Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1994, Image 147
Pork Prose (Continued from Page 02) it’s because the tissue levels drop quickly, yet are high enough to limit bacterial growth. The drug is packaged as a sterile powder in an injection vial con taining either one or four grams of cefdofur. The material in the one gram vial is mixed with 20 ml of sterile water. The four-gram pro duct is reconstituted with 80 ml of sterile water. Sterile water must be purchased separately. The unreconstituted product can be stored long-term in the refriger ator. After reconstitution, it must be used within 7 days, because the antibiotic is unstable in water and soon loses its effectiveness. The reconstituted product can be fro zen for prolonged storage and later thawed under hot water. Approval is apparently being sought for a ready-to-use product that can be stored long-term. The antibiotic is administered intramuscularly at the rate of 1 cc per 22 to 37 pounds of body SPREAD THE WORD! ~ ByCAM.8 yCAM . N6 E T REE OBWE 1 5hc co. Results are not from some small test house but are based on a blend of results from coast to coast, north to south. ,—. Dutchman* DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY! More Eggs Per Bird And Better Feed Conversion Puts Money In Your Pocket! IF ITS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT, TRUST IT TO HERSHEY H€RSH€V ■ EQUIPMENT CO. weight The cost of the reconstituted product will range from 140-.60 per ml. Field Trials Field Results 1 Paul Armbrecht a veterinarian from Lake City, lowa, conducted a field study in a farrow-to-finish complex which included 3,500 sows. The herd was experiencing upper respiratory problems includ ing Mycoplasma and Pasteutella D. The original herd health prog ram included; * Vaccinate sow herd with Atrophic rhinitis + Pasteurella A&D twice prior to farrowing. * Vaccinate pigs with similar product at 7 and 28 days. • Administer .3 cc of LA-200 to baby pigs on day 1 and on castra tion day (day 7-10). • Administer 1 cc of LA-200 to baby pigs at weaning (day 21-28). The new protocol, which included the use of Naxcel, elimi nated all vaccinations. Three of the 15 farms in the 3,500-sow com- Pftuloroe rtEfnpW>YeeS ******* SubiecV. B\o DU '° _ u layer llocKs na ouU> ertoßn a ” ssas— been clawing « tth SS' U u p V ou-s.^"> s - rdt Anyon* consW ttM»e"a«' Be 0,,,rs ,MBe plcx were put on the following program: • Inject 1 gram of ceftiofur (20 cc of reconstituted Naxcel) per sow upon entering farrowing room. • Inject 20 mg ceftiofur (.4 cc of reconstituted Naxcel) per baby pig at birth. • Inject 20 mg ceftiofur (.4 cc of reconstituted Naxcel) per baby pig on castration day (day 7-10)-Inject 40 mg ceftiofur (.8 cc of reconsti tuted Naxcel) per baby pig on weaning day (day 21-28). Compared to previous health history, the pigs under the Naxcel program had: • Reduced sneezing and cough ing in the nursery. • Increased weight per day of age in nursery. • Reduction of snout scores from 3 to about 1 (o=no lesions, s=severe lesions). • Reduction of lung lesions from a “high” percentage (exact level ’ not listed) to about 30 percent. Shortly after the program was * Better I** <»rw« s ' on * Clea" er Efl#» ie "’sr^«* wMa SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 initiated, all IS of the sow herds - were included in the program, but Naxcel injections for the sows were eliminated because of cost I also spoke to three practition ers in southeastern Pennsylvania recently to get their comments on the product Field Results 2 From the first veterinarian, I learned that Naxcel has proven to be a good tool against Actinobacil lus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumo niae outbreaks in grow-finish herds. Even severely affected pigs can recover when treated early enough. His tips on the use of Naxcel: I. If pigs in the bam affected by Actinobacillus are about the same age, inject all pigs. At least inject all pigs from the age group that are suffering from the disease, which are often in the range of 80 to 100 'lb. 2. Severely affected pigs should be injected twice. CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FOR LAYERS,PULLETS AND BREEDERS. CALL FOR DETAILS I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14, 1994-03 3-Jjycci early in the course of the disease before the onset of lung adhesions. He also comments that it works well against Pasteurella, but it’s not too effective against Mycoplasma. The second practitioner also acknowledged the effectiveness of Naxcel against Actinobacillus, but commented that if a treatment program, such as the use of peni cillin. is working well now, there may be no need to switch to Naxcel. (Note: The cost for a maximum dose of Naxcel for a 100-pound pig is about $2.25, whereas the cost for a maximum legal dose of penicillin is about a $.05.) In the case of rhinitis problems, Naxcel can be helpful in the con trol of secondary problems, but more sophisticated programs such as medicated early weaning may be needed to eliminate the AR from the herd. Hie third practitioner also spoke highly of the Naxcel effectiveness against respiratory problems. He indicated, however, that for the treatment of Actinobacillus, other drugs like penicillin are often just as effective. General comments on the pro duct from these practitioners included: 1. The short storage time is a bit a problem, when producers want to keep some on hand. It can be fro zen, but that’s a hassle. 2. The zero withdrawal is a real benefit. 3. low-volume dose and the low viscosity are both nice aspects (Turn to Pago 04) #%ow MATTRESSES The Answer To Cow Comfort! • Fits Any Stall • Polyester Bag Fitted With Rubber • Bag Sewn Every 4” To Prevent Shifting • Heavy Nylon Fabric Top Cover With 3 Year Warranty • Easier for cows to get up & down • Reduces Bedding costs • Installation available 215-593-6959 CALL FOR DETAILS SAMUEL S. PETERSHEIM 117 Christiana Pika, Christiana, PA 17509 Answering Service 215-593-2242 t>9S9S9^ PARMAK MULTI-POWER MARK 5 Low Impedance (Model Mark 5) ° Peratl ° n , I | Model 1 * “] Serial ] *m_ _| j [ Totally redesigned for the 90's Low impedance for medium to large pastures - single or multi-wire high tensile fence Advanced solid state circuitry featuring Parmak's exclusive built-in performance meter Shocks through wet weeds and brush Ideal for lives tock or predator control For indoor installation Charges up to 30 miles of fence UL listed ■ SALES AND SERVICE - PEQUEA BATTERIES XO3B N. Ronks Rd., Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-0880 Distributor & Warranty Station For Parmak Field Results 3 Field Results 4