, 400-650 LBS. 73.00-86.00; FEEDER BULLS 200-300 LBS. 99.00-110.00, 400-600 LBS. 69.00-75.00; ALL BREEDS 700-850 LBS. 56.00-72.00. CALVES: VEALERS SELECT AND CHOICE 180-280 LBS. SS.OO-99.00; CALVES RETURNING TO TEE FARM, HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 90-140 LBS. 137.50- HOLSTEIN BULLS #2 75-140 LBS. 85.00-135.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «I 80-125 LBS. 80-125 LBS. 175.00- OLD FARMER’S Weather FORECAST Northeast: Cold and rainy: clearing and hot, then rainy and cold again. Southeast: Showers, cool, thunderstorms north; clearing and turning quite warm; cool, light showers Florida Midwest: Sunny and very warm, then rainy north and west. SWINE: HOGS: US#l-3 220-270 LBS. 40.00- 1.50; SOWS US#l-3 300-400 LBS. 32.00- 460-600 LBS. 37.50-40.50; BOARS. ALL WEIGHTS, 26.25-29.00; FEEDER PIGS, BY THE HEAD, 15-25 LBS. 20.00-28.00; 30-40 LBS. 28.00- Northwest: Rainy and cool, then clearing coast, showers mountains. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, MEDIUM 52 00-59.00, FANCY KIDS 37.00-52.00, SMALL/THIN KIDS 15.00-35.00. LAMBS; SELECT AND CHOICE 25-40 LBS. 105.00-117.50, SELECT AND CHOICE 50-75 LBS. 80.00-95.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 20.00-41.00. NEXT STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1:30 P.M. Southwest: Cool, ram. heavy in some areas, then clearing and warming Carlisle Livestock Market Carlidt, Pa. Tuesday, May 10, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction It’s that time again... Northeast Agri Systems! Fan Blow-Out! Annua! GB-36* Direct-drive 36” fan With 115-230 volt, 1/2 HP motor in wood crate with guards M 77 American $ Coolalr FANS FD 24 Direct drive 24* fan with 115-230 volt, Vi HP motor in galvanized crate with guards. *149 Electrical cords, hanging hardware, shutters, thermostats and all other fans on special Cali for free estimates, etc. 1-800<673-2580 |~ ~ “ Authorized Master Distributor Since 1982 (Norcneast Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. 9 Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 569-2702 NEXT SPECIAL FEEDER CATTEL SALE TUBS., MAY 17. SALE APPROX. 7:45 P.M. SALE EVERY TUBS., LIVESTOCK 7 P.M. RABBITS. POULTRY AND EGGS 5:55 P.M. RECEIVING 4 P.M. Keister’s Middleburg Auction MMdlcburg, Pa. Tueaday, May 10, 1994 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 435.. PDA ..«L iteen moitly weak to .75 lower, cowi .50 to mottly 1.00 to 130 higher, Choice Holiteini 1.00 to 1.50 higher. STEERS: Choice 1100/1450 Ibi. 67.50-71.25, Select 63.00-68.00. HOLSTEINS: Choice 10S0/14S0 Ibi. 62.75-665.25, two head 66.50 A 66.75, Select 58.00-62.50, few Standard 55.00- HEIFERS: few Choice 63.25-67.25, few Select 58.00-65.00, few Choice Holiteini 58.00-61.50. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 47.00- Cutter and Bon. Utility 46.0050.25, Canner and Low Cutter 40.0045.25. Shelli down to 36.00. BUL LOCKS: couple Choice 6830 A 73.00, one Select 66.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1100/2090 Ibi. 58.0068.00, one 1600 Iba. 72.00, few No. 2 1640/1840 Ibi. 53.0057.00. FEEDER CATTLE; Steen A Bulli: Medium Frame No. 1 420/750 Ibi. 59.0078.00. Urge Frame No. 2 500/975 Ibi. Holiteini SO.SO-65.00; Heiferi: Medium Frame No. 1 300/785 Ibi. 55.0074.00. CALVES 21 1..N0. 1 Holstein bulls and heifers 5.00 to 25.00 higher. VBALERS: one Choice 110.00, Standard and Good 75/100 lbs. 75.00-85.00, Utility 55/80 lbs. 55.00- RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 130.00- couple to 175.00, No. 2 80/125 lbs. 85.00-140.00; No. 1 Holstein heifers 80/120 lbs. 185.00-285.00, few No. 2 Holstein heifers 75/125 lbs. 125.00- Beef cross bulls and heif ers 75/135 lbs. 100.00-175.00. HOGS 461..(5/02 & 5/03/94)..8u1k of supply sold on Monday and reported by auction. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 * Manufactured for Chore-Time by Aerotech FD 48 Direct drive 48" fan with 115-230 volt, 1 HP motor in wood crate with guards. *289 1-800-673-2580 ® 230/250 Ibc. 43.00-44.50, few 45.00, US 1-2 22Q/2SO Dm. 41.75-42.75. SOWS: US 1-3 400/560 lb(. 33.00-36.75,300/490 Ibi 30.00- BOARS; 200//500 Ibi' 26.00- FEEDER PIGS 155..0ne lot US 1-3 2S Ibi. 29.00, few 80/85 Ibi. 41,00-42,00 Utility 45/65 lb*. 23.00-26.00. - per heed! SHEEP 85.. Spring d. lamb*; Choice 30/85 lb*. 75.00-87.00 Wooled d. few lot* Choice 75/90 lb*. 49.00-50.00. Slaughter iheep; 15.00-33.00. GOATS 40... Large 38.00-87.00, one 112.50, few Medium 25.00-44.00, Small Kid* 14.00-22.00.- per head. Valley Stockyards Athena, Pa. Monday, May 9, 1994 Report supplied by auction HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES TO 220.00. VEAL CALVES, NO TOT VEAL. VEALBR BULL CALVES 125.00-152.50. SLAUGHTER CALVES 70.00 AND DOWN. GRASSERS & FEEDERS 70.00-83.50. LAMBS TO 60.00. SHEEP 15.00-40.00. HOGS 200-250 35.00-38.25. SOWS TO 33.00. BOARS, NONE. PIGS, NONE HEIFERS TO 59.00. STEERS 50.00-59.50. FEEDER STEERS 65.00-85.00. BULLS 53.00-58.50. GOOD COWS 44.00-48.00. COWS MEDIUM 43.50-37.00. COWS POOR OR SMALL 36.00 AND DOWN. CATTLE MARKET STEADY. CALF MARKET STEADY. HORSES TO 610.00. PONIES. NONE. GOATS TO 82.00. HORSE SALE MAY 14; DAIRY SALE MAY 19. ■ Aerodynamic, galvanized steel propeller delivers high efficiency airflow ■ Galvanized steel housing with spun orifice provides strength, rigidity and smooth, efficient airflow NCF 48 Belt driven 48" fan with 230 volt, 1 HP energy efficient motor, in wood crate with guards. *309 STORE HOURS' Mon -Ffi. 7 30 to 4.30 Sot 8 00 to Noon 24 Hr. 7 Day Repair Service ■ Uotor/beanng mounts feature parallel "L-beam" design lor solid stability with minimal air resistance 3H gg