WASHINGTON, D.C. East ern gamagrass, a perennial cousin to com that resists drought and withstands wet soggy soils, holds promise of becoming a dual-pur pose forage-grain crop for the 21st century, according to U.S. Depart- Farm Forum (Continued from Pago A 10) of life improved comparatively? Do we have more leisure time, do we work fewer hours and less strenuously? I don’t know about you, but I don’t, and neither do many of the fanners I know. Somehow, die farmer is the eter nal optimist, forever hanging in there, hoping and praying that tomonow it will get better, but Farm Calendar (Continued from Page A 10) Nutrient Management Advisory Board meeting, 2301 N. Came ron St., Harrisburg, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pa. Dairy Industry Futures Forum, Penn State Scanticon Confer ence Center Hotel, University Park. Dairy On-Farm Problem-Solving Satellite Conference, down linked to Lancaster Farm and Home Center and other sites, call local extension office for details. Philadelphia County Fair, Fair- Cut Your Heating Cost With Our Outdoor Furnace Eastern Gamagrass ment of Agriculture scientists. The grass produces high-pro tein, nutty flavored grain kernels, about a seventeenth the size of com. Someday the grain may be produced to feed farm animals or ground into flour for bakery goods before that tomorrow comes for most of us, we are like that old Dutchman, “too soon old, too late smart” God bless the optimists. No one else will! P.S.: I seriously doubt whether you have the intestinal fortitude to print this one, but I sure hope you will. test, Howard County Fairground. Md. 4-H Dairy Youth Fun, Freder ick County 4-H Camp and Mon