by Rebecca Escort Penn State Extension Home Economist For Lehigh County Taking Time Helps Stop Violence Why is our gut reaction to punch someone or to shout a hurt ful name when someone insults us? Statistics show that the United States is Incoming increasingly violent. But violence is not just a societal issue. Violence affects small communities, families and individuals. Across the country people are also demonstrating that it’s small communities, families, and individuals who have the opportunity to stop violence one confrontation at a time. Did you know that half of the homicides that occur in the United States are among family and friends? Dr. Deborah Prothrow- Stith, MD outlines the characteris tics of people committing violent The Tough Landscaper Tools from Woods Landscape Rakes They come in 5 Model Series and offer the Versatility needed to do a complete landscaping Job. These rugged rakes will perform the tough clean-up jobs, like removing rocks, debris-plus general gi preparation. Woods rai and spreading of crushed rock or top-soil, or laying sod. ■ ■ REAR SCRAPER ■ bNde HEAVY DUTY, MEDIUM DUTY & LIGHT DUTY IN 6. 7 & 8 Ft. Models ...come in for a demonstration ECKROTH BROS. THOMAS POWER FARM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT New Ringgold, PA Avondale, PA 717-943-2131 215-268-2181 R.S. HOLLINGER & SON, INC. Mounlvllle, PA 717-285-4538 N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Maxalawny, PA 218-683-7282 crimes the victim and assailant are at least acquainted; they are usually of the same race and are predominantly male; the violence started with an argument; usually the violence is not related to a felony (example: burglary); alco hol is usually involved; and usual ly a firearm is present Prothrow-Stith believes that children learn from an early age that violence is funny and cool. The heroes of our media usually resort to violence to solve prob lems. She also observes that most parents don’t want “wimps” for children. But I also think that parents don’t want their children or grandchildren to be severely wounded or die because of an argument or an insult Is there a choice? Yes. NESLEY EQUIPMENT CO. Potutown, PA 215-469-6391 Take the first step. Always gather information about the situa tion instead of running to solve the problem with only a tidbit of “news." Get the full story both sides of the issue. Examine both the message and the messenger. This is a great technique to teach children. By taking the time to really investigate, we can often diffuse or bring new understand ing to a situation. An additional step is much harder. Each of us must make a commitment to seek non-violent solutions. Unfortunately, some times seeking a non-aggressive action results in us being called names or in our losing friends. This commitment will carry some costs, but it will also bring rewards. A third step is to actually con front the offending party. This must be done with humor and grace. Present a list of the injus tices that occurred and a plan to resolve them. Any confrontation, if it is to work long-term, must not humiliate the other person. It should allow the other person to do good, to repair a wrong. These three principles are part of a set of WOODS prior to seeding MEDIUM DUTY BLADE LINE (6 FT., 7 FT., AND 8 FT. MODELS) Looking for a quality built, dependable rear blade that will give years of rugged service? Compare WOODS. Feature for feature, price for price... 30 years of building quality products makes woods your best buy... See them now at: PIPERSVILLE GARDEN CENTER Piperavllla, PA 218-766-0414 BANGOR IMPLEMENT Bangor, PA 218-588-5924 Elizabethtown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Rheeme Exlt-Rt. 2(3 Elliebethlown, PA 717-367-1319, 717-653-8867 Eohrata Mverstown Whlteford MD WES STAUFFER EBLING LAWN & ENFIELD ENGINES & EQUIPMENT GARDEN SERVICE EQUIPMENT INC. 23 Pleasant Vallay Rd. iM E. Lincoln Avo. 720 Whoolor School Rd, 717*738-4215 717-866-8720 301-879-5090 DISTRIBUTED BY KEYSTONE STIHL six steps that Martin Luther King, Jr. set forth for solving community or personal problems in non violent ways. When I heard these ideas, I saw immediate application for fami lies. If parents would seek the whole story before disciplining, if wives would gather details before accusing husbands, if teens would negotiate instead of just dumping friends, if neighbors would pre sent plans for restitution instead of planning sabotage, we all would have fewer stresses, fewer hurts. But this process is a grueling one. Gardening GREENSBURG (Westmore land Co.) Have questions about gardening? Arc the branches on your spruce tree dying? Dead spots in your lawn? Need to know a good flowering tree to plant in a small yard, or when to prune your apple trees? Ask a Penn State Master Gar dener. Penn State College of Agri cultural Sciences Cooperative Ex tension, Westmoreland County, announces that start of a Master AT $139.95 IT'S RIGHT AT HOME IN SHHL TERRITORY. ST/HL Available at these servicing dealers Bechtelsvllle PASSMORE SERVICE CENTER, INC. 1101 Rout* 100 610-367-9084 Dallastown TRI-BORO CONCRETE, INC, 43$ Locust St. 717-246-3095 1-800-632-9018 East Earl GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER Rout* 23 717-354-4026 Ext. 34 Elm/Lebam BOMBERGER’S LAWN & GARDEN Elm; 717-664-4663 Lobanon: 717-272-4155 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 14, 1994-BS It takes lots of energy (and longev ity) to see a difference. One of the tips that helps is to surround your self with other people who seek to solve problems without violence. That way you have support to choose another way when your first reaction is to lash out at the person who hurt you. By taking time to teach children (and ourselves) how to get the big picture before we respond from our gut, each of us can help to reduce the anger and violence around us. Together, we can build communities that care. Questions? Gardener call-in line for the pub lic. You can call and get good an swers to questions about horticul ture, gardening and related topics. Penn State trained Master Gaiden ers will answer your gardening questions accurately and free of charge. The Master Gardener line will operate from 9 a.m. to noon every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at (412) 837-1402 (Penn State Extension Westmoreland County). Eohrata. Hershe- Oxford HOLLINGER’S LAWN & ENFIELD EQUIPMENT GARDEN EQUIP. 6600 Limaalona Rd. Ephrata, PA 717-738-1131 61 0’ 932 ' 8858 717-656-2710 Palmyra Harahay, PA 717-533-4060 HERR’S REPAIR SHOP RD 2, Box 115 A 717-838-1549 Ronks A & B SALES & SERVICE 370 Newport Road 2 Milaa South of Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Montaray Shlpoensburg LEINBACH FARM EQUIP. 1120 Rllnar Mwy 717-532-5511 Tamaaua CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RD 3 717-386-5945 Gap GAP POWER EQUIPMENT Comer of Rt. 30 1, Rt. 197 717-442-8970 Hamburg SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE RD 1, Box 13*2 610-488-1025 Jonestown BLUE MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES, INC. Rt. 72 South 717-865-2994 Lovsville/Carllsle GUTSHALL’S INC. Loytville, PA ■ Carlisle 717-789-4343 717-249-2313 HangpcK. MP HANCOCK BLOCK TRUE VALUE 220 Fulton St. 301-(7(-7242
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