Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1994, Image 120
C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14, 1994 m CATTLE y, 10 Short Bred Holstein Heifers, Vaccinated, Bred to Top Al Sires Lancaster County (717)284-3562 15 crossbred beef feeders, wormed, vaccinated, 400-800 lbs , $ 80, $.90/lb 717-776-6645 15 Open Breeding Age Holstein Heifers, Vacci nated, Lancaster County (717)284-3562 15 registered polled Here ford brood cows w/calves at side Gilead and Con queror bloodlines, excel lent registered foundation stock, also yearling polled Hereford bulls Call (717)833-5007 25 Nice Heifers, vacci nated, some springing. 814/847-2238 Bedford Co 25 to 30 dehorned Holstein steers, 500-600 lbs., $ 72/per pound 717-837-5011 (2) Feeder steers, (1) spprox 250 lbs, (1) ap prox 350 lbs Call 717-896-2631 30 Holstein cows, year 'round freshening, mostly young w/good udders and feet (717)673-5991 (31) Holstein steers, 550-650 lbs , $.BO/per pound, (39) Holstein steers, 350 lbs , $.98/per pound Mt Joy area 717-653-6743 (3) Registered Polled Hereford Bulls, 16-13 months, certified, accre dited herd 814/733-4307 3 Scotch Highland Heifers, 2 young bulls On pasture Reasonable 717/865-4473 (3) year Jersey bull, $7OO, 7 week Billy Goat, $3O Da niel King, 740 Nottingham, Peach Bottom, PA 3 yearling Angus bulls, can register, excellent blood lines 2 Maxima $BOO, $1,200 Pine Drive Big Sky $9OO Northumberland County (717)758-2924 40 Cows-Year Around Herd. All Al Sired, Grades, Heifers Available (717)687-7475 J TEXAS j LONGHORN Production & Consignment Sale Cows. Open & Bred Heifers, Bulls * Special Guest: * | * Lt. Col. Oliver North * J ★ Longhorn Beef Burgers Served Before Sale ★ 1:00 PM, Saturday, May 21 Culpeper Ag Center • Culpeper, Virginia (An hour and a half southwest of Washington, D.C. One hours drive from Dulles International Airport) Over 100 lots (plus roping stock) from the Bast Coast’s top programs, along with select guest consignments Auctioneer: Col. Eddie Wood CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION: BEN GRAVETT PAUL BABINGTON TYSON LEONARD (410) 876-3615 (910) 786-7045 (410) 876-5522 (910) 798-5018 SALE HEADQUARTERS Holiday Inn • Culpeper, VA • 703-825-1253 (703) 788-4894 (703) 788-4787 \ Other Motels: Comfort Inn • Warrenton, VA / • 703 349-8900 J Jo Jan • Warrenton, VA • 703-347-4141 Registered Guernsey fresh in March, first calf heifer 4-H project, $1,300 080. (4) feeder cattle: 3 steers, 1 heifer, $450, $5OO. (410)658-3263 evenings; (410)658-6213 days. Registered polled Hereford bulls Quality bloodlines. Good temperment, halter broken Transportation available (610)756-6011. Registered Holstein bulls, any age Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County Registered Angus Cows, Heifers and Bulls. Cattle are from a herd that is per formance oriented, but in sists on breeding cattle with high eye appeal. (301)371-6971. Registered Angus bull; 3 year old, Sire was NTLF Bold Ruler, quiet bull that has a pedigree of pluses. Ready to serve your herd for the price of $l,OOO. Cedi (304)242-6680. Registered Holstein bulls: service age, sired by Mich and Prelude, dams 27.000 M Lancaster County (717)687-9006 Reg Jersey Ist calf heifer, fresh 4/11/94, very nice. Boomer Sooner from 90 Point Royal Dam, milking 55 Ibs/per day, $9OO. Also like new seman tank, paid $550, sell $4OO. 717-624-8206. Reg. Polled Herefords. Service age bulls Cow/calf pairs 717/359-5829, 410/346-6283 Service Age Bull' Wister son, dam 87pt Belltone with 36.577 M, 1170 F, 1 1 68P Next dam 28.043 M, 1064 F (717)866-6424. Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves 410/442-1546 eves BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop STARTED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 2 month old. 301/432-8973, 301/432-5070. VEAL HOUSES WASHED . $2.00 a hutch. 717-949-3212 leave mes sage. Will Travel) WANTED: 10-15 Heifers for pasture. Have silage & grain for feed- Box 73, RD 2, Honey Brook, PA 19344, 215/273-7540. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT for about 2 months, service age Jersey Bull. Juniata Co 717-694-3888. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS “Yearling Bull Calves, Growthy, Good Frames And Conformation. Yearling Heifers, Bred And Open Reasonable prices. Health and registration cer tificates. Come see or call. 814-742-8118; 814-742-7476 Box 10. Bellwood, PA. 16617. GBRIACH SIMMBNTALS Mt. Joy, PA 717/898-9723 Cows, Bulls & Heifers WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 Zimmerman's Custom Freezing Bulls Collected On Your Farm Complete Mobile Unit P.0.80x 43 Now Holland, PA 17557 1-800-472-2641 Buffalo | Calves (717) 222-9815 fbaixy Cows & 1 ) Heifers ! | Bought & Sold J I Freddie ) \ S. Smith | ) 703/639-2262 I After • PM V ! 703/382-0570 | ★6O Head of calf raised 300 lb. Holstein steers Vaccinated, dehorned, Ivomec Excellent quality Best Offer ★lO Head at 400 lb. 717/837-3137 LOOKING FOR A HERD? We have parlor and tie stall herds jJL-i for sale. We move herds trom farm to farm with experienced help and jJLd I our own trucks so you the buy er have disease-free cattle. We buy TS4I the best and let the rest. Financing ’t&JI for qualified buyers in Lane. Co. FOR A HERD WITH QUALITY, call « Marvin Miller or Ron Bard %ii (717)786-1146^ FOR SALE • 20 service age Angus Heifers as herd unit with Bull or you may pick and choose • 16 three year old commercial Angus due with 2nd calf from 5/15/94 thru 6/15/94 • Service age Angus Bulls All Priced for Quick Sale!! Fred Frey • IWin Oak Farms 372 Puseyvllle Road Quarryville, PA 17566 (717)786-2146 • (717)786-2201 1' Ho Angus Cow/ I > > Calf Pairs | I Some Registered, I (' • Calves Out Of f RltO 182 Of I Bando (birth +2.7,! (milk +2B, | yearling +65), | i X take your pick, x | 717/665-4308 I evenings j One full-blood and 2 percentage Salers bulls at Westminster Auction May 17. Solid black, proven calving ease 717-677-4706 Diamond DL Cattle \y Kempton, PA Reg. Angus Bulls & Heifers Quality cattle bred for the commercial cattleman. Top bloodlines, ready to work GUARANTEED BREEDERS for more info, contact: Darron Smith 610/756-6001 or 756-3516 6 ml. north of 1-78, exit 11, on RL 143 TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF CATTLE - Alio Down ft Crippled Cattle agf- BWIL- (610) 258-1670 jP#, ZSSOSS* (610) 258-1671 -*■ In PA Berks, Lehigh & Schuylkill Counties & Parts of Lancaster & Chester Counties In NJ-Warren, Sussex And Hunterdon Counties ■k All Cattle Paid On Hanging Dressed Weight Registered Highland Cattle ♦ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants common to poor pastures ♦ Thrive In cold, damp climates ♦ Produce excellent lean beef in adverse conditions where other cattle would fail ♦ Docile and Hearty ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights— something of interest to dairy people for servicing first-calf heifers i ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated against rabies Come visit our farm and meet your future herd! Transportation Available Breed Information Available Upon Request ♦ Day Dream Acres (908) 303-0798 HORSES & MULES MINIATURE DONKEY TALK Magazine. Fun, in formative reading. Free Donkey Handbook with new subscription, $2O/year. 1338 Hughes Shop Road, Westminster, MD 21158 VISA/MC 410-875-0118 Sample $4 Miniature Donekys, (1) Jenny. (1) gelding. You get both for one priced $l6OO 717-992-4178 Miniature and small pony carts; miniature horses 717/442-4510, 717/442-9248 leave message. MULES, farmer over stocked, will sell 3 of 9 717/394-4422 7:30-Bam. PAIR OF DRAFT HORSE HARNESS $595. GENT LEMANS CART $695 FOR TRACTOR: POST HOLE DIGGER. HEAVY DUTY BLADE FOR 3pt HITCH. (301)473-5985. Percheron/Morgan Mare, 6 Years, 14.3 H, Dark Bay, Drives and Rides, Very Classy. $l4OO (609)794-8509.