Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1994, Image 27
Penn State Eliminates Sheep Programming FRANKLIN (Venango Co.) As a result of the College Futures Committee recommendations, Penn State Cooperative Extension has eliminated adult sheep prog ramming from its educational agenda in all regions of the state except the west, according to Jef frey T. Fowler, extension agent According to Fowler, this means that extension staff will be conducting programs to benefit the sheep industry only in Allegheny, Armstrong. Butler, Beaver, Cla rion. Crawford. Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene. Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Warren, Washington, and West moreland counties. As a result Penn State has decided to conduct a survey of pro ducers to determine future needs assessment regarding the sheep and wool program efforts. The survey “will help us, the extension staff, belter understand the current problems and concerns of sheep and wool producers like yourself, and therefore help you to better prepare for what lies ahead in the sheep and wool industry,” according to a letter addressed to sheep and wool producers by the Venango County extension. The Western Pennsylvania Milk Bottle Collectors BALLSTON SPA, N.Y. The national convention of (he national Association of Milk Bottle Collectors (NAMBQ will be lake place at the Holiday Inn June 2-S. Of special interest will be the auction of milk bottles of all types, signs, creamers, and other historic dairy memorabilia. The auction starts at 9 p.m. on Saturday night. All items will be sold, and a portion of the sales will go to sup port the national bottle museum. John Robinson, associate auction eer for Robert Bair Auctioneers of Wrightsville, Pa., will be the guest auctioneer. Other activities at the conven- immrD C.B. HOOBER It SON, INC. I ll HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC. Intercourse, PA IHBHHHRHHHMHHHHH Middletown, DE (717) 768-8231 ■■ TWO LOCATIONS (302)378-9555 #96 TRACTOR TOOL BOX $19.95 uoubs mw-iMi Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat. 7 AM-Noon kTAWlatf ■I ■ CALL US... Authorized IfCouUßiWsHwelt UPS Station Sheep Survey, in booklet form, includes 27 questions and one comment section, mailed to pro ducers in sheep-producing coun ties in the western part of the state. The responses to the survey will be kept confidential. The results will be used, in summary form, for program planning purposes. These results, in summary form. DHIA Installs Dairy Comp ITHACA. N.Y. Recently, two members of the Ithaca, N.Y.-based Northeast DHIA Dairy Management Technologies team travelled to Bermuda to install Dairy Comp SOS herd man agement software. The Bermudian Government, in particular Government Veterina rian Dr. Susan Smith, has decided to begin tracking all 350 erf the islands milking cows plus an addi tional 300 heifers through Dairy Comp 30S. “We are very impressed by what this software can do. and with the people we have spoken with at Northeast DHIA as we were evaluating the various prog rams,” Dr. Smith said. tion include all day swapping and buying of dairy antiques in the hotel guestrooms; displays of vari ous collections in the display room; a postal sub-station with special cancellation on Saturday morning and the convention buffet dinner on Saturday evening. Of special interest this year will be a representative from Stanpac, manufacturers of milk bottles, clo sures, and pogs, who will bring the members up to date on what is hap pening in the dairy industry relat ing to the “return to glass” move ment All activities are open to the public. For information, you may call Thomas F. Gallagher at (203) 227-5244. The Saving Place Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT. ETC. WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Pick Up Your Phone And Qs. / ' s *\PlaceYour ir 7 'A*L 51* , *£/T| Order will be shared with county exten sion staff, slate extension program staff, and state extension admi nistration, according to Fowler. For more information about the survey, contact Fowler at Venango County Cooperative Extension, P.O. 80x468, Franklin, PA 16323, (814) 437-7607. Currently in Bermuda there are no organized records services such as the Northeast Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Ber mudian dairy farmers do not have access to things many DHIA members may take for granted; MB’s, Site information. Compo nent testing, Somatic Cell testing, production information, and the ability to look back at historical trends in the herd. The goal for these dairies is to be able to accurately evaluate management factors. This will help the dairy community to become more efficient and to increase profits, thereby remain ing a viable part of the Bermudian economy. To Meet John Robinson YOU STAY PUT Swiss Dairy Farmers (Contlnutd from Pag* A 25) down and figure that we started with nothing and where we are today, that’s the only thing you can say, ‘We are blessed,’” “Sure we are still broke all the time with no extra money to spend. But you look around where the money is, and 1 guess there is a rea son for it” MAKE FARM CALLS-ANYTIME, ANYWHEI ON-SITE SAMPLING AVAILABLE CALL FOR DETAILS 4 DAY AVI SOIL TISSUE CONSULTING Complete Profile Complements Soil Nutrient Pre-Sfdedress N Test Testing And Pest May 15 - June 30 Uncovers Potential Scouting Advisable Problems Interpertatlon AND MUCH MORE - CALL TODAY MAKING A DIFFERENCE THROUGH PARTNERING LISTENING. THE EXCHANGING OF INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE GAINED RESULTS IN SOUND DECISIONS Stop By Our Convenient Central Lancaster County Location Or Call For More Information And Pick Up Your FREE Testing Kits iNALYS/S, INC. \ "We Measure Quality Quickly" 280 NEWPORT RD. • PO BOX 483, LEOLA, PA 17540 717-656-9326 Lancaster Firming, Saturday, May 14, 1994-A27 Windmill Eventide Alamay “We work hard,” Dennis adds. “We put in long hours. It’s man agement and a little luck. Some times knowing the right people when you want to sell an animal helps.” “1 just enjoy working with cows,” Ronald concludes. “Being with them, milking them... And of course, we like to talk about them anytime.” OF RESULTS MnrNMmtf MarMlan I Bank AGRI ' ANALYSIS*, ft. MB